
Source code for

# Licensed under a 3-clause BSD style license - see LICENSE.rst
  Classes to read SExtractor table format

Built on
:Copyright: Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory (2011)
:Author: Tom Aldcroft (

from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function

import re

from . import core

class SExtractorHeader(core.BaseHeader):
    """Read the header from a file produced by SExtractor."""
    comment = r'^\s*#\s*\S\D.*'  # Find lines that don't have "# digit"

    def get_cols(self, lines):
        Initialize the header Column objects from the table ``lines`` for a SExtractor
        header.  The SExtractor header is specialized so that we just copy the entire BaseHeader
        get_cols routine and modify as needed.

        lines : list
            List of table lines


        # This assumes that the columns are listed in order, one per line with a
        # header comment string of the format: "# 1 ID short description [unit]"
        # However, some may be missing and must be inferred from skipped column numbers
        columns = {}
        # E.g. '# 1 ID identification number' (without units) or '# 2 MAGERR magnitude of error [mag]'
        re_name_def = re.compile(r"""^ \s* \# \s*            # possible whitespace around #
                                 (?P<colnumber> [0-9]+)\s+   # number of the column in table
                                 (?P<colname> \w+)           # name of the column
                                 (?:\s+(?P<coldescr> \w [^\[]*\w))? # column description, match non-[
                                 (?:\s+\[(?P<colunit>.+)\])?.*   # match units in brackets
                                 """, re.VERBOSE)
        for line in lines:
            if not line.startswith('#'):
                break                   # End of header lines
                match =
                if match:
                    colnumber = int('colnumber'))
                    colname ='colname')
                    coldescr ='coldescr')
                    colunit ='colunit') # If no units are given, colunit = None
                    columns[colnumber] = (colname, coldescr, colunit)
        # Handle skipped column numbers
        colnumbers = sorted(columns)
        previous_column = 0
        for n in colnumbers:
            if n != previous_column + 1:
                for c in range(previous_column+1, n):
                    column_name = columns[previous_column][0]+"_%d" % (c-previous_column)
                    column_descr = columns[previous_column][1]
                    column_unit = columns[previous_column][2]
                    columns[c] = (column_name, column_descr, column_unit)
            previous_column = n

        # Add the columns in order to self.names
        colnumbers = sorted(columns)
        self.names = []
        for n in colnumbers:

        if not self.names:
            raise core.InconsistentTableError('No column names found in SExtractor header')

        self.cols = []
        for n in colnumbers:
            col = core.Column(name=columns[n][0])
            col.description = columns[n][1]
            col.unit = columns[n][2]

class SExtractorData(core.BaseData):
        start_line = 0
        delimiter = ' '
        comment = r'\s*#'

[docs]class SExtractor(core.BaseReader): """Read a SExtractor file. SExtractor is a package for faint-galaxy photometry. Bertin & Arnouts 1996, A&A Supp. 317, 393. Example:: # 1 NUMBER # 2 ALPHA_J2000 # 3 DELTA_J2000 # 4 FLUX_RADIUS # 7 MAG_AUTO [mag] # 8 X2_IMAGE Variance along x [pixel**2] # 9 X_MAMA Barycenter position along MAMA x axis [m**(-6)] # 10 MU_MAX Peak surface brightness above background [mag * arcsec**(-2)] 1 32.23222 10.1211 0.8 1.2 1.4 18.1 1000.0 0.00304 -3.498 2 38.12321 -88.1321 2.2 2.4 3.1 17.0 1500.0 0.00908 1.401 Note the skipped numbers since flux_radius has 3 columns. The three FLUX_RADIUS columns will be named FLUX_RADIUS, FLUX_RADIUS_1, FLUX_RADIUS_2 Also note that a post-ID description (e.g. "Variance along x") is optional and that units may be specified at the end of a line in brackets. """ _format_name = 'sextractor' _io_registry_can_write = False _description = 'SExtractor format table' header_class = SExtractorHeader data_class = SExtractorData inputter_class = core.ContinuationLinesInputter
[docs] def write(self, table): raise NotImplementedError

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