
Source code for astropy.nddata.nddata

# Licensed under a 3-clause BSD style license - see LICENSE.rst
# This module implements the base NDData class.

from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function, unicode_literals

from copy import deepcopy

import numpy as np

from ..units import Unit, Quantity, UnitsError, dimensionless_unscaled
from .. import log

from .flag_collection import FlagCollection
from .nduncertainty import IncompatibleUncertaintiesException, NDUncertainty
from import registry as io_registry
from ..config import ConfigAlias
from ..utils.metadata import MetaData

__all__ = ['NDData']

__doctest_skip__ = ['NDData']

    '0.4', 'WARN_UNSUPPORTED_CORRELATED', 'warn_unsupported_correlated',
    'astropy.nddata.nddata', 'astropy.nddata')

[docs]class NDData(object): """A Superclass for array-based data in Astropy. The key distinction from raw numpy arrays is the presence of additional metadata such as uncertainties, a mask, units, flags, and/or a coordinate system. Parameters ----------- data : `~numpy.ndarray` or `NDData` The actual data contained in this `NDData` object. Not that this will always be copies by *reference* , so you should make copy the ``data`` before passing it in if that's the desired behavior. uncertainty : `~astropy.nddata.NDUncertainty`, optional Uncertainties on the data. mask : `~numpy.ndarray`-like, optional Mask for the data, given as a boolean Numpy array or any object that can be converted to a boolean Numpy array with a shape matching that of the data. The values must be ``False`` where the data is *valid* and ``True`` when it is not (like Numpy masked arrays). If ``data`` is a numpy masked array, providing ``mask`` here will causes the mask from the masked array to be ignored. flags : `~numpy.ndarray`-like or `~astropy.nddata.FlagCollection`, optional Flags giving information about each pixel. These can be specified either as a Numpy array of any type (or an object which can be converted to a Numpy array) with a shape matching that of the data, or as a `~astropy.nddata.FlagCollection` instance which has a shape matching that of the data. wcs : undefined, optional WCS-object containing the world coordinate system for the data. .. warning:: This is not yet defind because the discussion of how best to represent this class's WCS system generically is still under consideration. For now just leave it as None meta : `dict`-like object, optional Metadata for this object. "Metadata" here means all information that is included with this object but not part of any other attribute of this particular object. e.g., creation date, unique identifier, simulation parameters, exposure time, telescope name, etc. unit : `~astropy.units.UnitBase` instance or str, optional The units of the data. Raises ------ ValueError : If the `uncertainty` or `mask` inputs cannot be broadcast (e.g., match shape) onto ``data``. Notes ----- `NDData` objects can be easily converted to a regular Numpy array using `numpy.asarray` For example:: >>> from astropy.nddata import NDData >>> import numpy as np >>> x = NDData([1,2,3]) >>> np.asarray(x) array([1, 2, 3]) If the `NDData` object has a `mask`, `numpy.asarray` will return a Numpy masked array. This is useful, for example, when plotting a 2D image using matplotlib:: >>> from astropy.nddata import NDData >>> from matplotlib import pyplot as plt >>> x = NDData([[1,2,3], [4,5,6]]) >>> plt.imshow(x) """ meta = MetaData() def __init__(self, data, uncertainty=None, mask=None, flags=None, wcs=None, meta=None, unit=None): if isinstance(data, self.__class__): = np.array(, subok=True, copy=False) self.uncertainty = data.uncertainty self.mask = data.mask self.flags = data.flags self.wcs = data.wcs self.meta = data.meta self.unit = data.unit if uncertainty is not None: self.uncertainty = uncertainty"Overwriting NDData's current uncertainty being" " overwritten with specified uncertainty") if mask is not None: self.mask = mask"Overwriting NDData's current mask with specified mask") if flags is not None: self.flags = flags"Overwriting NDData's current flags with specified flag") if wcs is not None: self.wcs = wcs"Overwriting NDData's current wcs with specified wcs") if meta is not None: self.meta = meta"Overwriting NDData's current meta with specified meta") if unit is not None: raise ValueError('To convert to different unit please use .to') else: if hasattr(data, 'mask'): = np.array(, subok=True, copy=False) if mask is not None: self.mask = mask"NDData was created with a masked array, and a " "mask was explictly provided to NDData. The explicitly " "passed-in mask will be used and the masked array's " "mask will be ignored.") else: self.mask = data.mask elif isinstance(data, Quantity): = np.array(data.value, subok=True, copy=False) self.mask = mask else: = np.array(data, subok=True, copy=False) self.mask = mask self.flags = flags self.wcs = wcs self.meta = meta if isinstance(data, Quantity): if unit is not None: raise ValueError("Cannot use the unit argument when data " "is a Quantity") else: self.unit = data.unit else: self.unit = unit # This must come after self's unit has been set so that the unit # of the uncertainty, if any, can be converted to the unit of the # unit of self. self.uncertainty = uncertainty def __str__(self): return str( def __repr__(self): prefix = self.__class__.__name__ + '(' body = np.array2string(, separator=', ', prefix=prefix) return ''.join([prefix, body, ')']) @property def mask(self): if self._mask is return None else: return self._mask @mask.setter def mask(self, value): # Check that value is not either type of null mask. if (value is not None) and (value is not mask = np.array(value, dtype=np.bool_, copy=False) if mask.shape != self.shape: raise ValueError("dimensions of mask do not match data") else: self._mask = mask else: # internal representation should be one numpy understands self._mask = @property def flags(self): return self._flags @flags.setter def flags(self, value): if value is not None: if isinstance(value, FlagCollection): if value.shape != self.shape: raise ValueError("dimensions of FlagCollection does not match data") else: self._flags = value else: flags = np.array(value, copy=False) if flags.shape != self.shape: raise ValueError("dimensions of flags do not match data") else: self._flags = flags else: self._flags = value @property def uncertainty(self): return self._uncertainty @uncertainty.setter def uncertainty(self, value): if value is not None: if isinstance(value, NDUncertainty): class_name = self.__class__.__name__ if self.unit and value._unit: try: scaling = (1 * value._unit).to(self.unit) except UnitsError: raise UnitsError('Cannot convert unit of uncertainty ' 'to unit of ' '{0} object.'.format(class_name)) value.array *= scaling elif not self.unit and value._unit: # Raise an error if uncertainty has unit and data does not raise ValueError("Cannot assign an uncertainty with unit " "to {0} without " "a unit".format(class_name)) self._uncertainty = value self._uncertainty.parent_nddata = self else: raise TypeError("Uncertainty must be an instance of a NDUncertainty object") else: self._uncertainty = value @property def unit(self): return self._unit @unit.setter def unit(self, value): from . import conf try: if self._unit is not None and conf.warn_setting_unit_directly:'Setting the unit directly changes the unit without ' 'updating the data or uncertainty. Use the ' '.convert_unit_to() method to change the unit and ' 'scale values appropriately.') except AttributeError: # raised if self._unit has not been set yet, in which case the # warning is irrelevant pass if value is None: self._unit = None else: self._unit = Unit(value) @property def shape(self): """ shape tuple of this object's data. """ return @property def size(self): """ integer size of this object's data. """ return @property def dtype(self): """ `numpy.dtype` of this object's data. """ return @property def ndim(self): """ integer dimensions of this object's data """ return def __array__(self): """ This allows code that requests a Numpy array to use an NDData object as a Numpy array. """ if self.mask is not None: return, self.mask) else: return np.array( def __array_prepare__(self, array, context=None): """ This ensures that a masked array is returned if self is masked. """ if self.mask is not None: return, self.mask) else: return array def __getitem__(self, item): new_data =[item] if self.uncertainty is not None: new_uncertainty = self.uncertainty[item] else: new_uncertainty = None if self.mask is not None: new_mask = self.mask[item] # mask setter expects an array, always if new_mask.shape == (): new_mask = np.array(new_mask) else: new_mask = None if self.flags is not None: if isinstance(self.flags, np.ndarray): new_flags = self.flags[item] # flags setter expects an array, always if new_flags.shape == (): new_flags = np.array(new_flags) elif isinstance(self.flags, FlagCollection): raise NotImplementedError('Slicing complex Flags is currently not implemented') else: new_flags = None if self.wcs is not None: raise NotImplementedError('Slicing for WCS is not currently implemented') else: new_wcs = None return self.__class__(new_data, uncertainty=new_uncertainty, mask=new_mask, flags=new_flags, wcs=new_wcs, meta=self.meta, unit=self.unit) def _arithmetic(self, operand, propagate_uncertainties, name, operation): """ {name} another dataset (``operand``) to this dataset. Parameters ---------- operand : `~astropy.nddata.NDData` The second operand in the operation a {operator} b propagate_uncertainties : bool Whether to propagate uncertainties following the propagation rules defined by the class used for the `uncertainty` attribute. Returns ------- result : `~astropy.nddata.NDData` The resulting dataset Notes ----- This method requires the datasets to have identical WCS properties, equivalent units, and identical shapes. Flags and meta-data get set to None in the resulting dataset. The unit in the result is the same as the unit in ``self``. Uncertainties are propagated, although correlated errors are not supported by any of the built-in uncertainty classes. If uncertainties are assumed to be correlated, a warning is issued by default (though this can be disabled via the ``astropy.nddata.conf.warn_unsupported_correlated`` configuration item). Values masked in either dataset before the operation are masked in the resulting dataset. """ from . import conf if self.wcs != operand.wcs: raise ValueError("WCS properties do not match") # get a sensible placeholder if .unit is None self_unit = self.unit or dimensionless_unscaled operand_unit = operand.unit or dimensionless_unscaled # This check could be rolled into the calculation of the result # but checking now avoids a potentially expensive calculation that # would fail anyway. try: # Quantity is designed to work with numpy ufuncs, but plain # Unit is not, so convert units to quantities result_unit = operation(1 * self_unit, 1 * operand_unit).unit except UnitsError: # current API raises ValueError in this case, not UnitError raise ValueError("operand units do not match") if self.shape != operand.shape: raise ValueError("operand shapes do not match") # Instead of manually scaling the operand data just let Quantity # handle it. # Order of the arguments is important here if the operation is # addition or subtraction and the units of the operands are different # but compatible. NDData follows the convention that Quantity follows # in that case, with the units of the first operand (i.e. self) # determining the units of the result. data = operation( * self_unit, * operand_unit) result_unit = data.unit # If neither self nor operand had units then should return a result # that has no unit. A check that the result_unit is dimensionless # should not be necessary, but also does no harm. if self.unit is None and operand.unit is None: if result_unit is dimensionless_unscaled: result_unit = None else: raise ValueError("arithmetic result was not unitless even " "though operands were unitless") data = data.value new_wcs = deepcopy(self.wcs) # Call __class__ in case we are dealing with an inherited type result = self.__class__(data, uncertainty=None, mask=None, flags=None, wcs=new_wcs, meta=None, unit=result_unit) # Prepare to scale uncertainty if it is needed if operand.uncertainty: operand_uncert_value = operand.uncertainty.array # By this point the arithmetic has succeeded, so the input units were # consistent with each other given the operation. # # If the operation is addition or subtraction then need to ensure that # the uncertainty of the operand is the same units as the result # (which will be the same as self.unit). # The data ought to also be scaled in this case -- for addition of # a StdDevUncertainty this isn't really necessary but other # uncertainties when added/subtracted may depend on both the operand # uncertainty and the operand data. # Since the methods create a copy, avoid the conversion # unless it is necessary. if (operation in [np.add, np.subtract] and self.unit != operand.unit): operand_data =, if operand.uncertainty: operand_uncert_value =, operand_uncert_value) else: operand_data = if operand.uncertainty: # Create a copy here in case this is returned as the uncertainty # of the result. operand_uncertainty = \ operand.uncertainty.__class__(operand_uncert_value, copy=True) else: operand_uncertainty = None if propagate_uncertainties is None: result.uncertainty = None elif self.uncertainty is None and operand.uncertainty is None: result.uncertainty = None elif self.uncertainty is None: result.uncertainty = operand_uncertainty elif operand.uncertainty is None: result.uncertainty = self.uncertainty.__class__(self.uncertainty, copy=True) else: # both self and operand have uncertainties if (conf.warn_unsupported_correlated and (not self.uncertainty.support_correlated or not operand.uncertainty.support_correlated)):"The uncertainty classes used do not support the " "propagation of correlated errors, so uncertainties" " will be propagated assuming they are uncorrelated") operand_scaled = operand.__class__(operand_data, uncertainty=operand_uncertainty, unit=operand.unit, wcs=operand.wcs, mask=operand.mask, flags=operand.flags, meta=operand.meta) try: method = getattr(self.uncertainty, propagate_uncertainties) result.uncertainty = method(operand_scaled, except IncompatibleUncertaintiesException: raise IncompatibleUncertaintiesException( "Cannot propagate uncertainties of type {0:s} with " "uncertainties of type {1:s} for {2:s}".format( self.uncertainty.__class__.__name__, operand.uncertainty.__class__.__name__, name)) if self.mask is None and operand.mask is None: result.mask = None elif self.mask is None: result.mask = operand.mask.copy() elif operand.mask is None: result.mask = self.mask.copy() else: # combine masks as for Numpy masked arrays result.mask = self.mask | operand.mask # copy implied by operator return result
[docs] def add(self, operand, propagate_uncertainties=True): if propagate_uncertainties: propagate_uncertainties = "propagate_add" else: propagate_uncertainties = None return self._arithmetic( operand, propagate_uncertainties, "addition", np.add)
add.__doc__ = _arithmetic.__doc__.format(name="Add", operator="+")
[docs] def subtract(self, operand, propagate_uncertainties=True): if propagate_uncertainties: propagate_uncertainties = "propagate_subtract" else: propagate_uncertainties = None return self._arithmetic( operand, propagate_uncertainties, "subtraction", np.subtract)
subtract.__doc__ = _arithmetic.__doc__.format(name="Subtract", operator="-")
[docs] def multiply(self, operand, propagate_uncertainties=True): if propagate_uncertainties: propagate_uncertainties = "propagate_multiply" else: propagate_uncertainties = None return self._arithmetic( operand, propagate_uncertainties, "multiplication", np.multiply)
multiply.__doc__ = _arithmetic.__doc__.format(name="Multiply", operator="*")
[docs] def divide(self, operand, propagate_uncertainties=True): if propagate_uncertainties: propagate_uncertainties = "propagate_divide" else: propagate_uncertainties = None return self._arithmetic( operand, propagate_uncertainties, "division", np.divide)
divide.__doc__ = _arithmetic.__doc__.format(name="Divide", operator="/")
[docs] def convert_unit_to(self, unit, equivalencies=[]): """ Returns a new `NDData` object whose values have been converted to a new unit. Parameters ---------- unit : `astropy.units.UnitBase` instance or str The unit to convert to. equivalencies : list of equivalence pairs, optional A list of equivalence pairs to try if the units are not directly convertible. See :ref:`unit_equivalencies`. Returns ------- result : `~astropy.nddata.NDData` The resulting dataset Raises ------ UnitsError If units are inconsistent. Notes ----- Flags are set to None in the result. """ if self.unit is None: raise ValueError("No unit specified on source data") data =,, equivalencies=equivalencies) if self.uncertainty is not None: uncertainty_values =, self.uncertainty.array, equivalencies=equivalencies) # should work for any uncertainty class uncertainty = self.uncertainty.__class__(uncertainty_values) else: uncertainty = None if self.mask is not None: new_mask = self.mask.copy() else: new_mask = None # Call __class__ in case we are dealing with an inherited type result = self.__class__(data, uncertainty=uncertainty, mask=new_mask, flags=self.flags, wcs=self.wcs, meta=self.meta, unit=unit) return result
read = classmethod( write = io_registry.write

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