
fnpickle, fileorname, usecPickle=True, protocol=None, append=False)[source] [edit on github]

Pickle an object to a specified file.



The python object to pickle.

fileorname : str or file-like

The filename or file into which the object should be pickled. If a file object, it should have been opened in binary mode.

usecPickle : bool

If True (default), the cPickle module is to be used in place of pickle (cPickle is faster). This only applies for python 2.x.

protocol : int or None

Pickle protocol to use - see the pickle module for details on these options. If None, the most recent protocol will be used.

append : bool

If True, the object is appended to the end of the file, otherwise the file will be overwritten (if a file object is given instead of a file name, this has no effect).

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