

class astropy.utils.console.ProgressBar(total_or_items, file=None)[source] [edit on github]

Bases: astropy.extern.six.Iterator

A class to display a progress bar in the terminal.

It is designed to be used either with the with statement:

with ProgressBar(len(items)) as bar:
    for item in enumerate(items):

or as a generator:

for item in ProgressBar(items):

total_or_items : int or sequence

If an int, the number of increments in the process being tracked. If a sequence, the items to iterate over.

file : writable file-like object, optional

The file to write the progress bar to. Defaults to sys.stdout. If file is not a tty (as determined by calling its isatty member, if any, or special case hacks to detect the IPython console), the progress bar will be completely silent.

Methods Summary

iterate(*args, **kwargs)

Deprecated since version 0.3.

map(function, items[, multiprocess, file]) Does a map operation while displaying a progress bar with percentage complete.
update([value]) Update the progress bar to the given value (out of the total given to the constructor).

Methods Documentation

classmethod iterate(*args, **kwargs)[source] [edit on github]

Deprecated since version 0.3: The iterate method is deprecated and may be removed in a future version. Use ProgressBar instead.

Iterate over a sequence while indicating progress with a progress bar in the terminal.

for item in ProgressBar.iterate(items):

items : sequence

A sequence of items to iterate over

file : writeable file-like object, optional

The file to write the progress bar to. Defaults to sys.stdout. If file is not a tty (as determined by calling its isatty member, if any), the scrollbar will be completely silent.


generator :

A generator over items.

classmethod map(function, items, multiprocess=False, file=None)[source] [edit on github]

Does a map operation while displaying a progress bar with percentage complete.

def work(i):
    print(i), range(50))

function : function

Function to call for each step

items : sequence

Sequence where each element is a tuple of arguments to pass to function.

multiprocess : bool, optional

If True, use the multiprocessing module to distribute each task to a different processor core.

file : writeable file-like object, optional

The file to write the progress bar to. Defaults to sys.stdout. If file is not a tty (as determined by calling its isatty member, if any), the scrollbar will be completely silent.

update(value=None)[source] [edit on github]

Update the progress bar to the given value (out of the total given to the constructor).

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