HET Phase II Form

WARNING: This page has not been updated since the Wide Field Upgrade and is no longer maintained.

Fill out the form below and click "Submit the Phase II". Edit the resulting text as necessary. Then, include a printout in your program folder for the information of night operations.

Program Number: e.g. PSU02-2-001, N02A-0219

Program Title:

PI Name: e.g. Matthew Shetrone

Owner of Data Account: e.g. PI hydra account name, or desired new hydra account name for Co-I

Contact Person Name: e.g. Brian Roman

Contact Person Email: e.g. astronomer@het.as.utexas.edu

Instrument Configurations

e.g. HRS_30k_central_600g6302_3as_2sky_IS0_GC0_2x3

Standard Calibrations? Y N

TOO Targets? Y N

Syn Targets? Y N

Moving Targets? Y N

Grouped Targets? Y N

TAC Allocation (hours):
Priority 0 Priority 1 Priority 2 Priority 3 Priority 4

General Comments:

(as of Nov-2022 these buttons have been disabled - contact HET operations staff for any assistance required)