

class astropy.nddata.NDDataBase[source] [edit on github]

Bases: object

Base metaclass that defines the interface for NDData

Classes that wish to use this interface without inheriting from NDData should subclass NDDataBase instead.

All properties and methods except uncertainty must be override by derived classes.

Attributes Summary

data The data; should be capable of behaving like a numpy array, though it need not actually be a numpy array.
mask Mask for the data, following the numpy convention that True means the data should not be used.
meta Metadata, if any, must be dict-like.
uncertainty Uncertainty in the data.
unit Unit for the data, if any.
wcs WCS for the data, if any.

Attributes Documentation


The data; should be capable of behaving like a numpy array, though it need not actually be a numpy array.


Mask for the data, following the numpy convention that True means the data should not be used.


Metadata, if any, must be dict-like.


Uncertainty in the data.

Uncertainty must have an attribute uncertainty_type that is a string.


Unit for the data, if any.


WCS for the data, if any.

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