======================================================== How to create and maintain an Astropy affiliated package ======================================================== If you run into any problems, don't hesitate to ask for help on the astropy-dev mailing list! Starting a new package ====================== The `package-template `_ repository provides a template for packages that are affiliated with the `Astropy`_ project. This package design mirrors the layout of the main `Astropy`_ repository, as well as reusing much of the helper code used to organize `Astropy`_. The instructions below describe how to take this template and adjust it for your particular affiliated package. Everywhere below that the text ``yourpkg`` is shown, replace it with the name of your particular package. **Note**: The instructions below assume you are using git for version control, as is used by the Astropy repository. If this is not the case, hopefully it will be clear from context what to do with your particular VCS. #. Make sure `Astropy`_ is installed, as the template depends in part on Astropy to do its setup. #. You may have already done this if you are looking at this file locally, but if not, you will need to obtain a copy of the package template. Assuming you have `git`_ installed, just do:: git clone git://github.com/astropy/package-template.git yourpkg This will download the latest version of the template from `github`_ and place it in a directory named ``yourpkg``. #. Go into the directory you just created, and open the ``setup.cfg`` file with your favorite text editor. Edit the settings in the ``metadata`` section. These values will be used to automatically replace special placeholders in the affiliated package template. 1. Change the ``package_name`` variable to whatever you decide your package should be named. By tradition/very strong suggestion, python package names should be all lower-case. 2. Change the ``description`` variable to a short (one or few sentence) description of your package. 3. Add your name and email address by changing the ``author`` and ``author_email`` variables. 4. If your affiliated package has a website, change ``url`` to point to that site. Otherwise, you can leave it pointing to `Astropy`_ or just delete it. 5. Exit out of your text editor #. Update the main package docstring in ``packagename/__init__.py``. #. Decide what license you want to use to release your source code. If you don't care and/or are fine with the Astropy license, just edit the file ``licenses/LICENSE.rst`` with your name (or your collaboration's name) at the top as the licensees. Otherwise, make sure to replace that file with whatever license you prefer, and update the ``license`` variable in ``setup.cfg`` to reflect your choice of license. You also may need to update the comment at the top of ``packagename/__init__.py`` to reflect your choice of license. #. Take a moment to look over the ``packagename/example_mod.py``, ``packagename/tests/test_example.py``, ``scripts/script_example``, and ``packagename/example_c.pyx`` files, as well as the ``packagename/example_subpkg`` directory. These are examples of a pure-python module, a test script, an example command-line script, a `Cython`_ module, and a sub-package, respectively. (`Cython`_ is a way to compile python-like code to C to make it run faster - see the project's web site for details). These are provided as examples of standard way to lay these out. Once you understand these, though, you'll want to delete them (and later replace with your own):: git rm scripts/script_example git rm packagename/example_c.pyx git rm packagename/tests/test_example.py git rm -r packagename/example_subpkg git commit -m "removed examples from package template" #. Optional: If you're hosting your source code on github, you can enable a sphinx extension that will link documentation pages directly to github's web site. To do this, set ``edit_on_github`` in ``setup.cfg`` to ``True`` and set ``github_project`` to the name of your project on github. #. Move the main source directory to reflect the name of your package. To tell your DVCS about this move, you should use it, and not ``mv`` directly, to make the move. For example, with git:: git mv packagename yourpkg #. Update the names of the documentation files to match your package's name. First open ``docs/index.rst`` in a text editor and change the text ``"packagename/index.rst"`` to e.g., ``"yourpkg/index.rst"``. Then do:: git add docs/index.rst git mv docs/packagename docs/yourpkg #. Edit this file (``README.rst``) and delete all of this content, and replace it with a short description of your affiliated package. #. Open ``docs/yourpkg/index.rst`` and you can start writing the documentation for your package, but at least replace ``packagename`` in ``automodapi::`` with your package name. #. Now tell git to remember the changes you just made:: git commit -a -m "Adjusted for new project yourpkg" #. (This step assumes your affiliated package is hosted as part of the astropy organization on Github. If it's instead hosted somewhere else, just adjust the URL in the instructions below to match wherever your repository lives) Now you will want to tell git that it should be pushing and pulling updates to the repository of *your* project, rather than the package template:: git remote rename origin template git remote add upstream git@github.com:astropy/yourpkg.git Now that it is pointing to the correct master, you should push everything up to your project and make sure that your local master is tied to your project rather than the template. You'll only be able to do this if your github repository is empty (if not, add the ``-f`` option to the ``push`` command - that will overwrite whatever is there):: git push upstream master git branch master --set-upstream upstream/master #. (optional) If you are adopting the standard workflow used by `Astropy`_ with github, you will also want to set up a fork of the repo on your own account, by going to the Github page https://github.com/astropy/yourpkg and clicking the "fork" button on the upper right. Then run the following commands:: git remote add origin git@github.com:yourgithubusername/yourpkg.git git branch master --set-upstream origin/master Now you can push, pull, and branch whatever you want in your local fork without affecting the official version, but when you want to push something up to the main repository, just switch to the appropriate branch and do ``git push upstream master``. Additionally, you can set things up to make it easier to pull future changes to the package template to your affiliated package. Add a remote for the package template:: git remote add template git@github.com:astropy/package-template.git Then, each time you want to pull in changes to the package template:: git fetch template git fetch upstream # Make your master match the upstream master. This will destroy # any unmerged commits on your master (which you shouldn't be doing # work on anyway, according to the standard workflow). git checkout master git reset --hard upstream/master # Merge any recent changes from the package-template git merge template/master # ...possibly resolve any conflicts... # Push to upstream master git push upstream master #. You should register your package on https://travis-ci.org and modify the ``.travis.yml`` file to make the build pass. This will continuously test your package for each commit, even pull requests against your main repository will be automatically tested, so that you notice when something breaks. For further information see `here `__ and for lot's of example ``.travis.yml`` build configurations see `here `__. Generally you should aim to always have your ``master`` branch work with the latest stable as well as the latest development version of astropy (i.e. the astropy git master branch) and the same versions of python and numpy supported by astropy. The template ``.travis.yml`` covers those versions; in some circumstances you may need to limit the versions your package covers. #. If you register your package with coveralls.io, then you will need to modify the ``coveralls --rcfile`` line in ``.travis.yml`` file to replace ``packagename`` with the name of your package. #. If you want the documentation for your project to be hosted by `ReadTheDocs `_, then you need to setup an account there. The following entries in "Advanced Settings" for your package on `ReadTheDocs `_ should work: - activate ``Install your project inside a virtualenv using setup.py install`` - Requirements file: ``docs/rtd-pip-requirements`` - activate ``Give the virtual environment access to the global site-packages dir.`` All other settings can stay on their default value. #. You're now ready to start doing actual work on your affiliated package. You will probably want to read over the developer guidelines of the Astropy documentation, and if you are hosting your code in GitHub, you might also want to read the `Github help `_ to ensure you know how to push your code to GitHub and some recommended workflows that work for the core Astropy project. #. Once you have started work on the affiliated package, you should register your package with the Astropy affiliated package registry. Instructions for doing this will be provided on the `Astropy`_ website. #. Good luck with your code and your science! Releasing an affiliated package =============================== You can release an affiliated package using the steps given below. In these instructions, we assume that the changelog file is named ``CHANGES.rst``, like for the astropy core package. If instead you use Markdown, then you should replace ``CHANGES.rst`` by ``CHANGES.md`` in the instructions. 1. Make sure that Travis and any other continuous integration is passing. 2. Update the ``CHANGES.rst`` file to make sure that all the changes are listed, and update the release date, which should currently be set to ``unreleased``, to the current date in ``yyyy-mm-dd`` format. 3. Update the version number in ``setup.py`` to the version you're about to release, without the ``.dev`` suffix (e.g. ``v0.1``). 4. Run ``git clean -fxd`` to remove any untracked files (WARNING: this will permanently remove any files that have not been previously committed, so make sure that you don't need to keep any of these files). 5. Run:: python setup.py sdist --format=gztar and make sure that generated file is good to go by going inside ``dist``, expanding the tar file, going inside the expanded directory, and running the tests with:: python setup.py test You may need to add the ``--remote-data`` flag or any other flags that you normally add when fully testing your affiliated package. 6. Go back to the root of the directory and remove the generated files with:: git clean -fxd 7. Add the changes to ``CHANGES.rst`` and ``setup.py``:: git add CHANGES.rst setup.py and commit with message:: git commit -m "Preparing release " 8. Tag commit with ``v``, optionally signing with the ``-s`` option:: git tag v 9. Change ``VERSION`` in ``setup.py`` to next version number, but with a ``.dev`` suffix at the end (e.g. ``v0.2.dev``). Add a new section to ``CHANGES.rst`` for next version, with a single entry ``No changes yet``, e.g.:: 0.2 (unreleased) ---------------- - No changes yet 10. Add the changes to ``CHANGES.rst`` and ``setup.py``:: git add CHANGES.rst setup.py and commit with message:: git commit -m "Back to development: " 11. Check out the release commit with ``git checkout v``. Run ``git clean -fxd`` to remove any non-committed files, then either release with:: python setup.py register sdist --format=gztar upload or, if you are concerned about security, you can also use ``twine`` as described in `these `_ instructions. Either way, check that the entry on PyPI is correct, and that the tarfile is present. 12. Go back to the master branch and push your changes to github:: git checkout master git push --tags origin master Once you have done this, if you use readthedocs, trigger a ``latest`` build then go to the project settings, and under **Versions** you should see the tag you just pushed. Select the tag to activate it, and save. .. note:: The instructions above assume that you do not make use of bug fix branches in your workflow. If you do wish to create a bug fix branch, we recommend that you read over the more complete astropy :doc:`releasing` and adapt these for your package. .. _git: http://git-scm.com/ .. _github: http://github.com .. _Cython: http://cython.org/