.. _astropy_nddata: ***************************************** N-dimensional datasets (`astropy.nddata`) ***************************************** Introduction ============ The `~astropy.nddata` package provides a uniform interface to N-dimensional datasets in astropy through: + The `~astropy.nddata.NDDataBase` metaclass to define an astropy-wide interface to N-dimensional data sets while allowing flexibility in how those datasets are represented internally. + The `~astropy.nddata.NDData` class, which provides a basic container for gridded N-dimensional datasets. + Several mixin classes for adding functionality to `~astropy.nddata.NDData` containers. + A decorator, `~astropy.nddata.support_nddata`, for facilitating use of `~astropy.nddata` objects in functions in astropy and affiliated packages. .. warning:: `~astropy.nddata` has changed significantly in astropy 1.0. See the section :ref:`nddata_transition` for more information. Getting started =============== Of the classes provided by `~astropy.nddata`, the place to start for most users will be `~astropy.nddata.NDData`, which by default uses a numpy array to store the data. Designers of new classes should also look at `~astropy.nddata.NDDataBase` before deciding what to subclass from. NDData ------ The primary purpose of `~astropy.nddata.NDData` is to act as a *container* for data, metadata, and other related information like a mask. An `~astropy.nddata.NDData` object can be instantiated by passing it an n-dimensional Numpy array:: >>> import numpy as np >>> from astropy.nddata import NDData >>> array = np.zeros((12, 12, 12)) # a 3-dimensional array with all zeros >>> ndd = NDData(array) or something that can be converted to an array:: >>> ndd2 = NDData([1, 2, 3, 4]) It is also possible to initialize `~astropy.nddata.NDData` with more exotic objects; see :ref:`nddata_details` for more information. The underlying Numpy array can be accessed via the ``data`` attribute:: >>> ndd.data array([[[ 0., 0., 0., ... ... Values can be masked using the ``mask`` attribute:: >>> ndd_masked = NDData(ndd, mask = ndd.data > 0.9) INFO: Overwriting NDData's current mask with specified mask [astropy.nddata.nddata] A mask value of `True` indicates a value that should be ignored, while a mask value of `False` indicates a valid value. Similar attributes are available to store: + generic meta-data, in ``meta``, + a unit for the data values, in ``unit`` and + an uncertainty for the data values, in ``uncertainty``. Note that the ``uncertainty`` must have a string attribute called ``uncertainty_type``. Note that a `~astropy.nddata.NDData` object is not sliceable:: >>> ndd2[1:3] # doctest: +SKIP Traceback (most recent call last): ... TypeError: 'NDData' object has no attribute '__getitem__' Mixins for additional functionality ----------------------------------- Several classes are provided to add functionality to the basic ``NDData`` container. They include: + `~astropy.nddata.NDSlicingMixin` to handle slicing of N-dimensional data. + `~astropy.nddata.NDArithmeticMixin` to allow arithmetic operations on `~astropy.nddata.NDData` objects that include support propagation of uncertainties (in limited cases). + `~astropy.nddata.NDIOMixin` to use existing astropy functionality for input (with the method ``read``) and output (with the method ``write``). To use these mixins, create a new class that includes the appropriate mixins as subclasses. For example, to make a class that includes slicing, but not arithmetic or I/O:: >>> from astropy.nddata import NDData, NDSlicingMixin >>> class NDDataSliceable(NDSlicingMixin, NDData): pass Note that the body of the class need not contain any code; all of the functionality is provided by the ``NDData`` container and the mixins. The order of the classes is important because python works from right to left in determining the order in which methods are resolved. ``NDDataSliceable`` is initialized the same way that `~astropy.nddata.NDData` is:: >>> ndd_sliceable = NDDataSliceable([1, 2, 3, 4]) but can be sliced:: >>> ndd_sliceable[1:3] NDDataSliceable([2, 3]) The class `~astropy.nddata.NDDataArray` is an example of a class which utilizes mixins *and* adds functionality. NDDataBase for making new subclasses ------------------------------------ `~astropy.nddata.NDDataBase` is a metaclass provided to support the creation of objects that support the NDData interface but need the freedom to define their own ways of storing data, unit, metadata and/or other properties. It should be used instead of `~astropy.nddata.NDData` as the starting point for any class for which the `~astropy.nddata.NDData` class is too restrictive. .. _nddata_transition: Transition to astropy 1.0 ========================= The nddata package underwent substantial revision as a result of `APE 7`_; please see that APE for an extensive discussion of the motivation and the changes. The most important changes are that: + ``NDData`` does not provide a numpy-like interface; to use its data use the ``data`` attribute instead. + Slicing is no provided in the base `~astropy.nddata.NDData`. + Arithmetic is no longer included in the base `~astropy.nddata.NDData` class. Code that only uses the metadata features of `~astropy.nddata.NDData` should not need to be modified. Code that uses the arithemtic methods that used to be included in `~astropy.nddata.NDData` and relied on it to behave like a numpy array should instead subclass `~astropy.nddata.NDDataArray`; that class is equivalent to the original `~astropy.nddata.NDData` class. Using ``nddata`` ================ .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 nddata.rst decorator.rst mixins/index.rst subclassing.rst Reference/API ============= .. automodapi:: astropy.nddata :no-inheritance-diagram: .. automodapi:: astropy.nddata.utils :no-inheritance-diagram: .. _APE 7: https://github.com/astropy/astropy-APEs/blob/master/APE7.rst