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A task is something that needs to be done. Tasks come in a variety of flavors:

Every derived class of one of these classes must provide a process_task method which will be called at the next opportunity available to the application. All task processing is expected to be cooperative, which means that it must be written so that it is cognizant that other tasks may also be waiting for a chance to be processed.

Tasks are installed when they should be scheduled for processing, may be suspended or removed from scheduling, and then may be resumed or re-installed.

Singleton Task Manager

All operations involving tasks are directed to a single instance of TaskManager or an instance of a derived class. If the developer creates a derived class of TaskManager and an instance of it before the function is called, that instance will be used to schedule tasks and return the next task to process.



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task.OneShotFunction(fn, *args, **kwargs)
  • fn – function to schedule
  • args – function to schedule
  • kwargs – function to schedule

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task.FunctionTask(fn, *args, **kwargs)
Parameters:fn – function to update

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task.RecurringFunctionTask(interval, fn, *args, **kwargs)
Parameters:fn – function to update

This is a long line of text.

Function Decorators

Parameters:interval – interval to call the function

This function will return a decorator which will wrap a function in a task object that will be called at regular intervals and can also be called as a function. For example:

def my_ping(arg=None):
    print "my_ping", arg

The my_ping object is a task that can be installed, suspended, and resumed like any other task. This is installed to run every 5s and will print:

my_ping None

And can also be called as a regular function with parameters, so calling my_ping(“hello”) will print:

my_ping hello


class task._Task

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Parameters:when (float) – time task should be processed

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Parameters:when (float) – time task should be processed

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Parameters:when (float) – time task should be processed

This is a long line of text.

Parameters:when (float) – time task should be processed

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class task.OneShotTask

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class task.OneShotDeleteTask

This is a long line of text.

class task.RecurringTask

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class task.TaskManager

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Parameters:task – task to be installed

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Parameters:task – task to be suspended

This is a long line of text.

Parameters:task – task to be resumed

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