
Source code for

# Licensed under a 3-clause BSD style license - see LICENSE.rst
"""An extensible ASCII table reader and writer.
  Classes to read DAOphot table format

:Copyright: Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory (2011)
:Author: Tom Aldcroft (

from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function

import re
import numpy as np
from . import core
from . import basic
from . import fixedwidth
from ...utils import OrderedDict

[docs]class Daophot(core.BaseReader): """Read a DAOphot file. Example:: #K MERGERAD = INDEF scaleunit %-23.7g #K IRAF = NOAO/IRAFV2.10EXPORT version %-23s #K USER = davis name %-23s #K HOST = tucana computer %-23s # #N ID XCENTER YCENTER MAG MERR MSKY NITER \\ #U ## pixels pixels magnitudes magnitudes counts ## \\ #F %-9d %-10.3f %-10.3f %-12.3f %-14.3f %-15.7g %-6d # #N SHARPNESS CHI PIER PERROR \\ #U ## ## ## perrors \\ #F %-23.3f %-12.3f %-6d %-13s # 14 138.538 INDEF 15.461 0.003 34.85955 4 \\ -0.032 0.802 0 No_error The keywords defined in the #K records are available via the output table ``meta`` attribute:: >>> import os >>> from import ascii >>> filename = os.path.join(ascii.__path__[0], 'tests/t/daophot.dat') >>> data = >>> for name, keyword in data.meta['keywords'].items(): ... print(name, keyword['value'], keyword['units'], keyword['format']) ... MERGERAD INDEF scaleunit %-23.7g IRAF NOAO/IRAFV2.10EXPORT version %-23s USER name %-23s ... The unit and formats are available in the output table columns:: >>> for colname in data.colnames: ... col = data[colname] ... print(colname, col.unit, col.format) ... ID None %-9d XCENTER pixels %-10.3f YCENTER pixels %-10.3f ... Any column values of INDEF are interpreted as a missing value and will be masked out in the resultant table. In case of multi-aperture daophot files containing repeated entries for the last row of fields, extra unique column names will be created by suffixing corresponding field names with numbers starting from 2 to N (where N is the total number of apertures). For example, first aperture radius will be RAPERT and corresponding magnitude will be MAG, second aperture radius will be RAPERT2 and corresponding magnitude will be MAG2, third aperture radius will be RAPERT3 and corresponding magnitude will be MAG3, and so on. """ _format_name = 'daophot' _io_registry_format_aliases = ['daophot'] _io_registry_can_write = False _description = 'IRAF DAOphot format table' def __init__(self): core.BaseReader.__init__(self) self.header = DaophotHeader() self.inputter = core.ContinuationLinesInputter() self.inputter.no_continue = r'\s*#' = fixedwidth.FixedWidthSplitter() = 0 = r'\s*#'
[docs] def write(self, table=None): raise NotImplementedError
class DaophotHeader(core.BaseHeader): """Read the header from a file produced by the IRAF DAOphot routine.""" def __init__(self): core.BaseHeader.__init__(self) self.comment = r'\s*#K' self.aperture_values = '' def update_meta(self, lines, meta): """ Extract table-level keywords for DAOphot table. These are indicated by a leading '#K ' prefix. """ table_meta = meta['table'] # Read keywords as a table embedded in the header comments comment_lines = [line for line in lines if line.startswith('#')] if len(comment_lines) > 0: re_header_keyword = re.compile(r'[#]K' r'\s+ (?P<name> \w+)' r'\s* = (?P<stuff> .+) $', re.VERBOSE) table_meta['keywords'] = OrderedDict() for line in comment_lines: m = re_header_keyword.match(line) if m: vals ='stuff').strip().rsplit(None, 2) keyword_dict = {'units': vals[-2], 'format': vals[-1]} keyword_dict['value'] = (vals[0] if len(vals) > 2 else "") table_meta['keywords']['name')] = keyword_dict if'name') == 'APERTURES': self.aperture_values = keyword_dict['value'] def get_cols(self, lines): """Initialize the header Column objects from the table ``lines`` for a DAOphot header. The DAOphot header is specialized so that we just copy the entire BaseHeader get_cols routine and modify as needed. :param lines: list of table lines :returns: list of table Columns """ # Parse a series of column defintion lines like below. There may be several # such blocks in a single file (where continuation characters have already been # stripped). # #N ID XCENTER YCENTER MAG MERR MSKY NITER # #U ## pixels pixels magnitudes magnitudes counts ## # #F %-9d %-10.3f %-10.3f %-12.3f %-14.3f %-15.7g %-6d coldef_lines = ['', '', ''] starts = ('#N ', '#U ', '#F ') col_width = [] col_len_def = re.compile(r'[0-9]+') re_colformat_def = re.compile(r'#F([^#]+)') last_coldef_line = ['', '', ''] for line in lines: if not line.startswith('#'): break # End of header lines else: formatmatch = if formatmatch: form = width = ([int( for s in form]) # original data format might be shorter than 80 characters # and filled with spaces width[-1] = 80 - sum(width[:-1]) col_width.extend(width) last_width = width for i, start in enumerate(starts): if line.startswith(start): line_stripped = line[2:] coldef_lines[i] = coldef_lines[i] + line_stripped last_coldef_line[i] = line_stripped break # We need to check wheter daophot file has multiple aperture data, in its keywords if (',' in self.aperture_values) or (':' in self.aperture_values): apertures=[] for aper in self.aperture_values.split(','): if ':' in aper: # Generate list of apertures from daophot's closed interval range # syntax ap1:apN:apstep ap1, apN, apstep = (float(i) for i in aper.split(':')) apertures.extend(list(np.arange(ap1, apN, apstep))) if (apN-ap1)%apstep == 0: apertures.append(apN) else: apertures.append(float(aper)) # We shall now append the last header multiple times for j in range(1, len(apertures)): col_width.extend(last_width) coldef_lines[0] = coldef_lines[0] + ' ' + ' '.join([name+str(j+1) for name in last_coldef_line[0].split()]) for i in range(1, len(coldef_lines)): coldef_lines[i] = coldef_lines[i] + last_coldef_line[i] # At this point colddef_lines has three lines corresponding to column # names, unit, and format. Get the column names by splitting the # first line on whitespace. self.names = coldef_lines[0].split() if not self.names: raise core.InconsistentTableError('No column names found in DAOphot header') ends = np.cumsum(col_width) starts = ends - col_width # If there wasn't a #U defined (not sure of DAOphot specification), then # replace the empty line with the right number of ## indicators, which matches # the DAOphot "no unit" tag. for i, coldef_line in enumerate(coldef_lines): if not coldef_line: coldef_lines[i] = '## ' * len(self.names) # Read the three lines as a basic table. reader = core._get_reader(Reader=basic.Basic, comment=None) reader.header.comment = None coldefs = # Create the list of io.ascii column objects self._set_cols_from_names() # Set unit and format as needed. for col in self.cols: if coldefs[][0] != '##': col.unit = coldefs[][0] if coldefs[][1] != '##': col.format = coldefs[][1] # Set column start and end positions. for i, col in enumerate(self.cols): col.start = starts[i] col.end = ends[i] if hasattr(col, 'format'): if any(x in col.format for x in 'fg'): col.type = core.FloatType elif 'd' in col.format: col.type = core.IntType elif 's' in col.format: col.type = core.StrType # INDEF is the missing value marker'INDEF', '0'))

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