
check the module and its the documentation

Tests for tan_dir() and tan_inv() need values obtain from external codes as reference

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decimal2dms(): the two external if branches are almost exact repetitions. Solution: save the sign of the input decDeg variable; convert the input as it were positive, the add the sign before returning. Also most of the internal if branches are either superfluous or repetitions that can be factored out.

Also decimal2hms() show a fair amount of repetitions, in big part similar to the above function.

Once the refactoring is finished, the tests should be updated to cover all the branches.

hms2decimal() tests fail: all the input values in the setup_class method are obtained with ned calculator. The values obtained with the function disagrees at the 7th digit level with the value from ned (should we consider it a failure?). Using only the hour, the values is wrong.

Should we use astropy.coordinates instead of this implementation?

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angular_separation_deg(): the test fails. Where it is possible to get a reference value? and gives very different answers, and none of them agrees with the output of the function

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a module in pyhetdex should not depend on the structure of a class defined in code that uses pyhetdex. Here referring to shot

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a module in pyhetdex should not depend on the structure of a class defined in code that uses pyhetdex. Here referring to shot

either pass the illumination_model option as parameters to fplaneToThroughput() or check that it is implemented when initialising ThroughputServer.

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Improve the documentation.

ifu_centers: plotFocalPlaneQuicklook() and get_image() have a ifu_centers arguments, which is the center of the IFUs in the focal plane. This is confusing as in HETDEX jargon IFUCen refers to the fibers within one IFU.

Write tests.

Use io.StringIO instead of StringIO.StringIO in python2

The CD matrix could be substituted by astropy WCS:

Check if io.StringIO works for python2, if yes, we don’t need it

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filename: is hard coded. Instead of the output directory pass the full output name in the function arguments

Rename the function: probably plot_image would be more appropriate

box, size_cut_out: they should not be hard coded

html size should not be hard code

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ifu_size is hard coded to 0.012. Move to optional argument

Rename the function: function does not plot!

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either catch errors from urlopen() in retrieve_image_SDSS() and retrieve_image_DSS() or add the notion that it’s raised and do something about it in get_image()

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use Yields instead of Returns when the numpydoc 0.6 update will be available

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Warn the user when getting an existing name with the other options not set to the defaults

Add context manager?

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heterogeneous HETDEX software library
