
Source code for

# Licensed under a 3-clause BSD style license - see LICENSE.rst
"""An extensible ASCII table reader and writer.
  Provides the main user functions for reading and writing tables.

:Copyright: Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory (2010)
:Author: Tom Aldcroft (

from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function

import re
import os
import sys

from . import core
from . import basic
from . import cds
from . import daophot
from . import sextractor
from . import ipac
from . import latex
from . import html

from ...table import Table

# Default setting for guess parameter in read()
_GUESS = True

[docs]def set_guess(guess): """Set the default value of the ``guess`` parameter for read() :param guess: New default ``guess`` value (True|False) """ global _GUESS _GUESS = guess
[docs]def get_reader(Reader=None, Inputter=None, Outputter=None, **kwargs): """Initialize a table reader allowing for common customizations. Most of the default behavior for various parameters is determined by the Reader class. :param Reader: Reader class (DEPRECATED) (default= :class:`Basic`) :param Inputter: Inputter class :param Outputter: Outputter class :param delimiter: column delimiter string :param comment: regular expression defining a comment line in table :param quotechar: one-character string to quote fields containing special characters :param header_start: line index for the header line not counting comment lines :param data_start: line index for the start of data not counting comment lines :param data_end: line index for the end of data (can be negative to count from end) :param converters: dict of converters :param data_Splitter: Splitter class to split data columns :param header_Splitter: Splitter class to split header columns :param names: list of names corresponding to each data column :param include_names: list of names to include in output (default=None selects all names) :param exclude_names: list of names to exlude from output (applied after ``include_names``) :param fill_values: specification of fill values for bad or missing table values :param fill_include_names: list of names to include in fill_values (default=None selects all names) :param fill_exclude_names: list of names to exlude from fill_values (applied after ``fill_include_names``) """ # This function is a light wrapper around core._get_reader to provide a public interface # with a default Reader. if Reader is None: Reader = basic.Basic reader = core._get_reader(Reader, Inputter=Inputter, Outputter=Outputter, **kwargs) return reader
def _get_format_class(format, ReaderWriter, label): if format is not None and ReaderWriter is not None: raise ValueError('Cannot supply both format and {0} keywords'.format(label)) if format is not None: if format in core.FORMAT_CLASSES: ReaderWriter = core.FORMAT_CLASSES[format] else: raise ValueError('ASCII format {0!r} not in allowed list {1}' .format(format, sorted(core.FORMAT_CLASSES))) return ReaderWriter
[docs]def read(table, guess=None, **kwargs): """Read the input ``table`` and return the table. Most of the default behavior for various parameters is determined by the Reader class. :param table: input table (file name, file-like object, list of strings, or single newline-separated string) :param guess: try to guess the table format (default=True) :param format: input table format :param Inputter: Inputter class :param Outputter: Outputter class (default=TableOutputter) :param delimiter: column delimiter string :param comment: regular expression defining a comment line in table :param quotechar: one-character string to quote fields containing special characters :param header_start: line index for the header line not counting comment lines :param data_start: line index for the start of data not counting comment lines :param data_end: line index for the end of data (can be negative to count from end) :param converters: dict of converters :param data_Splitter: Splitter class to split data columns :param header_Splitter: Splitter class to split header columns :param names: list of names corresponding to each data column :param include_names: list of names to include in output (default=None selects all names) :param exclude_names: list of names to exlude from output (applied after ``include_names``) :param fill_values: specification of fill values for bad or missing table values (default=('', '0')) :param fill_include_names: list of names to include in fill_values (default=None selects all names) :param fill_exclude_names: list of names to exlude from fill_values (applied after ``fill_include_names``) :param Reader: Reader class (DEPRECATED) (default=``ascii.Basic``) """ if 'fill_values' not in kwargs: kwargs['fill_values'] = [('', '0')] # If an Outputter is supplied in kwargs that will take precedence. new_kwargs = {} new_kwargs['Outputter'] = core.TableOutputter new_kwargs.update(kwargs) # Get the Reader class based on possible format and Reader kwarg inputs. Reader = _get_format_class(kwargs.get('format'), kwargs.get('Reader'), 'Reader') if Reader is not None: new_kwargs['Reader'] = Reader # Remove format keyword if there, this is only allowed in read() not get_reader() if 'format' in new_kwargs: del new_kwargs['format'] if guess is None: guess = _GUESS if guess: dat = _guess(table, new_kwargs) else: reader = get_reader(**new_kwargs) dat = return dat
def _guess(table, read_kwargs): """Try to read the table using various sets of keyword args. First try the original args supplied in the read() call. Then try the standard guess keyword args. For each key/val pair specified explicitly in the read() call make sure that if there is a corresponding definition in the guess then it must have the same val. If not then skip this guess.""" # Keep a trace of all failed guesses kwarg failed_kwargs = [] # First try guessing for guess_kwargs in [read_kwargs.copy()] + _get_guess_kwargs_list(): guess_kwargs_ok = True # guess_kwargs are consistent with user_kwargs? for key, val in read_kwargs.items(): # Do guess_kwargs.update(read_kwargs) except that if guess_args has # a conflicting key/val pair then skip this guess entirely. if key not in guess_kwargs: guess_kwargs[key] = val elif val != guess_kwargs[key]: guess_kwargs_ok = False break if not guess_kwargs_ok: # User-supplied kwarg is inconsistent with the guess-supplied kwarg, e.g. # user supplies delimiter="|" but the guess wants to try delimiter=" ", # so skip the guess entirely. continue try: # If guessing will try all Readers then use strict req'ts on column names if 'Reader' not in read_kwargs: guess_kwargs['strict_names'] = True reader = get_reader(**guess_kwargs) dat = # When guessing require at least two columns if len(dat.colnames) <= 1: del dat raise ValueError return dat except (core.InconsistentTableError, ValueError, TypeError, core.OptionalTableImportError): failed_kwargs.append(guess_kwargs) else: # failed all guesses, try the original read_kwargs without column requirements try: reader = get_reader(**read_kwargs) return except (core.InconsistentTableError, ValueError, ImportError, core.OptionalTableImportError): failed_kwargs.append(read_kwargs) lines = ['\nERROR: Unable to guess table format with the guesses listed below:'] for kwargs in failed_kwargs: sorted_keys = sorted([x for x in sorted(kwargs) if x not in ('Reader', 'Outputter')]) reader_repr = repr(kwargs.get('Reader', basic.Basic)) keys_vals = ['Reader:' +"\.(\w+)'>", reader_repr).group(1)] kwargs_sorted = ((key, kwargs[key]) for key in sorted_keys) keys_vals.extend(['%s: %s' % (key, repr(val)) for key, val in kwargs_sorted]) lines.append(' '.join(keys_vals)) lines.append('ERROR: Unable to guess table format with the guesses listed above.') lines.append('Check the table and try with guess=False ' 'and appropriate arguments to read()') raise core.InconsistentTableError('\n'.join(lines)) def _get_guess_kwargs_list(): guess_kwargs_list = [dict(Reader=basic.Rdb), dict(Reader=basic.Tab), dict(Reader=cds.Cds), dict(Reader=daophot.Daophot), dict(Reader=sextractor.SExtractor), dict(Reader=ipac.Ipac), dict(Reader=latex.Latex), dict(Reader=latex.AASTex), dict(Reader=html.HTML) ] for Reader in (basic.CommentedHeader, basic.Basic, basic.NoHeader): for delimiter in ("|", ",", " ", "\s"): for quotechar in ('"', "'"): guess_kwargs_list.append(dict( Reader=Reader, delimiter=delimiter, quotechar=quotechar)) return guess_kwargs_list extra_writer_pars = ('delimiter', 'comment', 'quotechar', 'formats', 'names', 'include_names', 'exclude_names', 'strip_whitespace')
[docs]def get_writer(Writer=None, **kwargs): """Initialize a table writer allowing for common customizations. Most of the default behavior for various parameters is determined by the Writer class. :param Writer: Writer class (DEPRECATED) (default=``ascii.Basic``) :param delimiter: column delimiter string :param write_comment: string defining a comment line in table :param quotechar: one-character string to quote fields containing special characters :param formats: dict of format specifiers or formatting functions :param strip_whitespace: strip surrounding whitespace from column values (default=True) :param names: list of names corresponding to each data column :param include_names: list of names to include in output (default=None selects all names) :param exclude_names: list of names to exlude from output (applied after ``include_names``) """ if Writer is None: Writer = basic.Basic if 'strip_whitespace' not in kwargs: kwargs['strip_whitespace'] = True writer = core._get_writer(Writer, **kwargs) return writer
[docs]def write(table, output=None, format=None, Writer=None, **kwargs): """Write the input ``table`` to ``filename``. Most of the default behavior for various parameters is determined by the Writer class. :param table: input table (Reader object, NumPy struct array, list of lists, etc) :param output: output [filename, file-like object] (default = sys.stdout) :param format: output format (default=``basic``) :param delimiter: column delimiter string :param write_comment: string defining a comment line in table :param quotechar: one-character string to quote fields containing special characters :param formats: dict of format specifiers or formatting functions :param strip_whitespace: strip surrounding whitespace from column values (default=True) :param names: list of names corresponding to each data column :param include_names: list of names to include in output (default=None selects all names) :param exclude_names: list of names to exlude from output (applied after ``include_names``) :param Writer: Writer class (DEPRECATED) (default=``ascii.Basic``) """ if output is None: output = sys.stdout table = Table(table, names=kwargs.get('names')) Writer = _get_format_class(format, Writer, 'Writer') writer = get_writer(Writer=Writer, **kwargs) lines = writer.write(table) # Write the lines to output outstr = os.linesep.join(lines) if not hasattr(output, 'write'): output = open(output, 'w') output.write(outstr) output.write(os.linesep) output.close() else: output.write(outstr) output.write(os.linesep)

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