.. _pie_and_polar_charts-polar_bar_demo: pie_and_polar_charts example code: polar_bar_demo.py ==================================================== .. plot:: /opt/het/hetdex/src/matplotlib-1.4.2/doc/mpl_examples/pie_and_polar_charts/polar_bar_demo.py :: """ Demo of bar plot on a polar axis. """ import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt N = 20 theta = np.linspace(0.0, 2 * np.pi, N, endpoint=False) radii = 10 * np.random.rand(N) width = np.pi / 4 * np.random.rand(N) ax = plt.subplot(111, polar=True) bars = ax.bar(theta, radii, width=width, bottom=0.0) # Use custom colors and opacity for r, bar in zip(radii, bars): bar.set_facecolor(plt.cm.jet(r / 10.)) bar.set_alpha(0.5) plt.show() Keywords: python, matplotlib, pylab, example, codex (see :ref:`how-to-search-examples`)