
Source code for astropy.modeling.functional_models

# Licensed under a 3-clause BSD style license - see LICENSE.rst

"""Mathematical models."""

from __future__ import (absolute_import, unicode_literals, division,

import inspect

import numpy as np

from .core import (Fittable1DModel, Fittable2DModel, Model,
                   ModelDefinitionError, custom_model)
from .parameters import Parameter, InputParameterError
from ..utils import deprecated
from ..extern import six

__all__ = sorted([
    'AiryDisk2D', 'Moffat1D', 'Moffat2D', 'Box1D',
    'Box2D', 'Const1D', 'Const2D', 'Ellipse2D', 'Disk2D',
    'Gaussian1D', 'GaussianAbsorption1D', 'Gaussian2D', 'Linear1D',
    'Lorentz1D', 'MexicanHat1D', 'MexicanHat2D', 'Scale', 'Redshift', 'Shift',
    'Sine1D', 'Trapezoid1D', 'TrapezoidDisk2D', 'Ring2D',

[docs]class Gaussian1D(Fittable1DModel): """ One dimensional Gaussian model. Parameters ---------- amplitude : float Amplitude of the Gaussian. mean : float Mean of the Gaussian. stddev : float Standard deviation of the Gaussian. Notes ----- Model formula: .. math:: f(x) = A e^{- \\frac{\\left(x - x_{0}\\right)^{2}}{2 \\sigma^{2}}} Examples -------- >>> from astropy.modeling import models >>> def tie_center(model): ... mean = 50 * model.stddev ... return mean >>> tied_parameters = {'mean': tie_center} Specify that 'mean' is a tied parameter in one of two ways: >>> g1 = models.Gaussian1D(amplitude=10, mean=5, stddev=.3, ... tied=tied_parameters) or >>> g1 = models.Gaussian1D(amplitude=10, mean=5, stddev=.3) >>> g1.mean.tied False >>> g1.mean.tied = tie_center >>> g1.mean.tied <function tie_center at 0x...> Fixed parameters: >>> g1 = models.Gaussian1D(amplitude=10, mean=5, stddev=.3, ... fixed={'stddev': True}) >>> g1.stddev.fixed True or >>> g1 = models.Gaussian1D(amplitude=10, mean=5, stddev=.3) >>> g1.stddev.fixed False >>> g1.stddev.fixed = True >>> g1.stddev.fixed True See Also -------- Gaussian2D, Box1D, Moffat1D, Lorentz1D """ amplitude = Parameter(default=1) mean = Parameter(default=0) stddev = Parameter(default=1) @staticmethod
[docs] def evaluate(x, amplitude, mean, stddev): """ Gaussian1D model function. """ return amplitude * np.exp(- 0.5 * (x - mean) ** 2 / stddev ** 2)
[docs] def fit_deriv(x, amplitude, mean, stddev): """ Gaussian1D model function derivatives. """ d_amplitude = np.exp(-0.5 / stddev ** 2 * (x - mean) ** 2) d_mean = amplitude * d_amplitude * (x - mean) / stddev ** 2 d_stddev = amplitude * d_amplitude * (x - mean) ** 2 / stddev ** 3 return [d_amplitude, d_mean, d_stddev]
[docs]class GaussianAbsorption1D(Fittable1DModel): """ One dimensional Gaussian absorption line model. Parameters ---------- amplitude : float Amplitude of the gaussian absorption. mean : float Mean of the gaussian. stddev : float Standard deviation of the gaussian. Notes ----- Model formula: .. math:: f(x) = 1 - A e^{- \\frac{\\left(x - x_{0}\\right)^{2}}{2 \\sigma^{2}}} See Also -------- Gaussian1D """ amplitude = Parameter(default=1) mean = Parameter(default=0) stddev = Parameter(default=1) @staticmethod
[docs] def evaluate(x, amplitude, mean, stddev): """ GaussianAbsorption1D model function. """ return 1.0 - Gaussian1D.evaluate(x, amplitude, mean, stddev)
[docs] def fit_deriv(x, amplitude, mean, stddev): """ GaussianAbsorption1D model function derivatives. """ import operator return list( operator.neg, Gaussian1D.fit_deriv(x, amplitude, mean, stddev)))
[docs]class Gaussian2D(Fittable2DModel): """ Two dimensional Gaussian model. Parameters ---------- amplitude : float Amplitude of the Gaussian. x_mean : float Mean of the Gaussian in x. y_mean : float Mean of the Gaussian in y. x_stddev : float Standard deviation of the Gaussian in x before rotating by theta. ``x_stddev`` and ``y_stddev`` must be specified unless a covariance matrix (``cov_matrix``) is input. y_stddev : float Standard deviation of the Gaussian in y before rotating by theta. ``x_stddev`` and ``y_stddev`` must be specified unless a covariance matrix (``cov_matrix``) is input. theta : float, optional Rotation angle in radians. The rotation angle increases counterclockwise, from the positive x-axis. cov_matrix : ndarray, optional A 2x2 covariance matrix. If specified, overrides the ``x_stddev``, ``y_stddev``, and ``theta`` specification. Notes ----- Model formula: .. math:: f(x, y) = A e^{-a\\left(x - x_{0}\\right)^{2} -b\\left(x - x_{0}\\right) \\left(y - y_{0}\\right) -c\\left(y - y_{0}\\right)^{2}} Using the following definitions: .. math:: a = \\left(\\frac{\\cos^{2}{\\left (\\theta \\right )}}{2 \\sigma_{x}^{2}} + \\frac{\\sin^{2}{\\left (\\theta \\right )}}{2 \\sigma_{y}^{2}}\\right) b = \\left(\\frac{\\sin{\\left (2 \\theta \\right )}}{2 \\sigma_{x}^{2}} - \\frac{\\sin{\\left (2 \\theta \\right )}}{2 \\sigma_{y}^{2}}\\right) c = \\left(\\frac{\\sin^{2}{\\left (\\theta \\right )}}{2 \\sigma_{x}^{2}} + \\frac{\\cos^{2}{\\left (\\theta \\right )}}{2 \\sigma_{y}^{2}}\\right) If using a ``cov_matrix``, the model is of the form: .. math:: f(x, y) = A e^{-0.5 \\left(\\vec{x} - \\vec{x}_{0}\\right)^{T} \\Sigma^{-1} \\left(\\vec{x} - \\vec{x}_{0}\\right)} where :math:`\\vec{x} = [x, y]`, :math:`\\vec{x}_{0} = [x_{0}, y_{0}]`, and :math:`\\Sigma` is the covariance matrix: .. math:: \\Sigma = \\left(\\begin{array}{ccc} \\sigma_x^2 & \\rho \\sigma_x \\sigma_y \\\\ \\rho \\sigma_x \\sigma_y & \\sigma_y^2 \end{array}\\right) :math:`\\rho` is the correlation between ``x`` and ``y``, which should be between -1 and +1. Positive correlation corresponds to a ``theta`` in the range 0 to 90 degrees. Negative correlation corresponds to a ``theta`` in the range of 0 to -90 degrees. See [1]_ for more details about the 2D Gaussian function. See Also -------- Gaussian1D, Box2D, Moffat2D References ---------- .. [1] """ amplitude = Parameter(default=1) x_mean = Parameter(default=0) y_mean = Parameter(default=0) x_stddev = Parameter(default=1) y_stddev = Parameter(default=1) theta = Parameter(default=0) def __init__(self, amplitude=amplitude.default, x_mean=x_mean.default, y_mean=y_mean.default, x_stddev=None, y_stddev=None, theta=0.0, cov_matrix=None, **kwargs): if y_stddev is None and cov_matrix is None: raise InputParameterError( "Either x/y_stddev must be specified, or a " "covariance matrix.") elif x_stddev is None and cov_matrix is None: raise InputParameterError( "Either x/y_stddev must be specified, or a " "covariance matrix.") elif cov_matrix is not None and (x_stddev is not None or y_stddev is not None): raise InputParameterError( "Cannot specify both cov_matrix and x/y_stddev") # Compute principle coordinate system transformation elif cov_matrix is not None: if (x_stddev is not None or y_stddev is not None): raise InputParameterError( "Cannot specify both cov_matrix and x/y_stddev") # Compute principle coordinate system transformation cov_matrix = np.array(cov_matrix) if cov_matrix.shape != (2, 2): # TODO: Maybe it should be possible for the covariance matrix # to be some (x, y, ..., z, 2, 2) array to be broadcast with # other parameters of shape (x, y, ..., z) # But that's maybe a special case to work out if/when needed raise ValueError("Covariance matrix must be 2x2") eig_vals, eig_vecs = np.linalg.eig(cov_matrix) x_stddev, y_stddev = np.sqrt(eig_vals) y_vec = eig_vecs[:, 0] theta = np.arctan2(y_vec[1], y_vec[0]) super(Gaussian2D, self).__init__( amplitude=amplitude, x_mean=x_mean, y_mean=y_mean, x_stddev=x_stddev, y_stddev=y_stddev, theta=theta, **kwargs) @staticmethod
[docs] def evaluate(x, y, amplitude, x_mean, y_mean, x_stddev, y_stddev, theta): """Two dimensional Gaussian function""" cost2 = np.cos(theta) ** 2 sint2 = np.sin(theta) ** 2 sin2t = np.sin(2. * theta) xstd2 = x_stddev ** 2 ystd2 = y_stddev ** 2 xdiff = x - x_mean ydiff = y - y_mean a = 0.5 * ((cost2 / xstd2) + (sint2 / ystd2)) b = 0.5 * ((sin2t / xstd2) - (sin2t / ystd2)) c = 0.5 * ((sint2 / xstd2) + (cost2 / ystd2)) return amplitude * np.exp(-((a * xdiff ** 2) + (b * xdiff * ydiff) + (c * ydiff ** 2)))
[docs] def fit_deriv(x, y, amplitude, x_mean, y_mean, x_stddev, y_stddev, theta): """Two dimensional Gaussian function derivative with respect to parameters""" cost = np.cos(theta) sint = np.sin(theta) cost2 = np.cos(theta) ** 2 sint2 = np.sin(theta) ** 2 cos2t = np.cos(2. * theta) sin2t = np.sin(2. * theta) xstd2 = x_stddev ** 2 ystd2 = y_stddev ** 2 xstd3 = x_stddev ** 3 ystd3 = y_stddev ** 3 xdiff = x - x_mean ydiff = y - y_mean xdiff2 = xdiff ** 2 ydiff2 = ydiff ** 2 a = 0.5 * ((cost2 / xstd2) + (sint2 / ystd2)) b = 0.5 * ((sin2t / xstd2) - (sin2t / ystd2)) c = 0.5 * ((sint2 / xstd2) + (cost2 / ystd2)) g = amplitude * np.exp(-((a * xdiff2) + (b * xdiff * ydiff) + (c * ydiff2))) da_dtheta = (sint * cost * ((1. / ystd2) - (1. / xstd2))) da_dx_stddev = -cost2 / xstd3 da_dy_stddev = -sint2 / ystd3 db_dtheta = (cos2t / xstd2) - (cos2t / ystd2) db_dx_stddev = -sin2t / xstd3 db_dy_stddev = sin2t / ystd3 dc_dtheta = -da_dtheta dc_dx_stddev = -sint2 / xstd3 dc_dy_stddev = -cost2 / ystd3 dg_dA = g / amplitude dg_dx_mean = g * ((2. * a * xdiff) + (b * ydiff)) dg_dy_mean = g * ((b * xdiff) + (2. * c * ydiff)) dg_dx_stddev = g * (-(da_dx_stddev * xdiff2 + db_dx_stddev * xdiff * ydiff + dc_dx_stddev * ydiff2)) dg_dy_stddev = g * (-(da_dy_stddev * xdiff2 + db_dy_stddev * xdiff * ydiff + dc_dy_stddev * ydiff2)) dg_dtheta = g * (-(da_dtheta * xdiff2 + db_dtheta * xdiff * ydiff + dc_dtheta * ydiff2)) return [dg_dA, dg_dx_mean, dg_dy_mean, dg_dx_stddev, dg_dy_stddev, dg_dtheta]
[docs]class Shift(Model): """ Shift a coordinate. Parameters ---------- offset : float Offset to add to a coordinate. """ inputs = ('x',) outputs = ('x',) offset = Parameter(default=0) @property def inverse(self): inv = self.copy() inv.offset *= -1 return inv @staticmethod
[docs] def evaluate(x, offset): return x + offset
[docs]class Scale(Model): """ Multiply a model by a factor. Parameters ---------- factor : float Factor by which to scale a coordinate. """ inputs = ('x',) outputs = ('x',) factor = Parameter(default=1) linear = True @property def inverse(self): inv = self.copy() inv.factor = 1 / self.factor return inv @staticmethod
[docs] def evaluate(x, factor): return factor * x
[docs]class Redshift(Fittable1DModel): """ One dimensional redshift model. Parameters ---------- z : float or a list of floats Redshift value(s). Notes ----- Model formula: .. math:: \\lambda_{obs} = (1 + z) \\lambda_{rest} """ z = Parameter(description='redshift', default=0) @staticmethod
[docs] def evaluate(x, z): """One dimensional Redshift model function""" return (1 + z) * x
[docs] def fit_deriv(x, z): """One dimensional Redshift model derivative""" d_z = x return [d_z]
@property def inverse(self): """Inverse Redshift model""" inv = self.copy() inv.z = 1.0 / (1.0 + self.z) - 1.0 return inv
[docs]class Sine1D(Fittable1DModel): """ One dimensional Sine model. Parameters ---------- amplitude : float Oscillation amplitude frequency : float Oscillation frequency See Also -------- Const1D, Linear1D Notes ----- Model formula: .. math:: f(x) = A \\sin(2 \\pi f x) """ amplitude = Parameter(default=1) frequency = Parameter(default=1) @staticmethod
[docs] def evaluate(x, amplitude, frequency): """One dimensional Sine model function""" return amplitude * np.sin(2 * np.pi * frequency * x)
[docs] def fit_deriv(x, amplitude, frequency): """One dimensional Sine model derivative""" d_amplitude = np.sin(2 * np.pi * frequency * x) d_frequency = (2 * np.pi * x * amplitude * np.cos(2 * np.pi * frequency * x)) return [d_amplitude, d_frequency]
[docs]class Linear1D(Fittable1DModel): """ One dimensional Line model. Parameters ---------- slope : float Slope of the straight line intercept : float Intercept of the straight line See Also -------- Const1D Notes ----- Model formula: .. math:: f(x) = a x + b """ slope = Parameter(default=1) intercept = Parameter(default=0) linear = True @staticmethod
[docs] def evaluate(x, slope, intercept): """One dimensional Line model function""" return slope * x + intercept
[docs] def fit_deriv(x, slope, intercept): """One dimensional Line model derivative with respect to parameters""" d_slope = x d_intercept = np.ones_like(x) return [d_slope, d_intercept]
[docs]class Lorentz1D(Fittable1DModel): """ One dimensional Lorentzian model. Parameters ---------- amplitude : float Peak value x_0 : float Position of the peak fwhm : float Full width at half maximum See Also -------- Gaussian1D, Box1D, MexicanHat1D Notes ----- Model formula: .. math:: f(x) = \\frac{A \\gamma^{2}}{\\gamma^{2} + \\left(x - x_{0}\\right)^{2}} """ amplitude = Parameter(default=1) x_0 = Parameter(default=0) fwhm = Parameter(default=1) @staticmethod
[docs] def evaluate(x, amplitude, x_0, fwhm): """One dimensional Lorentzian model function""" return (amplitude * ((fwhm / 2.) ** 2) / ((x - x_0) ** 2 + (fwhm / 2.) ** 2))
[docs] def fit_deriv(x, amplitude, x_0, fwhm): """One dimensional Lorentzian model derivative with respect to parameters""" d_amplitude = fwhm ** 2 / (fwhm ** 2 + (x - x_0) ** 2) d_x_0 = (amplitude * d_amplitude * (2 * x - 2 * x_0) / (fwhm ** 2 + (x - x_0) ** 2)) d_fwhm = 2 * amplitude * d_amplitude / fwhm * (1 - d_amplitude) return [d_amplitude, d_x_0, d_fwhm]
[docs]class Const1D(Fittable1DModel): """ One dimensional Constant model. Parameters ---------- amplitude : float Value of the constant function See Also -------- Const2D Notes ----- Model formula: .. math:: f(x) = A """ amplitude = Parameter(default=1) linear = True @staticmethod
[docs] def evaluate(x, amplitude): """One dimensional Constant model function""" if amplitude.size == 1: # This is slightly faster than using ones_like and multiplying x = np.empty_like(x) x.fill(amplitude.item()) else: # This case is less likely but could occur if the amplitude # parameter is given an array-like value x = amplitude * np.ones_like(x) return x
[docs] def fit_deriv(x, amplitude): """One dimensional Constant model derivative with respect to parameters""" d_amplitude = np.ones_like(x) return [d_amplitude]
[docs]class Const2D(Fittable2DModel): """ Two dimensional Constant model. Parameters ---------- amplitude : float Value of the constant function See Also -------- Const1D Notes ----- Model formula: .. math:: f(x, y) = A """ amplitude = Parameter(default=1) linear = True @staticmethod
[docs] def evaluate(x, y, amplitude): """Two dimensional Constant model function""" if amplitude.size == 1: # This is slightly faster than using ones_like and multiplying x = np.empty_like(x) x.fill(amplitude.item()) else: # This case is less likely but could occur if the amplitude # parameter is given an array-like value x = amplitude * np.ones_like(x) return x
[docs]class Ellipse2D(Fittable2DModel): """ A 2D Ellipse model. Parameters ---------- amplitude : float Value of the ellipse. x_0 : float x position of the center of the disk. y_0 : float y position of the center of the disk. a : float The length of the semimajor axis. b : float The length of the semiminor axis. theta : float The rotation angle in radians of the semimajor axis. The rotation angle increases counterclockwise from the positive x axis. See Also -------- Disk2D, Box2D Notes ----- Model formula: .. math:: f(x, y) = \\left \\{ \\begin{array}{ll} \\mathrm{amplitude} & : \\left[\\frac{(x - x_0) \\cos \\theta + (y - y_0) \\sin \\theta}{a}\\right]^2 + \\left[\\frac{-(x - x_0) \\sin \\theta + (y - y_0) \\cos \\theta}{b}\\right]^2 \\leq 1 \\\\ 0 & : \\mathrm{otherwise} \\end{array} \\right. Examples -------- .. plot:: :include-source: import numpy as np from astropy.modeling.models import Ellipse2D from astropy.coordinates import Angle import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import matplotlib.patches as mpatches x0, y0 = 25, 25 a, b = 20, 10 theta = Angle(30, 'deg') e = Ellipse2D(amplitude=100., x_0=x0, y_0=y0, a=a, b=b, theta=theta.radian) y, x = np.mgrid[0:50, 0:50] fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1) ax.imshow(e(x, y), origin='lower', interpolation='none', cmap='Greys_r') e2 = mpatches.Ellipse((x0, y0), 2*a, 2*b,, edgecolor='red', facecolor='none') ax.add_patch(e2) """ amplitude = Parameter(default=1) x_0 = Parameter(default=0) y_0 = Parameter(default=0) a = Parameter(default=1) b = Parameter(default=1) theta = Parameter(default=0) @staticmethod
[docs] def evaluate(x, y, amplitude, x_0, y_0, a, b, theta): """Two dimensional Ellipse model function.""" xx = x - x_0 yy = y - y_0 cost = np.cos(theta) sint = np.sin(theta) numerator1 = (xx * cost) + (yy * sint) numerator2 = -(xx * sint) + (yy * cost) in_ellipse = (((numerator1 / a) ** 2 + (numerator2 / b) ** 2) <= 1.) return[in_ellipse], [amplitude])
[docs]class Disk2D(Fittable2DModel): """ Two dimensional radial symmetric Disk model. Parameters ---------- amplitude : float Value of the disk function x_0 : float x position center of the disk y_0 : float y position center of the disk R_0 : float Radius of the disk See Also -------- Box2D, TrapezoidDisk2D Notes ----- Model formula: .. math:: f(r) = \\left \\{ \\begin{array}{ll} A & : r \\leq R_0 \\\\ 0 & : r > R_0 \\end{array} \\right. """ amplitude = Parameter(default=1) x_0 = Parameter(default=0) y_0 = Parameter(default=0) R_0 = Parameter(default=1) @staticmethod
[docs] def evaluate(x, y, amplitude, x_0, y_0, R_0): """Two dimensional Disk model function""" rr = (x - x_0) ** 2 + (y - y_0) ** 2 return[rr <= R_0 ** 2], [amplitude])
[docs]class Ring2D(Fittable2DModel): """ Two dimensional radial symmetric Ring model. Parameters ---------- amplitude : float Value of the disk function x_0 : float x position center of the disk y_0 : float y position center of the disk r_in : float Inner radius of the ring width : float Width of the ring. r_out : float Outer Radius of the ring. Can be specified instead of width. See Also -------- Disk2D, TrapezoidDisk2D Notes ----- Model formula: .. math:: f(r) = \\left \\{ \\begin{array}{ll} A & : r_{in} \\leq r \\leq r_{out} \\\\ 0 & : \\textnormal{else} \\end{array} \\right. Where :math:`r_{out} = r_{in} + r_{width}`. """ amplitude = Parameter(default=1) x_0 = Parameter(default=0) y_0 = Parameter(default=0) r_in = Parameter(default=1) width = Parameter(default=1) def __init__(self, amplitude=amplitude.default, x_0=x_0.default, y_0=y_0.default, r_in=r_in.default, width=width.default, r_out=None, **kwargs): if r_out is not None: if width is not None: raise InputParameterError( "Cannot specify both width and outer radius separately.") width = r_out - r_in elif width is None: width = self.width.default super(Ring2D, self).__init__( amplitude=amplitude, x_0=x_0, y_0=y_0, r_in=r_in, width=width, **kwargs) @staticmethod
[docs] def evaluate(x, y, amplitude, x_0, y_0, r_in, width): """Two dimensional Ring model function.""" rr = (x - x_0) ** 2 + (y - y_0) ** 2 r_range = np.logical_and(rr >= r_in ** 2, rr <= (r_in + width) ** 2) return[r_range], [amplitude])
class Delta1D(Fittable1DModel): """One dimensional Dirac delta function.""" def __init__(self): raise ModelDefinitionError("Not implemented") class Delta2D(Fittable2DModel): """Two dimensional Dirac delta function.""" def __init__(self): raise ModelDefinitionError("Not implemented")
[docs]class Box1D(Fittable1DModel): """ One dimensional Box model. Parameters ---------- amplitude : float Amplitude A x_0 : float Position of the center of the box function width : float Width of the box See Also -------- Box2D, TrapezoidDisk2D Notes ----- Model formula: .. math:: f(x) = \\left \\{ \\begin{array}{ll} A & : x_0 - w/2 \\geq x \\geq x_0 + w/2 \\\\ 0 & : \\textnormal{else} \\end{array} \\right. """ amplitude = Parameter(default=1) x_0 = Parameter(default=0) width = Parameter(default=1) @staticmethod
[docs] def evaluate(x, amplitude, x_0, width): """One dimensional Box model function""" return[np.logical_and(x >= x_0 - width / 2., x <= x_0 + width / 2.)], [amplitude], 0)
[docs] def fit_deriv(cls, x, amplitude, x_0, width): """One dimensional Box model derivative with respect to parameters""" d_amplitude = cls.evaluate(x, 1, x_0, width) d_x_0 = np.zeros_like(x) d_width = np.zeros_like(x) return [d_amplitude, d_x_0, d_width]
[docs]class Box2D(Fittable2DModel): """ Two dimensional Box model. Parameters ---------- amplitude : float Amplitude A x_0 : float x position of the center of the box function x_width : float Width in x direction of the box y_0 : float y position of the center of the box function y_width : float Width in y direction of the box See Also -------- Box1D, Gaussian2D, Moffat2D Notes ----- Model formula: .. math:: f(x, y) = \\left \\{ \\begin{array}{ll} A & : x_0 - w_x/2 \\geq x \\geq x_0 + w_x/2 \\\\ A & : y_0 - w_y/2 \\geq y \\geq y_0 + w_y/2 \\\\ 0 & : \\textnormal{else} \\end{array} \\right. """ amplitude = Parameter(default=1) x_0 = Parameter(default=0) y_0 = Parameter(default=0) x_width = Parameter(default=1) y_width = Parameter(default=1) @staticmethod
[docs] def evaluate(x, y, amplitude, x_0, y_0, x_width, y_width): """Two dimensional Box model function""" x_range = np.logical_and(x >= x_0 - x_width / 2., x <= x_0 + x_width / 2.) y_range = np.logical_and(y >= y_0 - y_width / 2., y <= y_0 + y_width / 2.) return[np.logical_and(x_range, y_range)], [amplitude], 0)
[docs]class Trapezoid1D(Fittable1DModel): """ One dimensional Trapezoid model. Parameters ---------- amplitude : float Amplitude of the trapezoid x_0 : float Center position of the trapezoid width : float Width of the constant part of the trapezoid. slope : float Slope of the tails of the trapezoid See Also -------- Box1D, Gaussian1D, Moffat1D """ amplitude = Parameter(default=1) x_0 = Parameter(default=0) width = Parameter(default=1) slope = Parameter(default=1) @staticmethod
[docs] def evaluate(x, amplitude, x_0, width, slope): """One dimensional Trapezoid model function""" # Compute the four points where the trapezoid changes slope # x1 <= x2 <= x3 <= x4 x2 = x_0 - width / 2. x3 = x_0 + width / 2. x1 = x2 - amplitude / slope x4 = x3 + amplitude / slope # Compute model values in pieces between the change points range_a = np.logical_and(x >= x1, x < x2) range_b = np.logical_and(x >= x2, x < x3) range_c = np.logical_and(x >= x3, x < x4) val_a = slope * (x - x1) val_b = amplitude val_c = slope * (x4 - x) return[range_a, range_b, range_c], [val_a, val_b, val_c])
[docs]class TrapezoidDisk2D(Fittable2DModel): """ Two dimensional circular Trapezoid model. Parameters ---------- amplitude : float Amplitude of the trapezoid x_0 : float x position of the center of the trapezoid y_0 : float y position of the center of the trapezoid R_0 : float Radius of the constant part of the trapezoid. slope : float Slope of the tails of the trapezoid in x direction. See Also -------- Disk2D, Box2D """ amplitude = Parameter(default=1) x_0 = Parameter(default=0) y_0 = Parameter(default=0) R_0 = Parameter(default=1) slope = Parameter(default=1) @staticmethod
[docs] def evaluate(x, y, amplitude, x_0, y_0, R_0, slope): """Two dimensional Trapezoid Disk model function""" r = np.sqrt((x - x_0) ** 2 + (y - y_0) ** 2) range_1 = r <= R_0 range_2 = np.logical_and(r > R_0, r <= R_0 + amplitude / slope) val_1 = amplitude val_2 = amplitude + slope * (R_0 - r) return[range_1, range_2], [val_1, val_2])
[docs]class MexicanHat1D(Fittable1DModel): """ One dimensional Mexican Hat model. Parameters ---------- amplitude : float Amplitude x_0 : float Position of the peak sigma : float Width of the Mexican hat See Also -------- MexicanHat2D, Box1D, Gaussian1D, Trapezoid1D Notes ----- Model formula: .. math:: f(x) = {A \\left(1 - \\frac{\\left(x - x_{0}\\right)^{2}}{\\sigma^{2}}\\right) e^{- \\frac{\\left(x - x_{0}\\right)^{2}}{2 \\sigma^{2}}}} """ amplitude = Parameter(default=1) x_0 = Parameter(default=0) sigma = Parameter(default=1) @staticmethod
[docs] def evaluate(x, amplitude, x_0, sigma): """One dimensional Mexican Hat model function""" xx_ww = (x - x_0) ** 2 / (2 * sigma ** 2) return amplitude * (1 - 2 * xx_ww) * np.exp(-xx_ww)
[docs]class MexicanHat2D(Fittable2DModel): """ Two dimensional symmetric Mexican Hat model. Parameters ---------- amplitude : float Amplitude x_0 : float x position of the peak y_0 : float y position of the peak sigma : float Width of the Mexican hat See Also -------- MexicanHat1D, Gaussian2D Notes ----- Model formula: .. math:: f(x, y) = A \\left(1 - \\frac{\\left(x - x_{0}\\right)^{2} + \\left(y - y_{0}\\right)^{2}}{\\sigma^{2}}\\right) e^{\\frac{- \\left(x - x_{0}\\right)^{2} - \\left(y - y_{0}\\right)^{2}}{2 \\sigma^{2}}} """ amplitude = Parameter(default=1) x_0 = Parameter(default=0) y_0 = Parameter(default=0) sigma = Parameter(default=1) @staticmethod
[docs] def evaluate(x, y, amplitude, x_0, y_0, sigma): """Two dimensional Mexican Hat model function""" rr_ww = ((x - x_0) ** 2 + (y - y_0) ** 2) / (2 * sigma ** 2) return amplitude * (1 - rr_ww) * np.exp(- rr_ww)
[docs]class AiryDisk2D(Fittable2DModel): """ Two dimensional Airy disk model. Parameters ---------- amplitude : float Amplitude of the Airy function. x_0 : float x position of the maximum of the Airy function. y_0 : float y position of the maximum of the Airy function. radius : float The radius of the Airy disk (radius of the first zero). See Also -------- Box2D, TrapezoidDisk2D, Gaussian2D Notes ----- Model formula: .. math:: f(r) = A \\left[\\frac{2 J_1(\\frac{\\pi r}{R/R_z})}{\\frac{\\pi r}{R/R_z}}\\right]^2 Where :math:`J_1` is the first order Bessel function of the first kind, :math:`r` is radial distance from the maximum of the Airy function (:math:`r = \\sqrt{(x - x_0)^2 + (y - y_0)^2}`), :math:`R` is the input ``radius`` parameter, and :math:`R_z = 1.2196698912665045`). For an optical system, the radius of the first zero represents the limiting angular resolution and is approximately 1.22 * lambda / D, where lambda is the wavelength of the light and D is the diameter of the aperture. See [1]_ for more details about the Airy disk. References ---------- .. [1] """ amplitude = Parameter(default=1) x_0 = Parameter(default=0) y_0 = Parameter(default=0) radius = Parameter(default=1) _j1 = None def __init__(self, amplitude=amplitude.default, x_0=x_0.default, y_0=y_0.default, radius=radius.default, **kwargs): if self._j1 is None: try: from scipy.special import j1, jn_zeros self.__class__._j1 = j1 self.__class__._rz = jn_zeros(1, 1)[0] / np.pi # add a ValueError here for python3 + scipy < 0.12 except ValueError: raise ImportError("AiryDisk2D model requires scipy > 0.11.") super(AiryDisk2D, self).__init__( amplitude=amplitude, x_0=x_0, y_0=y_0, radius=radius, **kwargs) # TODO: Why does this particular model have its own special __deepcopy__ # and __copy__? If it has anything to do with the use of the j_1 function # that should be reworked. def __deepcopy__(self, memo): new_model = self.__class__(self.amplitude.value, self.x_0.value, self.y_0.value, self.radius.value) return new_model def __copy__(self): new_model = self.__class__(self.amplitude.value, self.x_0.value, self.y_0.value, self.radius.value) return new_model @classmethod
[docs] def evaluate(cls, x, y, amplitude, x_0, y_0, radius): """Two dimensional Airy model function""" r = np.sqrt((x - x_0) ** 2 + (y - y_0) ** 2) / (radius / cls._rz) # Since r can be zero, we have to take care to treat that case # separately so as not to raise a numpy warning z = np.ones(r.shape) rt = np.pi * r[r > 0] z[r > 0] = (2.0 * cls._j1(rt) / rt)**2 z *= amplitude return z
[docs]class Moffat1D(Fittable1DModel): """ One dimensional Moffat model. Parameters ---------- amplitude : float Amplitude of the model. x_0 : float x position of the maximum of the Moffat model. gamma : float Core width of the Moffat model. alpha : float Power index of the Moffat model. See Also -------- Gaussian1D, Box1D Notes ----- Model formula: .. math:: f(x) = A \\left(1 + \\frac{\\left(x - x_{0}\\right)^{2}}{\\gamma^{2}}\\right)^{- \\alpha} """ amplitude = Parameter(default=1) x_0 = Parameter(default=0) gamma = Parameter(default=1) alpha = Parameter(default=1) @staticmethod
[docs] def evaluate(x, amplitude, x_0, gamma, alpha): """One dimensional Moffat model function""" return amplitude * (1 + ((x - x_0) / gamma) ** 2) ** (-alpha)
[docs] def fit_deriv(x, amplitude, x_0, gamma, alpha): """One dimensional Moffat model derivative with respect to parameters""" d_A = (1 + (x - x_0) ** 2 / gamma ** 2) ** (-alpha) d_x_0 = (-amplitude * alpha * d_A * (-2 * x + 2 * x_0) / (gamma ** 2 * d_A ** alpha)) d_gamma = (2 * amplitude * alpha * d_A * (x - x_0) ** 2 / (gamma ** 3 * d_A ** alpha)) d_alpha = -amplitude * d_A * np.log(1 + (x - x_0) ** 2 / gamma ** 2) return [d_A, d_x_0, d_gamma, d_alpha]
[docs]class Moffat2D(Fittable2DModel): """ Two dimensional Moffat model. Parameters ---------- amplitude : float Amplitude of the model. x_0 : float x position of the maximum of the Moffat model. y_0 : float y position of the maximum of the Moffat model. gamma : float Core width of the Moffat model. alpha : float Power index of the Moffat model. See Also -------- Gaussian2D, Box2D Notes ----- Model formula: .. math:: f(x, y) = A \\left(1 + \\frac{\\left(x - x_{0}\\right)^{2} + \\left(y - y_{0}\\right)^{2}}{\\gamma^{2}}\\right)^{- \\alpha} """ amplitude = Parameter(default=1) x_0 = Parameter(default=0) y_0 = Parameter(default=0) gamma = Parameter(default=1) alpha = Parameter(default=1) @staticmethod
[docs] def evaluate(x, y, amplitude, x_0, y_0, gamma, alpha): """Two dimensional Moffat model function""" rr_gg = ((x - x_0) ** 2 + (y - y_0) ** 2) / gamma ** 2 return amplitude * (1 + rr_gg) ** (-alpha)
[docs] def fit_deriv(x, y, amplitude, x_0, y_0, gamma, alpha): """Two dimensional Moffat model derivative with respect to parameters""" rr_gg = ((x - x_0) ** 2 + (y - y_0) ** 2) / gamma ** 2 d_A = (1 + rr_gg) ** (-alpha) d_x_0 = (-amplitude * alpha * d_A * (-2 * x + 2 * x_0) / (gamma ** 2 * (1 + rr_gg))) d_y_0 = (-amplitude * alpha * d_A * (-2 * y + 2 * y_0) / (gamma ** 2 * (1 + rr_gg))) d_alpha = -amplitude * d_A * np.log(1 + rr_gg) d_gamma = 2 * amplitude * alpha * d_A * (rr_gg / (gamma * (1 + rr_gg))) return [d_A, d_x_0, d_y_0, d_gamma, d_alpha]
@deprecated('1.0', alternative='astropy.modeling.models.custom_model', pending=True)
[docs]def custom_model_1d(func, func_fit_deriv=None): argspec = inspect.getargspec(func) param_values = argspec.defaults nparams = len(param_values) if len(argspec.args) == nparams + 1: param_names = argspec.args[-nparams:] else: raise ModelDefinitionError( "All parameters must be keyword arguments") return custom_model(func, fit_deriv=func_fit_deriv)

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