A)     The control room audio system should be set to monitor noises in the dome created by the cameras.


General Description:

This test will determine the operability of the cameras for night operations.


Initial Conditions:

     PMC System (Jove) Startup has been completed.


1.0     Check the guide camera’s focus system communications.

1.1     On Jove use the right mouse button to click on the blue background and choose xterm from the menu.

1.2     At the jove prompt type ‘acqcam z’ and press enter.  If all is okay with the communications the following response will be generated.

1.2.1            Jove%  acqcam z

                      Motor 0 status

                       motor is off

                       motion complete is on

                       thermal cutoff is off

                       negative limit is off

                       positive limit is off

                       position is 10500 (this number can vary)


1.3     Repeat 2.2 for ‘lrscam z’.  The same response as outline in 2.2.1 above should be generated except for ‘Motor 1 status’.     


2.0     Test the operability of the non-MPP (LRS guide) camera.

2.1     From monitor 1 screen 2, open WorkSpace Menu select Guiders>V4.21 LRS PXL Camera

2.2     The graphical user interface for the cameras will appear. 

2.3     Using the cursor, click and hold on the EXPOSE menu, move the cursor down to SET and set the expose time to 0.1 seconds.

2.4     Again click and hold on the EXPOSE menu; move the cursor to SINGLE and release the mouse button.

2.5     The camera’s shutter opening and closing can be heard through the audio system as it takes an exposure.

2.6     After a brief interval of time a picture will be displayed.

2.7     The test has been completed successfully.  Camera is ready for night time operations.


3.0     Test the operability of the MPP (acq or acquisition) camera.

3.1     Move to monitor 1 screen 3, open WorkSpace Menu chose Guiders>V4.21 Acquisition Guider Camera

3.2     Repeat steps 2.2 – 2.6 as listed above.


4.0   Test the operability of the HRS Apogee camera. 

                4.1  From monitor 1 screen 4 open WorkSpace Menu and click on Guiders>V4.21 HRS Apogee Camera

                4.2  Repeat steps 2.2 – 2.6 as listed above.



Fault Conditions and Solutions:  Guide Camera Focus System Communications.

       I.   Error messages indicating blocked communications.

1.0     acqcam:  Tsp_Init returned FAILURE’.

1.1     Check the communications port by connecting to the terminal server.  Using the same xterm, type ‘telnet hetts2’ at the prompt and press enter.  The prompt ‘Hetts2_10>’ should be displayed.  When prompted for a user name use any string.

1.2     Now check the status of port 3 by entering the command ‘show port 3’ at the Hetts2 prompt; ‘Hetts2_10>show port 3.

1.3     The response should look like the following:

Port 3 : Username: Guide Focus               Physical Port 3 (Idle)


Char Size/Stop Bits:              8/1               Input Speed:                              9600

Flow Ctrl:                   Xon/Xoff               Output Speed:                            9600

Parity:                                None               Modem Control:                        None


Access:                           Remote              Local Switch:                             None

Backward:                         None               Port Name:                     Guide Focus

Break Ctrl:                        Local               Session Limit:                                   4

Forward:                            None               Terminal Type:                        Soft  ()


Preferred Services:            (Lat)



Authorized Groups : 0

(Current)    Groups : 0


Characteristics:  Autoprompt  Broadcast  Loss Notify  Verify

                           Remote Conf  Telnet Pad


1.4     The ‘physical port 3’ line to the upper right, should read ‘Idle’ if the port is not in use. If the port was not properly shut down the line will read ‘Job Service’ instead of ‘Idle’.  If ‘Job Service’ is indicated then the port will have to be cleared.

1.5     First, take administrator privileges by typing ‘set priv’ at the prompt and press enter.

The return prompt should be ‘Hetts2_10>>’.  (Note the double greater than charaters.)

1.6     Second, clear the port by typing ‘logout port 3’ at the prompt and press enter.

1.7     Check the status of the port by entering the command ‘show port 3’ as in step 1.2 above.  The port should now be idle.  If it is not, try to logout the port again (step 1.6).

1.8     If the logout procedure fails again contact BL or JRF.

1.9     Logout of the terminal server by entering the command ‘logout’ and pressing ‘enter’.

1.10   Retest the camera communications as outlined in step 2.2 above.

1.11   If communications still fail, contact JRF. 


Fault Conditions and Solutions:  LRS (non-MPP) and ACQ (MPP) PXL cameras.

      I.  Errors that can occur when starting the camera software.

            1.0  ‘Can not open PXL camera, this driver has already been opened’.

                    1.1  Exit the camera software.

                    1.2  Turn off the tracker laser link.  The laser link is located in the upper electrical room near

                           the front bottom of the electronics rack and is labeled “tracker”.

                    1.3  Go to the smoke on jove and at the prompt type ‘pxlpwr toggle’ all in small case.

                    1.4  Allow 45 seconds for the cameras to initialize.  If at least 45 seconds is not allowed for the

                           cameras to initialize the process will not work.

                    1.5  Turn the laser link back on.

                    1.6  Test the cameras.


            2.0  ‘Can not open PXL camera, two devices are using the same interrupt’. 

                    2.1  Do a modereload as outlined below under camera faults and solutions.

                    2.2  If the modreload does not work do steps 1.1 – 1.6.

                    2.3  If power cycling the laserlink does not work reboot Alice. At the prompt on the main Alice 

                           computer screen type ‘root’, press ‘enter’, and then type ‘reboot’ and ‘enter’. 


            3.0  ‘Can not open PXL camera, 2 open cameras are using the same interrupt ID’.

                    3.1  Repeat steps 2.1 – 2.3.


            4.0  ‘Can not open PXL camera, no driver found with the specified name’.

                    4.1  There may be another instance of the camera software (hgdr) running.  Exit the software

                           that was running when the error was received.

                    4.2  To look for another copy of the camera software running go to the Alice shell and at the

                           prompt type ‘psef | grep hgdr’ and press ‘enter’.

                    4.3  If a hgdr process is listed it needs to be “killed”.  Example:  guider 365 250 12 18:07:34

                           pts/2 0:05 hgdrcamnum 1 –tcs.

                    4.4  To kill this process, at the prompt on Alice type ‘kill -9 365’ and press ‘enter’.

                    4.5  Repeat step 4.2 to confirm that the process has “died”.

                    4.6  Test the camera.  If it still does not work or a process was not found to be running as

                           outlined above then do steps 1.1 – 1.6 and retest the camera.


      II.  Errors that occur during read out of the data after the camera has been started and an exposure has

            been taken.

            5.0  ‘CCD Exposure / Readout Failure, finished data transfer, some data was missing’.

                    5.1  Do steps I.1.1 – 1.6 as listed above.


            6.0  ‘CCD Exposure / Readout Failure, finished data transfer, but extra data exists’.

                    6.1  This is a new error and there is no common fix for it.  If this error occurs call JRF or BL.


            7.0  ‘… Unable to complete transfer’.

                    7.1  Do steps I.1.1 – 1.6 as listed above.



Fault Conditions and Solutions:  Cameras, all errors.

       I.  There are three methods for correcting errors.

            1.0  Do a modreload.

                    1.1  Exit the camera software.

                    1.2  At the prompt on the Alice shell type ‘su  –‘ and press ‘enter’.

                    1.3  Enter the password when prompted.

                    1.4  At the # prompt, type ‘~pso/modreload’ and press enter’.

                    1.5  Exit the program and retest the camera.



2.0  Reboot Alice.

       3.1  At the prompt on the Alice computer screen type ‘root’ and press enter.  Enter the

              password then press enter.

3.2     Type ‘reboot’ then press enter.

3.3     After Alice has rebooted retest the cameras.      


Fault Conditions and Solutions:  All Cameras

       I.   Camera interface will not allow the setting of exposure time or allow a single exposure.

             1.0  Press the ‘num lock’ key once and retry.