
Defining New Model Classes

This document describes how to add a model to the package or to create a user-defined model. In short, one needs to define all model parameters and write an eval function which evaluates the model. If the model is fittable, a function to compute the derivatives with respect to parameters is required if a linear fitting algorithm is to be used and optional if a non-linear fitter is to be used.

Custom 1-D models

For 1-D models, the custom_model_1d decorator is provided to make it very easy to define new models. The following example demonstrates how to set up a model consisting of two Gaussians:

import numpy as np
from astropy.modeling.models import custom_model_1d
from astropy.modeling.fitting import LevMarLSQFitter

# Define model
def sum_of_gaussians(x, amplitude1=1., mean1=-1., sigma1=1.,
                        amplitude2=1., mean2=1., sigma2=1.):
    return (amplitude1 * np.exp(-0.5 * ((x - mean1) / sigma1)**2) +
            amplitude2 * np.exp(-0.5 * ((x - mean2) / sigma2)**2))

# Generate fake data
x = np.linspace(-5., 5., 200)
m_ref = sum_of_gaussians(amplitude1=2., mean1=-0.5, sigma1=0.4,
                         amplitude2=0.5, mean2=2., sigma2=1.0)
y = m_ref(x) + np.random.normal(0., 0.1, x.shape)

# Fit model to data
m_init = sum_of_gaussians()
fit = LevMarLSQFitter()
m = fit(m_init, x, y)

# Plot the data and the best fit
plt.plot(x, y, 'o', color='k')
plt.plot(x, m(x), color='r', lw=2)

(Source code)


Currently this shortcut for model definition only works for 1-D models, but it is being expanded to support 2 or greater dimension models.

A step by step definition of a 1-D Gaussian model

The example described in Custom 1-D models can be used for most 1-D cases, but the following section described how to construct model classes in general. The details are explained below with a 1-D Gaussian model as an example. There are two base classes for models. If the model is fittable, it should inherit from FittableModel; if not it should subclass Model.

If the model takes parameters they should be specified as class attributes in the model’s class definition using the Parameter descriptor. All arguments to the Parameter constructor are optional, and may include a default value for that parameter, a text description of the parameter (useful for help and documentation generation), as well default constraints and custom getters/setters for the parameter value.

If the first argument name is specified it must be identical to the class attribute being assigned that Parameter. As such, Parameters take their name from this attribute by default. In other words, amplitude = Parameter('amplitude') is equivalent to amplitude = Parameter(). This differs from Astropy v0.3.x, where it was necessary to provide the name twice.

from astropy.modeling import FittableModel, Parameter, formt_input

class Gaussian1DModel(FittableModel):
    amplitude = Parameter()
    mean = Parameter()
    stddev = Parameter()

At a minimum, the __init__ method takes all parameters and a few keyword arguments such as values for constraints:

def __init__(self, amplitude, mean, stddev, **kwargs):
    # Note that this __init__ does nothing different from the base class's
    # __init__.  The main point of defining it is so that the function
    # signature is more informative.
    super(Gaussian1DModel, self).__init__(
        amplitude=amplitude, mean=mean, stddev=stddev, **kwargs)


If a parameter is defined with a default value you may make the argument for that parameter in the __init__ optional. Otherwise it is recommended to make it a required argument. In the above example none of the parameters have default values.

Fittable models can be linear or nonlinear in a regression sense. The default value of the linear attribute is False. Linear models should define the linear class attribute as True. The n_inputs attribute stores the number of input variables the model expects. The n_outputs attribute stores the number of output variables returned after evaluating the model. These two attributes are used with composite models.

Next, provide methods called eval to evaluate the model and fit_deriv, to compute its derivatives with respect to parameters. These may be normal methods, classmethod, or staticmethod, though the convention is to use staticmethod when the function does not depend on any of the object’s other attributes (i.e., it does not reference self). The evaluation method takes all input coordinates as separate arguments and all of the model’s parameters in the same order they would be listed by param_names.

For this example:

def eval(x, amplitude, mean, stddev):
    return amplitude * np.exp((-(1 / (2. * stddev**2)) * (x - mean)**2))

The fit_deriv method takes as input all coordinates as separate arguments. There is an option to compute numerical derivatives for nonlinear models in which case the fit_deriv method should be None:

def fit_deriv(x, amplitude, mean, stddev):
    d_amplitude = np.exp((-(1 / (stddev**2)) * (x - mean)**2))
    d_mean = (2 * amplitude *
              np.exp((-(1 / (stddev**2)) * (x - mean)**2)) *
              (x - mean) / (stddev**2))
    d_stddev = (2 * amplitude *
                np.exp((-(1 / (stddev**2)) * (x - mean)**2)) *
                ((x - mean)**2) / (stddev**3))
    return [d_amplitude, d_mean, d_stddev]

Finally, the __call__ method takes input coordinates as separate arguments. It reformats them (if necessary) using the format_input wrapper/decorator and calls the eval method to perform the model evaluation using the input variables and a special property called param_sets which returns a list of all the parameter values over all models in the set.

The reason there is a separate eval method is to allow fitters to call the eval method with different parameters which is necessary for updating the approximation while fitting, and for fitting with constraints.:

def __call__(self, x):
    return self.eval(x, *self.param_sets)

Full example

from astropy.modeling import FittableModel, Parameter, format_input

class Gaussian1DModel(FittableModel):
    amplitude = Parameter()
    mean = Parameter()
    stddev = Parameter()

def __init__(self, amplitude, mean, stddev, **kwargs):
    # Note that this __init__ does nothing different from the base class's
    # __init__.  The main point of defining it is so that the function
    # signature is more informative.
    super(Gaussian1DModel, self).__init__(
        amplitude=amplitude, mean=mean, stddev=stddev, **kwargs)

def eval(x, amplitude, mean, stddev):
    return amplitude * np.exp((-(1 / (2. * stddev**2)) * (x - mean)**2))

def fit_deriv(x, amplitude, mean, stddev):
    d_amplitude = np.exp((-(1 / (stddev**2)) * (x - mean)**2))
    d_mean = (2 * amplitude *
              np.exp((-(1 / (stddev**2)) * (x - mean)**2)) *
              (x - mean) / (stddev**2))
    d_stddev = (2 * amplitude *
                np.exp((-(1 / (stddev**2)) * (x - mean)**2)) *
                ((x - mean)**2) / (stddev**3))
    return [d_amplitude, d_mean, d_stddev]

def __call__(self, x):
    return self.eval(x, *self.param_sets)

A full example of a LineModel

from astropy.modeling import models, Parameter, format_input
import numpy as np

class LineModel(models.PolynomialModel):
    slope = Parameter()
    intercept = Parameter()
    linear = True

def __init__(self, slope, intercept, **kwargs):
    super(LineModel, self).__init__(slope=slope, intercept=intercept,

def eval(x, slope, intercept):
    return slope * x + intercept

def fit_deriv(x, slope, intercept):
    d_slope = x
    d_intercept = np.ones_like(x)
    return [d_slope, d_intercept]

def __call__(self, x):
    return self.eval(x, *self.param_sets)

Defining New Fitter Classes

This section describes how to add a new nonlinear fitting algorithm to this package or write a user-defined fitter. In short, one needs to define an error function and a __call__ method and define the types of constraints which work with this fitter (if any).

The details are described below using scipy’s SLSQP algorithm as an example. The base class for all fitters is Fitter:

class SLSQPFitter(Fitter):
    supported_constraints = ['bounds', 'eqcons', 'ineqcons', 'fixed',

    def __init__(self):
        # Most currently defined fitters take no arguments in their
        # __init__, but the option certainly exists for custom fitters
        super(SLSQPFitter, self).__init__()

All fitters take a model (their __call__ method modifies the model’s parameters) as their first argument.

Next, the error function takes a list of parameters returned by an iteration of the fitting algorithm and input coordinates, evaluates the model with them and returns some type of a measure for the fit. In the example the sum of the squared residuals is used as a measure of fitting.:

def objective_function(self, fps, *args):
    model = args[0]
    meas = args[-1]
    res = self.model(*args[1:-1]) - meas
    return np.sum(res**2)

The __call__ method performs the fitting. As a minimum it takes all coordinates as separate arguments. Additional arguments are passed as necessary.:

def __call__(self, model, x, y , maxiter=MAXITER, epsilon=EPS):
    if model.linear:
            raise ModelLinearityException(
                'Model is linear in parameters; '
                'non-linear fitting methods should not be used.')
    model_copy = model.copy()
    init_values, _ = _model_to_fit_params(model_copy)
    self.fitparams = optimize.fmin_slsqp(self.errorfunc, p0=init_values,
                                         args=(y, x),
    return model_copy

Using a Custom Statistic Function

This section describes how to write a new fitter with a user-defined statistic function. The example below shows a specialized class which fits a straight line with uncertainties in both variables.

The following import statements are needed.:

import numpy as np
from astropy.modeling.fitting import (_validate_model,
                                      _model_to_fit_params, Fitter,
from astropy.modeling.optimizers import Simplex

First one needs to define a statistic. This can be a function or a callable class.:

def chi_line(measured_vals, updated_model, x_sigma, y_sigma, x):
    Chi^2 statistic for fitting a straight line with uncertainties in x and

    measured_vals : array
    updated_model : `~astropy.modeling.ParametricModel`
        model with parameters set by the current iteration of the optimizer
    x_sigma : array
        uncertainties in x
    y_sigma : array
        uncertainties in y

    model_vals = updated_model(x)
    if x_sigma is None and y_sigma is None:
        return np.sum((model_vals - measured_vals) ** 2)
    elif x_sigma is not None and y_sigma is not None:
        weights = 1 / (y_sigma ** 2 + updated_model.parameters[1] ** 2 *
                       x_sigma ** 2)
        return np.sum((weights * (model_vals - measured_vals)) ** 2)
        if x_sigma is not None:
            weights = 1 / x_sigma ** 2
            weights = 1 / y_sigma ** 2
        return np.sum((weights * (model_vals - measured_vals)) ** 2)

In general, to define a new fitter, all one needs to do is provide a statistic function and an optimizer. In this example we will let the optimizer be an optional argument to the fitter and will set the statistic to chi_line above.:

class LineFitter(Fitter):
    Fit a straight line with uncertainties in both variables

    optimizer : class or callable
        one of the classes in (default: Simplex)

    def __init__(self, optimizer=Simplex):
        self.statistic = chi_line
        super(LineFitter, self).__init__(optimizer,

The last thing to define is the __call__ method.:

def __call__(self, model, x, y, x_sigma=None, y_sigma=None, **kwargs):
    Fit data to this model.

    model : `~astropy.modeling.core.ParametricModel`
        model to fit to x, y
    x : array
        input coordinates
    y : array
        input coordinates
    x_sigma : array
        uncertainties in x
    y_sigma : array
        uncertainties in y
    kwargs : dict
        optional keyword arguments to be passed to the optimizer

    model_copy : `~astropy.modeling.core.ParametricModel`
        a copy of the input model with parameters set by the fitter

    model_copy = _validate_model(model,

    farg = _convert_input(x, y)
    farg = (model_copy, x_sigma, y_sigma) + farg
    p0, _ = _model_to_fit_params(model_copy)

    fitparams, self.fit_info = self._opt_method(
        self.objective_function, p0, farg, **kwargs)
    _fitter_to_model_params(model_copy, fitparams)

    return model_copy