#Demo of using multiprocessing for generating data in one process and plotting #in another. #Written by Robert Cimrman #Requires >= Python 2.6 for the multiprocessing module or having the #standalone processing module installed from __future__ import print_function import time try: from multiprocessing import Process, Pipe except ImportError: from processing import Process, Pipe import numpy as np import matplotlib matplotlib.use('GtkAgg') import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import gobject class ProcessPlotter(object): def __init__(self): self.x = [] self.y = [] def terminate(self): plt.close('all') def poll_draw(self): def call_back(): while 1: if not self.pipe.poll(): break command = self.pipe.recv() if command is None: self.terminate() return False else: self.x.append(command[0]) self.y.append(command[1]) self.ax.plot(self.x, self.y, 'ro') self.fig.canvas.draw() return True return call_back def __call__(self, pipe): print('starting plotter...') self.pipe = pipe self.fig, self.ax = plt.subplots() self.gid = gobject.timeout_add(1000, self.poll_draw()) print('...done') plt.show() class NBPlot(object): def __init__(self): self.plot_pipe, plotter_pipe = Pipe() self.plotter = ProcessPlotter() self.plot_process = Process(target = self.plotter, args = (plotter_pipe,)) self.plot_process.daemon = True self.plot_process.start() def plot(self, finished=False): send = self.plot_pipe.send if finished: send(None) else: data = np.random.random(2) send(data) def main(): pl = NBPlot() for ii in range(10): pl.plot() time.sleep(0.5) raw_input('press Enter...') pl.plot(finished=True) if __name__ == '__main__': main()