
Source code for astropy.coordinates.builtin_frames.gcrs

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Licensed under a 3-clause BSD style license - see LICENSE.rst
from __future__ import (absolute_import, unicode_literals, division,

from ... import units as u
from ..representation import SphericalRepresentation
from ..baseframe import (BaseCoordinateFrame, RepresentationMapping,
                         TimeFrameAttribute, QuantityFrameAttribute)
from .utils import DEFAULT_OBSTIME

[docs]class GCRS(BaseCoordinateFrame): """ A coordinate or frame in the Geocentric Celestial Reference System (GCRS). GCRS is distinct form ICRS mainly in that it is relative to the Earth's center-of-mass rather than the solar system Barycenter. That means this frame includes the effects of abberation (unlike ICRS). For more background on the GCRS, see the references provided in the :ref:`astropy-coordinates-seealso` section of the documentation. (Of particular note is Section 1.2 of `USNO Circular 179 <>`_) This frame also includes frames that are defined *relative* to the Earth, but that are offset (in both position and velocity) from the Earth. This frame has three frame attributes: * ``obstime`` The time at which the observation is taken. Used for determining the position of the Earth. * ``obsgeoloc`` 3-vector giving the position of the observer relative to the center-of-mass of the Earth, oriented the same as BCRS/ICRS. Defaults to 0, meaning "true" GCRS. * ``obsgeovel`` 3-vector giving the celocity of the observer relative to the center-of-mass of the Earth, oriented the same as BCRS/ICRS. Defaults to 0, meaning "true" GCRS. Parameters ---------- representation : `BaseRepresentation` or None A representation object or None to have no data (or use the other keywords) ra : `Angle`, optional, must be keyword The RA for this object (``dec`` must also be given and ``representation`` must be None). dec : `Angle`, optional, must be keyword The Declination for this object (``ra`` must also be given and ``representation`` must be None). distance : `~astropy.units.Quantity`, optional, must be keyword The Distance for this object along the line-of-sight. (``representation`` must be None). """ frame_specific_representation_info = { 'spherical': [RepresentationMapping('lon', 'ra'), RepresentationMapping('lat', 'dec')] } frame_specific_representation_info['unitspherical'] = \ frame_specific_representation_info['spherical'] default_representation = SphericalRepresentation obstime = TimeFrameAttribute(default=DEFAULT_OBSTIME) obsgeoloc = QuantityFrameAttribute(default=0, unit=u.m, shape=(3,)) obsgeovel = QuantityFrameAttribute(default=0, unit=u.m/u.s, shape=(3,)) #The "self-transform" is defined in, because in #the current implementation it goes through ICRS (like CIRS)

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