
Source code for astropy.nddata.nddata

# Licensed under a 3-clause BSD style license - see LICENSE.rst
# This module implements the base NDData class.

from __future__ import (absolute_import, division, print_function,

import collections

import numpy as np

from .nddata_base import NDDataBase
from ..units import Unit, Quantity
from .. import log
from ..utils.compat.odict import OrderedDict

from ..config import ConfigAlias

__all__ = ['NDData']

__doctest_skip__ = ['NDData']

    '0.4', 'WARN_UNSUPPORTED_CORRELATED', 'warn_unsupported_correlated',
    'astropy.nddata.nddata', 'astropy.nddata')

[docs]class NDData(NDDataBase): """ A basic class for array-based data. The key distinction from raw numpy arrays is the presence of additional metadata such as uncertainties, a mask, units, and/or a coordinate system. Parameters ----------- data : `~numpy.ndarray`, `~numpy.ndarray`-like, or `NDData` The actual data contained in this `NDData` object. If possible, data will not be copied`data`, so you should make copy the ``data`` before passing it in if that's the desired behavior. uncertainty : any type, optional Uncertainty on the data. The uncertainty *must* have a string attribute named ``uncertainty_type``, but there is otherwise no restriction. mask : `~numpy.ndarray`-like, optional Mask for the data. The values must be ``False`` where the data is *valid* and ``True`` when it is not (like Numpy masked arrays). If ``data`` is a numpy masked array, providing ``mask`` here will causes the mask from the masked array to be ignored. wcs : undefined, optional WCS-object containing the world coordinate system for the data. meta : `dict`-like object, optional Metadata for this object. Must be dict-like but no further restriction is placed on meta. unit : `~astropy.units.UnitBase` instance or str, optional The units of the data. If data is an `~astropy.units.Quantity` then ``unit`` is set to the unit of the data; is a unit is also explicitly provided an error is raised. Notes ----- The data in a `NDData` object should be accessed through the data attribute. For example:: >>> from astropy.nddata import NDData >>> x = NDData([1,2,3]) >>> array([1, 2, 3]) """ def __init__(self, data, uncertainty=None, mask=None, wcs=None, meta=None, unit=None): super(NDData, self).__init__() if isinstance(data, self.__class__): # No need to check the data because data must have successfully # initialized. self._data = data._data self.uncertainty = data.uncertainty self._mask = data.mask self._wcs = data.wcs self._meta = data.meta self._unit = data.unit if uncertainty is not None: self._uncertainty = uncertainty"Overwriting NDData's current uncertainty being" " overwritten with specified uncertainty") if mask is not None: self._mask = mask"Overwriting NDData's current " "mask with specified mask") if wcs is not None: self._wcs = wcs"Overwriting NDData's current wcs with specified wcs") if meta is not None: self._meta = meta"Overwriting NDData's current meta " "with specified meta") if unit is not None and unit is not data.unit: raise ValueError('Unit provided in initializer does not ' 'match data unit.') else: if hasattr(data, 'mask'): self._data = np.array(, subok=True, copy=False) if mask is not None: self._mask = mask"NDData was created with a masked array, and a " "mask was explicitly provided to NDData. The " "explicitly passed-in mask will be used and the " "masked array's mask will be ignored.") else: self._mask = data.mask elif isinstance(data, Quantity): self._data = np.array(data.value, subok=True, copy=False) self._mask = mask elif (not hasattr(data, 'shape') or not hasattr(data, '__getitem__') or not hasattr(data, '__array__')): # Data doesn't look like a numpy array, try converting it to # one. self._data = np.array(data, subok=True, copy=False) # Quick check to see if what we got out looks like an array # rather than an object (since numpy will convert a # non-numerical input to an array of objects). if self._data.dtype == 'O': raise TypeError("Could not convert data to numpy array.") self._mask = mask else: self._data = data # np.array(data, subok=True, copy=False) self._mask = mask self._wcs = wcs if meta is None: self._meta = OrderedDict() elif not isinstance(meta, collections.Mapping): raise TypeError("meta attribute must be dict-like") else: self._meta = meta if isinstance(data, Quantity): if unit is not None: raise ValueError("Cannot use the unit argument when data " "is a Quantity") else: self._unit = data.unit else: if unit is not None: self._unit = Unit(unit) else: self._unit = None # This must come after self's unit has been set so that the unit # of the uncertainty, if any, can be converted to the unit of the # unit of self. self.uncertainty = uncertainty def __str__(self): return str( def __repr__(self): prefix = self.__class__.__name__ + '(' body = np.array2string(, separator=', ', prefix=prefix) return ''.join([prefix, body, ')']) @property def data(self): return self._data @property def mask(self): return self._mask @mask.setter def mask(self, value): self._mask = value @property def unit(self): return self._unit @property def wcs(self): return self._wcs @property def meta(self): return self._meta

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