

astropy.nddata.support_nddata(_func=None, accepts=<class 'astropy.nddata.nddata.NDData'>, repack=False, returns=None)[source] [edit on github]

Decorator to split NDData properties into function arguments.

This is a decorator to allow functions to take NDData objects as their first arguments and split up the properties into kwargs as required by the function. For example, if you consider the following function:

def downsample(data, wcs=None):
    # downsample data and optionally WCS here

This function takes a Numpy array for the data, and some WCS information with the data keyword argument. However, you might have an NDData instance that has the wcs property set and you would like to be able to call the function with downsample(my_nddata) and have the WCS information, if present, automatically be passed to the wcs keyword argument.

This decorator can be used to make this possible:

def downsample(data, wcs=None):
    # downsample data and optionally WCS here

This function can now either be called as before, specifying the data and WCS separately, or an NDData instance can be passed to the data argument.

The restrictions on functions to use this function are:

  • The first positional argument should be data and take a Numpy array.
  • The following arguments can optionally be specified in the function signature, but if they are specified they should be keyword arguments: uncertainty, mask, meta, unit, and wcs. If you are making use of this decorator, you should be prepared for these keyword arguments to be set to the properties of the NDData object (if present).

The behavior of the decorator is to check through the NDData properties and if they are set, it checks if the function accepts them as keyword arguments. If an NDData property is set but cannot be passed to a keyword argument, a warning is emitted to tell the user that the NDData property in question will not be used by the function (to ensure that they know when e.g. uncertainties cannot be used).

If the user passes an NDData object and explicitly sets a keyword argument that is one of the valid NDData properties, a warning is emitted to inform the user that the explicitly specified value will take priority.

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