A)     The control room audio system should be set to monitor noises in the dome created by the PFIP.


General Description:

This test will determine the operability of the PFIP and cameras for night operations.


Initial Conditions:

A)     PMC System (Jove) Startup has been completed.


1.0     Check PFIP slide software by bringing up the baffle computer.

1.1     On Jove use the right mouse button to click on the blue background.

1.2     Choose BAFFLE from the menu that appears.

1.3     A baffle shell will appear.  Enter the password.  To check the status of the slide, type the command ‘trans z’ at the prompt and press ‘enter’.  The position of the slide and any pertinent remarks will be displayed.  Example:  If the slide is at the LRS position it will be at position 1, -80,000 plus or minus 300, and the remark will be ‘home switch is on cam’.       

1.4     Next, the operation of the slide needs to be checked.  Begin by homing the slide.  To home the slide type ‘trans h’ at the prompt and press ‘enter’.  Then reenter ‘trans z’.  The slide should be at position 2, 0 plus or minus 300, and there should be no remarks.

1.5     Now move the slide to the LRS position.  Type ‘trans @1’ and press ‘enter’, then type ‘trans z and press enter’.  The software should respond with the slide being at position 1, -80,000, and should have the remark: home switch is on cam.   The position of the slide at position 1 can be tested when the non-MPP (LRS guide) camera is brought up and an exposure taken.  If on the resulting picture the light is passing through a round mask then the slide is at position 1.  The round area of light is the pellicle.



Fault Conditions and Solutions:  PFIP Slide.

      I.  Remarks that indicate the slide is not in the correct position.

           1.0  ‘Slide is not in détente’.

                    1.1  Even though the slide software may say it is in position 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5 the slide is not      

                            actually in the correct position.

                    1.2  The remark can be cleared and the slide positioned correctly by re-homing the slide. 


           2.0  ‘Home switch is on cam’.

                    2.1   The only position where this remark is not an error is at position 1 (LRS). If the slide

                             is at positions 2, 3, 4, or 5, re-home the slide.


      II.  The slide will not move. 

1.0     The following procedure resets the slide’s PMAC.

1.1     Login to the baffle computer  and enter the password.

1.2     At the prompt type ‘pe 1’ and press enter.

1.3     The prompt should now be ‘pe-pmac1>’; at this prompt type ‘$$$’ and press enter.

1.4     Once the pe… prompt comes back up do a ‘Ctrl C’ to get out of the pe program.

1.5     Now type ‘trans z’, press enter, and verify that there are no errors.

1.6     Verify correct operation of the slide.