.. currentmodule:: astropy.io.fits Miscellaneous Features ---------------------- This section describes some of the miscellaneous features of :mod:`astropy.io.fits`. Differs ^^^^^^^ The :mod:`astropy.io.fits.diff` module contains several facilities for generating and reporting the differences between two FITS files, or two components of a FITS file. The :class:`FITSDiff` class can be used to generate and represent the differences between either two FITS files on disk, or two existing :class:`HDUList` objects (or some combination thereof). Likewise, the :class:`HeaderDiff` class can be used to find the differences just between two :class:`Header` objects. Other available differs include :class:`HDUDiff`, :class:`ImageDataDiff`, :class:`TableDataDiff`, and :class:`RawDataDiff`. Each of these classes are instantiated with two instances of the objects that they diff. The returned diff instance has a number of attributes starting with ``.diff_`` that describe differences between the two objects. For example the :class:`HeaderDiff` class cam be used to find the differences between two :class:`Header` objects like so:: >>> from astropy.io import fits >>> header1 = fits.Header([('KEY_A', 1), ('KEY_B', 2)]) >>> header2 = fits.Header([('KEY_A', 3), ('KEY_C', 4)]) >>> diff = fits.diff.HeaderDiff(header1, header2) >>> diff.identical False >>> diff.diff_keywords (['KEY_B'], ['KEY_C']) >>> diff.diff_keyword_values defaultdict( at ...>, {'KEY_A': [(1, 3)]}) See the API documentation for details on the different differ classes.