

class astropy.modeling.fitting.SLSQPLSQFitter[source] [edit on github]

Bases: astropy.modeling.fitting.Fitter

SLSQP optimization algorithm and least squares statistic.



A linear model is passed to a nonlinear fitter

Attributes Summary

supported_constraints list() -> new empty list

Methods Summary

__call__(model, x, y[, z, weights]) Fit data to this model.

Attributes Documentation

supported_constraints = [u'bounds', u'eqcons', u'ineqcons', u'fixed', u'tied']

Methods Documentation

__call__(model, x, y, z=None, weights=None, **kwargs)[source] [edit on github]

Fit data to this model.


model : FittableModel

model to fit to x, y, z

x : array

input coordinates

y : array

input coordinates

z : array (optional)

input coordinates

weights : array (optional)


kwargs : dict

optional keyword arguments to be passed to the optimizer or the statistic

verblevel : int

0-silent 1-print summary upon completion, 2-print summary after each iteration

maxiter : int

maximum number of iterations

epsilon : float

the step size for finite-difference derivative estimates

acc : float

Requested accuracy


model_copy : FittableModel

a copy of the input model with parameters set by the fitter

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