

class, col_ends=None, delimiter_pad=' ', bookend=True)[source] [edit on github]


Read or write a fixed width table with a single header line that defines column names and positions. Examples:

# Bar delimiter in header and data

|  Col1 |   Col2      |  Col3 |
|  1.2  | hello there |     3 |
|  2.4  | many words  |     7 |

# Bar delimiter in header only

Col1 |   Col2      | Col3
1.2    hello there    3
2.4    many words     7

# No delimiter with column positions specified as input

Col1       Col2Col3
 1.2hello there   3
 2.4many words    7

See the Fixed-width Gallery for specific usage examples.

  • col_starts – list of start positions for each column (0-based counting)
  • col_ends – list of end positions (inclusive) for each column
  • delimiter_pad – padding around delimiter when writing (default = None)
  • bookend – put the delimiter at start and end of line when writing (default = False)

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