******************* Authors and Credits ******************* Astropy Project Coordinators ============================ * Perry Greenfield * Thomas Robitaille * Erik Tollerud Core Package Contributors ========================= * Shailesh Ahuja * Tom Aldcroft * Kyle Barbary * Geert Barentsen * Paul Barrett * Andreas Baumbach * Chris Beaumont * Daniel Bell * Francesco Biscani * Christopher Bonnett * Médéric Boquien * Larry Bradley * Gustavo Bragança * Erik M. Bray * Eli Bressert * Mabry Cervin * Pritish Chakraborty * Alex Conley * Jean Connelly * Simon Conseil * Ryan Cooke * Matt Craig * Steven Crawford * Neil Crighton * Kelle Cruz * Matt Davis * Christoph Deil * Nadia Dencheva * Jörg Dietrich * Axel Donath * Michael Droettboom * Zach Edwards * Thomas Erben * Henry Ferguson * Jonathan Foster * Ryan Fox * Lehman Garrison * Adam Ginsburg * Christoph Gohlke * Perry Greenfield * Dylan Gregersen * Frédéric Grollier * Karan Grover * Hans Moritz Günther * Alex Hagen * Emma Hogan * Chris Hanley * JC Hsu * Marten van Kerkwijk * Wolfgang Kerzendorf * Lennard Kiehl * Kacper Kowalik * Roban Kramer * Simon Liedtke * Pey Lian Lim * Serge Montagnac * José Sabater Montes * Michael Mueller * Stuart Mumford * Demitri Muna * Prasanth Nair * Bogdan Nicula * Miruna Oprescu * Luigi Paioro * Asish Panda * Madhura Parikh * Sergio Pascual * Rohit Patil * David Perez-Suarez * Ray Plante * Adrian Price-Whelan * Tanuj Rastogi * Thomas Robitaille * Juan Luis Cano Rodríguez * Evert Rol * Alex Rudy * Joseph Ryan * Eloy Salinas * David Shiga * David Shupe * Leo Singer * Brigitta Sipocz * Shantanu Srivastava * James Taylor * Jeff Taylor * Kirill Tchernyshyov * Víctor Terrón * Erik Tollerud * James Turner * Miguel de Val-Borro * Jonathan Whitmore * Benjamin Alan Weaver * Julien Woillez * Victor Zabalza Other Credits ============= * Kyle Barbary for designing the Astropy logos and documentation themes. * Andrew Pontzen and the `pynbody `_ team (For code that grew into :mod:`astropy.units`) * Everyone on `astropy-dev `_ and the `astropy mailing list `_ for contributing to many discussions and decisions! (If you have contributed to the Astropy project and your name is missing, please send an email to the coordinators, or `open a pull request for this page `_ in the `astropy repository `_)