
Source code for astropy.coordinates.representation

In this module, we define the coordinate representation classes, which are
used to represent low-level cartesian, spherical, cylindrical, and other

from __future__ import (absolute_import, division, print_function,

import abc
import functools

import numpy as np
import astropy.units as u

from .angles import Angle, Longitude, Latitude
from .distances import Distance
from ..extern import six
from ..utils import OrderedDict
from ..utils.compat.numpy import broadcast_arrays

__all__ = ["BaseRepresentation", "CartesianRepresentation",
           "SphericalRepresentation", "UnitSphericalRepresentation",
           "PhysicsSphericalRepresentation", "CylindricalRepresentation"]

NUMPY_LT_1P7 = [int(x) for x in np.__version__.split('.')[:2]] < [1, 7]

# Module-level dict mapping representation string alias names to class.
# This is populated by the metaclass init so all representation classes
# get registered automatically.

class MetaBaseRepresentation(type):
    def __init__(cls, name, bases, dct):
        super(MetaBaseRepresentation, cls).__init__(name, bases, dct)

        if name != 'BaseRepresentation' and 'attr_classes' not in dct:
            raise NotImplementedError('Representations must have an '
                                      '"attr_classes" class attribute.')

        # Register representation name (except for BaseRepresentation)
        if cls.__name__ == 'BaseRepresentation':

        REPRESENTATION_CLASSES[cls.get_name()] = cls

def _fstyle(precision, x):
    fmt_str = '{0:.{precision}f}'
    s = fmt_str.format(x, precision=precision)
    s_trunc = s.rstrip('0')
    if s_trunc[-1] == '.':
        # Ensure there is one trailing 0 after a bare decimal point
        return s_trunc + '0'
        return s_trunc

[docs]class BaseRepresentation(object): """ Base Representation object, for representing a point in a 3D coordinate system. Notes ----- All representation classes should subclass this base representation class. All subclasses should then define a ``to_cartesian`` method and a ``from_cartesian`` class method. By default, transformations are done via the cartesian system, but classes that want to define a smarter transformation path can overload the ``represent_as`` method. Furthermore, all classes must define an ``attr_classes`` attribute, an `~collections.OrderedDict` which maps component names to the class that creates them. They can also define a `recommended_units` dictionary, which maps component names to the units they are best presented to users in. Note that frame classes may override this with their own preferred units. """ recommended_units = {} # subclasses can override
[docs] def represent_as(self, other_class): if other_class == self.__class__: return self else: # The default is to convert via cartesian coordinates return other_class.from_cartesian(self.to_cartesian())
[docs] def from_representation(cls, representation): return representation.represent_as(cls) # Should be replaced by abstractclassmethod once we support only Python 3
[docs] def from_cartesian(self): raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def to_cartesian(self): raise NotImplementedError()
@property def components(self): """A tuple with the in-order names of the coordinate components""" return tuple(self.attr_classes) @classmethod
[docs] def get_name(cls): name = cls.__name__.lower() if name.endswith('representation'): name = name[:-14] return name
def __getitem__(self, view): return self.__class__(*[getattr(self, component)[view] for component in self.components]) def __len__(self): if self.isscalar: raise TypeError("'{cls}' object with scalar values have no " "len()".format(cls=self.__class__.__name__)) else: return len(getattr(self, self.components[0])) def __nonzero__(self): # Py 2.x return self.isscalar or len(self) != 0 def __bool__(self): # Py 3.x return self.isscalar or len(self) != 0 @property def shape(self): return getattr(self, self.components[0]).shape @property def isscalar(self): return getattr(self, self.components[0]).isscalar @property def _values(self): """Turn the coordinates into a record array with the coordinate values. The record array fields will have the component names. """ allcomp = np.array([getattr(self, component).value for component in self.components]) dtype = np.dtype([(str(component), getattr(self, component).dtype) for component in self.components]) return (np.rollaxis(allcomp, 0, len(allcomp.shape)) .copy().view(dtype).squeeze()) @property def _units(self): """Return a dictionary with the units of the coordinate components.""" return dict([(component, getattr(self, component).unit) for component in self.components]) @property def _unitstr(self): units_set = set(self._units.values()) if len(units_set) == 1: unitstr = units_set.pop().to_string() else: unitstr = '({0})'.format( ', '.join([self._units[component].to_string() for component in self.components])) return unitstr def __str__(self): return '{0} {1:s}'.format(self._values, self._unitstr) def __repr__(self): prefixstr = ' ' if self._values.shape == (): v = [tuple([self._values[nm] for nm in self._values.dtype.names])] v = np.array(v, dtype=self._values.dtype) else: v = self._values names = self._values.dtype.names precision = np.get_printoptions()['precision'] fstyle = functools.partial(_fstyle, precision) format_val = lambda val: np.array2string(val, style=fstyle) formatter = { 'numpystr': lambda x: '({0})'.format( ', '.join(format_val(x[name]) for name in names)) } if NUMPY_LT_1P7: arrstr = np.array2string(v, separator=', ', prefix=prefixstr) else: arrstr = np.array2string(v, formatter=formatter, separator=', ', prefix=prefixstr) if self._values.shape == (): arrstr = arrstr[1:-1] unitstr = ('in ' + self._unitstr) if self._unitstr else '[dimensionless]' return '<{0} ({1}) {2:s}\n{3}{4}>'.format( self.__class__.__name__, ', '.join(self.components), unitstr, prefixstr, arrstr)
[docs]class CartesianRepresentation(BaseRepresentation): """ Representation of points in 3D cartesian coordinates. Parameters ---------- x, y, z : `~astropy.units.Quantity` The x, y, and z coordinates of the point(s). If ``x``, ``y``, and ``z`` have different shapes, they should be broadcastable. copy : bool, optional If True arrays will be copied rather than referenced. """ attr_classes = OrderedDict([('x', u.Quantity), ('y', u.Quantity), ('z', u.Quantity)]) def __init__(self, x, y=None, z=None, copy=True): if y is None and z is None: x, y, z = x elif (y is None and z is not None) or (y is not None and z is None): raise ValueError("x, y, and z are required to instantiate CartesianRepresentation") if not isinstance(x, self.attr_classes['x']): raise TypeError('x should be a {0}'.format(self.attr_classes['x'].__name__)) if not isinstance(y, self.attr_classes['x']): raise TypeError('y should be a {0}'.format(self.attr_classes['y'].__name__)) if not isinstance(z, self.attr_classes['x']): raise TypeError('z should be a {0}'.format(self.attr_classes['z'].__name__)) x = self.attr_classes['x'](x, copy=copy) y = self.attr_classes['y'](y, copy=copy) z = self.attr_classes['z'](z, copy=copy) if not (x.unit.physical_type == y.unit.physical_type == z.unit.physical_type): raise u.UnitsError("x, y, and z should have matching physical types") try: x, y, z = broadcast_arrays(x, y, z, subok=True) except ValueError: raise ValueError("Input parameters x, y, and z cannot be broadcast") self._x = x self._y = y self._z = z @property def x(self): """ The x component of the point(s). """ return self._x @property def y(self): """ The y component of the point(s). """ return self._y @property def z(self): """ The z component of the point(s). """ return self._z @property def xyz(self): return u.Quantity((self._x, self._y, self._z)) @classmethod
[docs] def from_cartesian(cls, other): return other
[docs] def to_cartesian(self): return self
[docs]class SphericalRepresentation(BaseRepresentation): """ Representation of points in 3D spherical coordinates. Parameters ---------- lon, lat : `~astropy.units.Quantity` The longitude and latitude of the point(s), in angular units. The latitude should be between -90 and 90 degrees, and the longitude will be wrapped to an angle between 0 and 360 degrees. These can also be instances of `~astropy.coordinates.Angle`, `~astropy.coordinates.Longitude`, or `~astropy.coordinates.Latitude`. distance : `~astropy.units.Quantity` The distance to the point(s). If the distance is a length, it is passed to the :class:`~astropy.coordinates.Distance` class, otherwise it is passed to the :class:`~astropy.units.Quantity` class. copy : bool, optional If True arrays will be copied rather than referenced. """ attr_classes = OrderedDict([('lon', Longitude), ('lat', Latitude), ('distance', u.Quantity)]) recommended_units = {'lon': u.deg, 'lat': u.deg} def __init__(self, lon, lat, distance, copy=True): if not isinstance(lon, u.Quantity) or isinstance(lon, Latitude): raise TypeError('lon should be a Quantity, Angle, or Longitude') if not isinstance(lat, u.Quantity) or isinstance(lat, Longitude): raise TypeError('lat should be a Quantity, Angle, or Latitude') # Let the Longitude and Latitude classes deal with e.g. parsing lon = self.attr_classes['lon'](lon, copy=copy) lat = self.attr_classes['lat'](lat, copy=copy) distance = self.attr_classes['distance'](distance, copy=copy) if distance.unit.physical_type == 'length': distance = distance.view(Distance) try: lon, lat, distance = broadcast_arrays(lon, lat, distance, subok=True) except ValueError: raise ValueError("Input parameters lon, lat, and distance cannot be broadcast") self._lon = lon self._lat = lat self._distance = distance @property def lon(self): """ The longitude of the point(s). """ return self._lon @property def lat(self): """ The latitude of the point(s). """ return self._lat @property def distance(self): """ The distance from the origin to the point(s). """ return self._distance
[docs] def represent_as(self, other_class): # Take a short cut if the other class is a spherical representation if other_class is PhysicsSphericalRepresentation: return PhysicsSphericalRepresentation(phi=self.lon, theta=90 * u.deg -, r=self.distance) elif other_class is UnitSphericalRepresentation: return UnitSphericalRepresentation(lon=self.lon, else: return super(SphericalRepresentation, self).represent_as(other_class)
[docs] def to_cartesian(self): """ Converts spherical polar coordinates to 3D rectangular cartesian coordinates. """ # We need to convert Distance to Quantity to allow negative values. if isinstance(self.distance, Distance): d = self.distance.view(u.Quantity) else: d = self.distance x = d * np.cos( * np.cos(self.lon) y = d * np.cos( * np.sin(self.lon) z = d * np.sin( return CartesianRepresentation(x=x, y=y, z=z)
[docs] def from_cartesian(cls, cart): """ Converts 3D rectangular cartesian coordinates to spherical polar coordinates. """ s = np.hypot(cart.x, cart.y) r = np.hypot(s, cart.z) lon = np.arctan2(cart.y, cart.x) lat = np.arctan2(cart.z, s) return cls(lon=lon, lat=lat, distance=r)
[docs]class UnitSphericalRepresentation(BaseRepresentation): """ Representation of points on a unit sphere. Parameters ---------- lon, lat : `~astropy.units.Quantity` or str The longitude and latitude of the point(s), in angular units. The latitude should be between -90 and 90 degrees, and the longitude will be wrapped to an angle between 0 and 360 degrees. These can also be instances of `~astropy.coordinates.Angle`, `~astropy.coordinates.Longitude`, or `~astropy.coordinates.Latitude`. copy : bool, optional If True arrays will be copied rather than referenced. """ attr_classes = OrderedDict([('lon', Longitude), ('lat', Latitude)]) recommended_units = {'lon': u.deg, 'lat': u.deg} def __init__(self, lon, lat, copy=True): if not isinstance(lon, u.Quantity) or isinstance(lon, Latitude): raise TypeError('lon should be a Quantity, Angle, or Longitude') if not isinstance(lat, u.Quantity) or isinstance(lat, Longitude): raise TypeError('lat should be a Quantity, Angle, or Latitude') # Let the Longitude and Latitude classes deal with e.g. parsing lon = self.attr_classes['lon'](lon, copy=copy) lat = self.attr_classes['lat'](lat, copy=copy) try: lon, lat = broadcast_arrays(lon, lat, subok=True) except ValueError: raise ValueError("Input parameters lon and lat cannot be broadcast") self._lon = lon self._lat = lat @property def lon(self): """ The longitude of the point(s). """ return self._lon @property def lat(self): """ The latitude of the point(s). """ return self._lat # TODO: implement represent_as for efficient transformations
[docs] def to_cartesian(self): """ Converts spherical polar coordinates to 3D rectangular cartesian coordinates. """ x = * np.cos( * np.cos(self.lon) y = * np.cos( * np.sin(self.lon) z = * np.sin( return CartesianRepresentation(x=x, y=y, z=z)
[docs] def from_cartesian(cls, cart): """ Converts 3D rectangular cartesian coordinates to spherical polar coordinates. """ s = np.hypot(cart.x, cart.y) lon = np.arctan2(cart.y, cart.x) lat = np.arctan2(cart.z, s) return cls(lon=lon, lat=lat)
[docs] def represent_as(self, other_class): # Take a short cut if the other clsss is a spherical representation if other_class is PhysicsSphericalRepresentation: return PhysicsSphericalRepresentation(phi=self.lon, theta=90 * u.deg -, r=1.0) elif other_class is SphericalRepresentation: return SphericalRepresentation(lon=self.lon,, distance=1.0) else: return super(UnitSphericalRepresentation, self).represent_as(other_class)
[docs]class PhysicsSphericalRepresentation(BaseRepresentation): """ Representation of points in 3D spherical coordinates (using the physics convention of using ``phi`` and ``theta`` for azimuth and inclination from the pole). Parameters ---------- phi, theta : `~astropy.units.Quantity` or str The azimuth and inclination of the point(s), in angular units. The inclination should be between 0 and 180 degrees, and the azimuth will be wrapped to an angle between 0 and 360 degrees. These can also be instances of `~astropy.coordinates.Angle`. If ``copy`` is False, `phi` will be changed inplace if it is not between 0 and 360 degrees. r : `~astropy.units.Quantity` The distance to the point(s). If the distance is a length, it is passed to the :class:`~astropy.coordinates.Distance` class, otherwise it is passed to the :class:`~astropy.units.Quantity` class. copy : bool, optional If True arrays will be copied rather than referenced. """ attr_classes = OrderedDict([('phi', Angle), ('theta', Angle), ('r', u.Quantity)]) recommended_units = {'phi': u.deg, 'theta': u.deg} def __init__(self, phi, theta, r, copy=True): if not isinstance(phi, u.Quantity) or isinstance(phi, Latitude): raise TypeError('phi should be a Quantity or Angle') if not isinstance(theta, u.Quantity) or isinstance(theta, Longitude): raise TypeError('phi should be a Quantity or Angle') # Let the Longitude and Latitude classes deal with e.g. parsing phi = self.attr_classes['phi'](phi, copy=copy) theta = self.attr_classes['theta'](theta, copy=copy) # Wrap/validate phi/theta if copy: phi = phi.wrap_at(360 * u.deg) else: # necessary because the above version of `wrap_at` has to be a copy phi.wrap_at(360 * u.deg, inplace=True) if np.any(theta.value < 0.) or np.any(theta.value > 180.): raise ValueError('Inclination angle(s) must be within 0 deg <= angle <= 180 deg, ' 'got {0}'.format( r = self.attr_classes['r'](r, copy=copy) if r.unit.physical_type == 'length': r = r.view(Distance) try: phi, theta, r = broadcast_arrays(phi, theta, r, subok=True) except ValueError: raise ValueError("Input parameters phi, theta, and r cannot be broadcast") self._phi = phi self._theta = theta self._distance = r @property def phi(self): """ The azimuth of the point(s). """ return self._phi @property def theta(self): """ The elevation of the point(s). """ return self._theta @property def r(self): """ The distance from the origin to the point(s). """ return self._distance
[docs] def represent_as(self, other_class): # Take a short cut if the other clsss is a spherical representation if other_class is SphericalRepresentation: return SphericalRepresentation(lon=self.phi, lat=90 * u.deg - self.theta, distance=self.r) elif other_class is UnitSphericalRepresentation: return UnitSphericalRepresentation(lon=self.phi, lat=90 * u.deg - self.theta) else: return super(PhysicsSphericalRepresentation, self).represent_as(other_class)
[docs] def to_cartesian(self): """ Converts spherical polar coordinates to 3D rectangular cartesian coordinates. """ # We need to convert Distance to Quantity to allow negative values. if isinstance(self.r, Distance): d = self.r.view(u.Quantity) else: d = self.r x = d * np.sin(self.theta) * np.cos(self.phi) y = d * np.sin(self.theta) * np.sin(self.phi) z = d * np.cos(self.theta) return CartesianRepresentation(x=x, y=y, z=z)
[docs] def from_cartesian(cls, cart): """ Converts 3D rectangular cartesian coordinates to spherical polar coordinates. """ s = np.hypot(cart.x, cart.y) r = np.hypot(s, cart.z) phi = np.arctan2(cart.y, cart.x) theta = np.arctan2(s, cart.z) return cls(phi=phi, theta=theta, r=r)
[docs]class CylindricalRepresentation(BaseRepresentation): """ Representation of points in 3D cylindrical coordinates. Parameters ---------- rho : `~astropy.units.Quantity` The distance from the z axis to the point(s). phi : `~astropy.units.Quantity` The azimuth of the point(s), in angular units, which will be wrapped to an angle between 0 and 360 degrees. This can also be instances of `~astropy.coordinates.Angle`, z : `~astropy.units.Quantity` The z coordinate(s) of the point(s) copy : bool, optional If True arrays will be copied rather than referenced. """ attr_classes = OrderedDict([('rho', u.Quantity), ('phi', Angle), ('z', u.Quantity)]) recommended_units = {'phi': u.deg} def __init__(self, rho, phi, z, copy=True): if not isinstance(phi, u.Quantity) or isinstance(phi, Latitude): raise TypeError('phi should be a Quantity or Angle') rho = self.attr_classes['rho'](rho, copy=copy) phi = self.attr_classes['phi'](phi, copy=copy) z = self.attr_classes['z'](z, copy=copy) if not (rho.unit.physical_type == z.unit.physical_type): raise u.UnitsError("rho and z should have matching physical types") try: rho, phi, z = broadcast_arrays(rho, phi, z, subok=True) except ValueError: raise ValueError("Input parameters rho, phi, and z cannot be broadcast") self._rho = rho self._phi = phi self._z = z @property def rho(self): """ The distance of the point(s) from the z-axis. """ return self._rho @property def phi(self): """ The azimuth of the point(s). """ return self._phi @property def z(self): """ The height of the point(s). """ return self._z @classmethod
[docs] def from_cartesian(cls, cart): """ Converts 3D rectangular cartesian coordinates to cylindrical polar coordinates. """ rho = np.hypot(cart.x, cart.y) phi = np.arctan2(cart.y, cart.x) z = cart.z return cls(rho=rho, phi=phi, z=z)
[docs] def to_cartesian(self): """ Converts cylindrical polar coordinates to 3D rectangular cartesian coordinates. """ x = self.rho * np.cos(self.phi) y = self.rho * np.sin(self.phi) z = self.z return CartesianRepresentation(x=x, y=y, z=z)

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