
Source code for astropy.utils.state

A simple class to manage a piece of global science state.  See
:ref:`config-developer` for more details.
from contextlib import contextmanager
import warnings

from ..config import ConfigItem
from .exceptions import AstropyDeprecationWarning
from ..utils import find_current_module

__all__ = ['ScienceState', 'ScienceStateAlias']

[docs]class ScienceState(object): """ Science state subclasses are used to manage global items that can affect science results. Subclasses will generally override `validate` to convert from any of the acceptable inputs (such as strings) to the appropriate internal objects, and set an initial value to the ``_value`` member so it has a default. Examples -------- :: class MyState(ScienceState): @classmethod def validate(cls, value): if value not in ('A', 'B', 'C'): raise ValueError("Must be one of A, B, C") return value """ def __init__(self): raise RuntimeError( "This class is a singleton. Do not instantiate.") @classmethod
[docs] def get(cls): """ Get the current science state value. """ return cls.validate(cls._value)
[docs] def set(cls, value): """ Set the current science state value. """ class _Context(object): def __init__(self, parent, value): self._value = value self._parent = parent def __enter__(self): pass def __exit__(self, type, value, tb): self._parent._value = self._value ctx = _Context(cls, cls._value) value = cls.validate(value) cls._value = value return ctx
[docs] def validate(cls, value): """ Validate the value and convert it to its native type, if necessary. """ return value
class ScienceStateAlias(ConfigItem): """ This is a backward compatibility layer for configuration items that moved to ScienceState classes in astropy 0.4. Parameters ---------- since : str The version in which the configuration item was converted into science state. python_name : str The old name of the Python variable for the configuration item. config_name : str The old name of the configuration item in the configuration file. science_state : ScienceState subclass The science state class that now manages this information. cfgtype : str or `None`, optional A type specifier like those used as the *values* of a particular key in a ``configspec`` file of ``configobj``. If `None`, the type will be inferred from the default value. module : str, optional The module containing the old configuration item. """ # REMOVE in astropy 0.5 def __init__(self, since, python_name, config_name, science_state, cfgtype=None, module=None): # We have to do the automatic module determination here, not # just in ConfigItem, otherwise the extra stack frame will # make it come up with the wrong answer. if module is None: module = find_current_module(2) if module is None: msg1 = 'Cannot automatically determine get_config module, ' msg2 = 'because it is not called from inside a valid module' raise RuntimeError(msg1 + msg2) else: module = module.__name__ self._dont_warn = True self._since = since self._python_name = python_name self._config_name = config_name self._science_state = science_state super(ScienceStateAlias, self).__init__( science_state._value, science_state.__doc__, cfgtype=cfgtype, module=module) = config_name # Set the default value of the science state from the config # file, if defined. This is what pulls any old values in the # config file and applies them to the science state. value = super(ScienceStateAlias, self).__call__() # We got a value in the config file if science_state.validate(value) != science_state._value: warnings.warn( "Config parameter '{0}' in section [{1}] is deprecated. " "Use science state {2}.{3} instead.".format(, self.module, self._science_state.__module__, self._science_state.__name__), AstropyDeprecationWarning) del self._dont_warn def _deprecation_warning(self, extra=None): if hasattr(self, '_dont_warn'): return message = ("'{0}.{1}' is deprecated, and is no longer defined " "as a configuration item.".format( self.module, self._python_name)) if extra is not None: message += " Use '{0}.{1}{2}' instead.".format( self._science_state.__module__, self._science_state.__name__, extra) warnings.warn(message, AstropyDeprecationWarning) def set(self, value): self._deprecation_warning('.set()') self._science_state.set(value) @contextmanager def set_temp(self, value): self._deprecation_warning('.set_temp()') with self._science_state.set(value): yield def reload(self): self._deprecation_warning() self._dont_warn = True try: result = super(ScienceStateAlias, self).reload() finally: del self._dont_warn if result is not None: self._science_state.set(result) def __call__(self): self._deprecation_warning('.get()') return self._science_state.get()

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