
Source code for astropy.vo.client.vos_catalog

# Licensed under a 3-clause BSD style license - see LICENSE.rst
"""Common utilities for accessing VO simple services."""
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function, unicode_literals
from ...extern import six
from ...extern.six.moves import urllib

import fnmatch
import json
import os
import re
import socket
import warnings

from collections import defaultdict
from copy import deepcopy

from .exceptions import VOSError, MissingCatalog, DuplicateCatalogName, DuplicateCatalogURL, InvalidAccessURL
from import parse_single_table, table, tree, conf
from ...config import ConfigAlias
from import vo_raise, vo_warn, E19, W24, W25
from ...utils.console import color_print
from import get_readable_fileobj, REMOTE_TIMEOUT
from ...utils.exceptions import AstropyUserWarning
from ...utils.misc import JsonCustomEncoder
from ...utils.xml.unescaper import unescape_all

__all__ = ['VOSBase', 'VOSCatalog', 'VOSDatabase', 'get_remote_catalog_db',
           'call_vo_service', 'list_catalogs']

__dbversion__ = 1

BASEURL = ConfigAlias(
    '0.4', 'BASEURL', 'vos_baseurl',
    'astropy.vo.client.vos_catalog', 'astropy.vo')

[docs]class VOSBase(object): """Base class for `VOSCatalog` and `VOSDatabase`. Parameters ---------- tree : JSON tree """ def __init__(self, tree): self._tree = tree def __getattr__(self, what): """Expose dictionary attributes.""" return getattr(self._tree, what) def __getitem__(self, what): """Expose dictionary key look-up.""" return self._tree[what] def __setitem__(self, what, value): """Expose dictionary key assignment.""" self._tree[what] = value def __iter__(self): """Expose dictionary iteration.""" return iter(self._tree)
[docs] def dumps(self): """Dump the contents into a string. Returns ------- s : str Contents as JSON string dump. """ return json.dumps(self._tree, cls=JsonCustomEncoder, sort_keys=True, indent=4)
[docs]class VOSCatalog(VOSBase): """A class to represent VO Service Catalog. Parameters ---------- tree : JSON tree Raises ------ VOSError Missing necessary key(s). """ _compulsory_keys = ('title', 'url') def __init__(self, tree): super(VOSCatalog, self).__init__(tree) for key in self._compulsory_keys: if key not in self._tree: raise VOSError('Catalog must have "{0}" key.'.format(key)) def __str__(self): # pragma: no cover """Show the most important and unique things about a catalog.""" out_str = '\n'.join(['{0}: {1}'.format(key, self._tree[key]) for key in self._compulsory_keys if key in self._tree]) return out_str
[docs] def delete_attribute(self, key): """Delete given metadata key and its value from the catalog. Parameters ---------- key : str Metadata key to delete. Raises ------ KeyError Key not found. VOSError Key must exist in catalog, therefore cannot be deleted. """ if key in self._compulsory_keys: raise VOSError('{0} must exist in catalog, therefore cannot be ' 'deleted.'.format(key)) del self._tree[key]
[docs] def create(cls, title, url, **kwargs): """Create a new VO Service Catalog with user parameters. Parameters ---------- title : str Title of the catalog. url : str Access URL of the service. This is used to build queries. kwargs : dict Additional metadata as keyword-value pairs describing the catalog, except 'title' and 'url'. Returns ------- cat : `VOSCatalog` VO Service Catalog. Raises ------ TypeError Multiple values given for keyword argument. """ tree = {'title': title, 'url': url} tree.update(kwargs) return cls(tree)
[docs]class VOSDatabase(VOSBase): """A class to represent a collection of `VOSCatalog`. Parameters ---------- tree : JSON tree Raises ------ VOSError If given ``tree`` does not have 'catalogs' key or catalog is invalid. """ def __init__(self, tree): if not 'catalogs' in tree: raise VOSError("Invalid VO service catalog database") super(VOSDatabase, self).__init__(tree) self._catalogs = tree['catalogs'] if self.version > __dbversion__: # pragma: no cover vo_warn(W24) # Maps access URL to primary key(s). # URL is the real key, but we chose title because it is more readable # when written out to JSON. self._url_keys = defaultdict(list) for key, cat in self.get_catalogs(): self._url_keys[cat['url']].append(key) def __str__(self): # pragma: no cover """Show the most important and unique things about a database.""" return '\n'.join(sorted(self._catalogs)) def __len__(self): """Return the number of catalogs in database.""" return len(self._catalogs) @property def version(self): """Database version number.""" return self._tree['__version__']
[docs] def get_catalogs(self): """Iterator to get all catalogs.""" for key, val in self._catalogs.items(): yield key, VOSCatalog(val)
[docs] def get_catalogs_by_url(self, url): """Like :func:`get_catalogs` but using access URL look-up.""" keys = self._url_keys[url] for key in keys: yield key, VOSCatalog(self._catalogs[key])
[docs] def get_catalog(self, name): """Get one catalog of given name. Parameters ---------- name : str Primary key identifying the catalog. Returns ------- obj : `VOSCatalog` Raises ------ MissingCatalog If catalog is not found. """ if name not in self._catalogs: raise MissingCatalog("No catalog '{0}' found.".format(name)) return VOSCatalog(self._catalogs[name])
[docs] def get_catalog_by_url(self, url): """Like :func:`get_catalog` but using access URL look-up. On multiple matches, only first match is returned. """ keys = self._url_keys[url] if len(keys) < 1: raise MissingCatalog("No catalog with URL '{0}' found.".format(url)) return VOSCatalog(self._catalogs[keys[0]])
@staticmethod def _match_pattern(all_keys, pattern, sort): """Used by :func:`list_catalogs` and :func:`list_catalogs_by_url`.""" if pattern is None or len(all_keys) == 0: out_arr = all_keys else: pattern = re.compile(fnmatch.translate('*' + pattern + '*'), re.IGNORECASE) out_arr = [s for s in all_keys if pattern.match(s)] if sort: out_arr.sort() return out_arr
[docs] def list_catalogs(self, pattern=None, sort=True): """List catalog names. Parameters ---------- pattern : str or `None` If given string is anywhere in a catalog name, it is considered a matching catalog. It accepts patterns as in :py:mod:`fnmatch` and is case-insensitive. By default, all catalogs are returned. sort : bool Sort output in alphabetical order. If not sorted, the order depends on dictionary hashing. Default is `True`. Returns ------- out_arr : list of str List of catalog names. """ return self._match_pattern(list(self._catalogs), pattern, sort)
[docs] def list_catalogs_by_url(self, pattern=None, sort=True): """Like :func:`list_catalogs` but using access URL.""" out_arr = self._match_pattern(list(self._url_keys), pattern, sort) # Discard URL that maps to nothing return [a for a in out_arr if len(self._url_keys[a]) > 0]
[docs] def add_catalog(self, name, cat, allow_duplicate_url=False): """Add a catalog to database. Parameters ---------- name : str Primary key for the catalog. cat : `VOSCatalog` Catalog to add. allow_duplicate_url : bool Allow catalog with duplicate access URL? Raises ------ VOSError Invalid catalog. DuplicateCatalogName Catalog with given name already exists. DuplicateCatalogURL Catalog with given access URL already exists. """ if not isinstance(cat, VOSCatalog): raise VOSError('{0} is not a VO Service Catalog.'.format(cat)) if name in self._catalogs: raise DuplicateCatalogName('{0} already exists.'.format(name)) url = cat['url'] names = self._url_keys[url] if len(names) > 0 and not allow_duplicate_url: raise DuplicateCatalogURL( '{0} already exists: {1}'.format(url, names)) self._catalogs[name] = deepcopy(cat._tree) self._url_keys[url].append(name)
[docs] def add_catalog_by_url(self, name, url, **kwargs): """Like :func:`add_catalog` but the catalog is created with only the given name and access URL. Parameters ---------- name : str Primary key for the catalog. url : str Access URL of the service. This is used to build queries. kwargs : dict Keywords accepted by :func:`add_catalog`. """ self.add_catalog(name, VOSCatalog.create(name, url), **kwargs)
[docs] def delete_catalog(self, name): """Delete a catalog from database with given name. Parameters ---------- name : str Primary key identifying the catalog. Raises ------ MissingCatalog If catalog is not found. """ if name not in self._catalogs: raise MissingCatalog('{0} not found.'.format(name)) self._url_keys[self._catalogs[name]['url']].remove(name) del self._catalogs[name]
[docs] def delete_catalog_by_url(self, url): """Like :func:`delete_catalog` but using access URL. On multiple matches, all matches are deleted. """ keys = sorted(self._url_keys[url]) # Makes a copy of list if len(keys) < 1: raise MissingCatalog('{0} not found.'.format(url)) for key in keys: self.delete_catalog(key)
[docs] def merge(self, other, **kwargs): """Merge two database together. Parameters ---------- other : `VOSDatabase` The other database to merge. kwargs : dict Keywords accepted by :func:`add_catalog`. Returns ------- db : `VOSDatabase` Merged database. Raises ------ VOSError Invalid database or incompatible version. """ if not isinstance(other, VOSDatabase): raise VOSError('{0} is not a VO database.'.format(other)) if other.version != self.version: raise VOSError('Incompatible database version: {0}, ' '{1}'.format(self.version, other.version)) db = VOSDatabase.create_empty() for old_db in (self, other): for key, cat in old_db.get_catalogs(): db.add_catalog(key, cat, **kwargs) return db
[docs] def to_json(self, filename, clobber=False): """Write database content to a JSON file. Parameters ---------- filename : str JSON file. clobber : bool Overwrite existing file? Raises ------ OSError File exists. """ if os.path.exists(filename) and not clobber: # pragma: no cover raise OSError('{0} exists.'.format(filename)) with open(filename, 'w') as fd: fd.write(self.dumps())
[docs] def create_empty(cls): """Create an empty database of VO services. Empty database format:: { "__version__": 1, "catalogs" : { } } Returns ------- db : `VOSDatabase` Empty database. """ return cls({'__version__': __dbversion__, 'catalogs': {}})
[docs] def from_json(cls, filename, **kwargs): """Create a database of VO services from a JSON file. Example JSON format for Cone Search:: { "__version__": 1, "catalogs" : { "My Cone Search": { "capabilityClass": "ConeSearch", "title": "My Cone Search", "url": "http://foo/cgi-bin/search?CAT=bar&", ... }, "Another Cone Search": { ... } } } Parameters ---------- filename : str JSON file. kwargs : dict Keywords accepted by :func:``. Returns ------- db : `VOSDatabase` Database from given file. """ with get_readable_fileobj(filename, **kwargs) as fd: tree = json.load(fd) return cls(tree)
[docs] def from_registry(cls, registry_url, timeout=60, **kwargs): """Create a database of VO services from VO registry URL. This is described in detail in :ref:`vo-sec-validator-build-db`, except for the ``validate_xxx`` keys that are added by the validator itself. Parameters ---------- registry_url : str URL of VO registry that returns a VO Table. For example, see ``astropy.vo.validator.validate.CS_MSTR_LIST``. Pedantic is automatically set to `False` for parsing. timeout : number Temporarily set ```` to this value to avoid time out error while reading the entire registry. kwargs : dict Keywords accepted by :func:``. Returns ------- db : `VOSDatabase` Database from given registry. Raises ------ VOSError Invalid VO registry. """ # Download registry as VO table with REMOTE_TIMEOUT.set_temp(timeout): with get_readable_fileobj(registry_url, **kwargs) as fd: tab_all = parse_single_table(fd, pedantic=False) # Registry must have these fields compulsory_fields = ['title', 'accessURL'] cat_fields = tab_all.array.dtype.names for field in compulsory_fields: if field not in cat_fields: # pragma: no cover raise VOSError('"{0}" is missing from registry.'.format(field)) title_counter = defaultdict(int) title_fmt = '{0} {1}' db = cls.create_empty() # Each row in the table becomes a catalog for arr in cur_cat = {} cur_key = '' # Process each field and build the catalog. # Catalog is completely built before being thrown out # because codes need less changes should we decide to # allow duplicate URLs in the future. for field in cat_fields: # For primary key, a number needs to be appended to the title # because registry can have multiple entries with the same # title but different URLs. if field == 'title': cur_title = arr['title'] title_counter[cur_title] += 1 # Starts with 1 if isinstance(cur_title, bytes): # pragma: py3 cur_key = title_fmt.format(cur_title.decode('ascii'), title_counter[cur_title]) else: # pragma: py2 cur_key = title_fmt.format(cur_title, title_counter[cur_title]) # Special handling of access URL, otherwise no change. if field == 'accessURL': cur_cat['url'] = unescape_all(arr['accessURL']) else: cur_cat[field] = arr[field] # New field to track duplicate access URLs. cur_cat['duplicatesIgnored'] = 0 # Add catalog to database, unless duplicate access URL exists. # In that case, the entry is thrown out and the associated # counter is updated. dup_keys = db._url_keys[cur_cat['url']] if len(dup_keys) < 1: db.add_catalog( cur_key, VOSCatalog(cur_cat), allow_duplicate_url=False) else: db._catalogs[dup_keys[0]]['duplicatesIgnored'] += 1 warnings.warn( '{0} is thrown out because it has same access URL as ' '{1}.'.format(cur_key, dup_keys[0]), AstropyUserWarning) return db
[docs]def get_remote_catalog_db(dbname, cache=True, verbose=True): """Get a database of VO services (which is a JSON file) from a remote location. Parameters ---------- dbname : str Prefix of JSON file to download from `astropy.vo.Conf.vos_baseurl`. cache : bool Use caching for VO Service database. Access to actual VO websites referenced by the database still needs internet connection. verbose : bool Show download progress bars. Returns ------- db : `VOSDatabase` A database of VO services. """ from .. import conf return VOSDatabase.from_json( urllib.parse.urljoin(conf.vos_baseurl, dbname + '.json'), encoding='utf8', cache=cache, show_progress=verbose)
def _get_catalogs(service_type, catalog_db, **kwargs): """Expand ``catalog_db`` to a list of catalogs. Parameters ---------- service_type, catalog_db See :func:`call_vo_service`. kwargs : dict Keywords accepted by :func:`get_remote_catalog_db`. Returns ------- catalogs : list of tuple List of catalogs in the form of ``(key, VOSCatalog)``. Raises ------ VOSError Invalid ``catalog_db``. """ if catalog_db is None: catalog_db = get_remote_catalog_db(service_type, **kwargs) catalogs = catalog_db.get_catalogs() elif isinstance(catalog_db, VOSDatabase): catalogs = catalog_db.get_catalogs() elif isinstance(catalog_db, (VOSCatalog, six.string_types)): catalogs = [(None, catalog_db)] elif isinstance(catalog_db, list): for x in catalog_db: assert (isinstance(x, (VOSCatalog, six.string_types)) and not isinstance(x, VOSDatabase)) catalogs = [(None, x) for x in catalog_db] else: # pragma: no cover raise VOSError('catalog_db must be a catalog database, ' 'a list of catalogs, or a catalog') return catalogs def _vo_service_request(url, pedantic, kwargs, verbose=False): """This is called by :func:`call_vo_service`. Raises ------ InvalidAccessURL Invalid access URL. """ if len(kwargs) and not (url.endswith('?') or url.endswith('&')): raise InvalidAccessURL("url should already end with '?' or '&'") query = [] for key, value in six.iteritems(kwargs): query.append('{0}={1}'.format( urllib.parse.quote(key), urllib.parse.quote_plus(str(value)))) parsed_url = url + '&'.join(query) with get_readable_fileobj(parsed_url, encoding='binary', show_progress=verbose) as req: tab = table.parse(req, filename=parsed_url, pedantic=pedantic) return vo_tab_parse(tab, url, kwargs) def vo_tab_parse(tab, url, kwargs): """In case of errors from the server, a complete and correct 'stub' VOTable file may still be returned. This is to detect that case. Parameters ---------- tab : `` url : str URL used to obtain ``tab``. kwargs : dict Keywords used to obtain ``tab``, if any. Returns ------- out_tab : `` Raises ------ IndexError Table iterator fails. VOSError Server returns error message or invalid table. """ for param in tab.iter_fields_and_params(): if param.ID is not None and param.ID.lower() == 'error': if isinstance(param, tree.Param): e = param.value else: # pragma: no cover e = '' raise VOSError("Catalog server '{0}' returned error '{1}'".format( url, e)) for info in tab.infos: if is not None and == 'error': raise VOSError("Catalog server '{0}' returned error '{1}'".format( url, info.value)) if tab.resources == []: # pragma: no cover vo_raise(E19) for info in tab.resources[0].infos: if (( == 'QUERY_STATUS' and info.value != 'OK') or ( is not None and == 'error')): if info.content is not None: # pragma: no cover long_descr = ':\n{0}'.format(info.content) else: long_descr = '' raise VOSError("Catalog server '{0}' returned status " "'{1}'{2}".format(url, info.value, long_descr)) out_tab = tab.get_first_table() kw_sr = [k for k in kwargs if 'sr' == k.lower()] if len(kw_sr) == 0: sr = 0 else: sr = kwargs.get(kw_sr[0]) if sr != 0 and out_tab.array.size <= 0: raise VOSError("Catalog server '{0}' returned {1} result".format( url, out_tab.array.size)) out_tab.url = url # Track the URL return out_tab
[docs]def call_vo_service(service_type, catalog_db=None, pedantic=None, verbose=True, cache=True, kwargs={}): """Makes a generic VO service call. Parameters ---------- service_type : str Name of the type of service, e.g., 'conesearch_good'. Used in error messages and to select a catalog database if ``catalog_db`` is not provided. catalog_db May be one of the following, in order from easiest to use to most control: - `None`: A database of ``service_type`` catalogs is downloaded from `astropy.vo.Conf.vos_baseurl`. The first catalog in the database to successfully return a result is used. - *catalog name*: A name in the database of ``service_type`` catalogs at `astropy.vo.Conf.vos_baseurl` is used. For a list of acceptable names, use :func:`list_catalogs`. - *url*: The prefix of a URL to a IVOA Service for ``service_type``. Must end in either '?' or '&'. - `VOSCatalog` object: A specific catalog manually downloaded and selected from the database (see :ref:`vo-sec-client-vos`). - Any of the above 3 options combined in a list, in which case they are tried in order. pedantic : bool or `None` When `True`, raise an error when the file violates the spec, otherwise issue a warning. Warnings may be controlled using :py:mod:`warnings` module. When not provided, uses the configuration setting ``, which defaults to `False`. verbose : bool Verbose output. cache : bool Use caching for VO Service database. Access to actual VO websites referenced by the database still needs internet connection. kwargs : dictionary Keyword arguments to pass to the catalog service. No checking is done that the arguments are accepted by the service, etc. Returns ------- obj : `` First table from first successful VO service request. Raises ------ VOSError If VO service request fails. """ n_timed_out = 0 catalogs = _get_catalogs(service_type, catalog_db, cache=cache, verbose=verbose) if pedantic is None: # pragma: no cover pedantic = conf.pedantic for name, catalog in catalogs: if isinstance(catalog, six.string_types): if catalog.startswith("http"): url = catalog else: remote_db = get_remote_catalog_db(service_type, cache=cache, verbose=verbose) catalog = remote_db.get_catalog(catalog) url = catalog['url'] else: url = catalog['url'] if verbose: # pragma: no cover color_print('Trying {0}'.format(url), 'green') try: return _vo_service_request(url, pedantic, kwargs, verbose=verbose) except Exception as e: vo_warn(W25, (url, str(e))) if hasattr(e, 'reason') and isinstance(e.reason, socket.timeout): n_timed_out += 1 err_msg = 'None of the available catalogs returned valid results.' if n_timed_out > 0: err_msg += ' ({0} URL(s) timed out.)'.format(n_timed_out) raise VOSError(err_msg)
[docs]def list_catalogs(service_type, cache=True, verbose=True, **kwargs): """List the catalogs available for the given service type. Parameters ---------- service_type : str Name of the type of service, e.g., 'conesearch_good'. cache : bool Use caching for VO Service database. Access to actual VO websites referenced by the database still needs internet connection. verbose : bool Show download progress bars. pattern : str or `None` If given string is anywhere in a catalog name, it is considered a matching catalog. It accepts patterns as in :py:mod:`fnmatch` and is case-insensitive. By default, all catalogs are returned. sort : bool Sort output in alphabetical order. If not sorted, the order depends on dictionary hashing. Default is `True`. Returns ------- arr : list of str List of catalog names. """ return get_remote_catalog_db(service_type, cache=cache, verbose=verbose).list_catalogs(**kwargs)

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