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trac.web.href – Creation of URLs

This module mainly proposes the following class:

class trac.web.href.Href(base, path_safe="/!~*'()", query_safe="!~*'()")

Implements a callable that constructs URLs with the given base. The function can be called with any number of positional and keyword arguments which then are used to assemble the URL.

Positional arguments are appended as individual segments to the path of the URL:

>>> href = Href('/trac')
>>> href('ticket', 540)
>>> href('ticket', 540, 'attachment', 'bugfix.patch')
>>> href('ticket', '540/attachment/bugfix.patch')

If a positional parameter evaluates to None, it will be skipped:

>>> href('ticket', 540, 'attachment', None)

The first path segment can also be specified by calling an attribute of the instance, as follows:

>>> href.ticket(540)
>>> href.changeset(42, format='diff')

Simply calling the Href object with no arguments will return the base URL:

>>> href()

Keyword arguments are added to the query string, unless the value is None:

>>> href = Href('/trac')
>>> href('timeline', format='rss')
>>> href('timeline', format=None)
>>> href('search', q='foo bar')

Multiple values for one parameter are specified using a sequence (a list or tuple) for the parameter:

>>> href('timeline', show=['ticket', 'wiki', 'changeset'])

Alternatively, query string parameters can be added by passing a dict or list as last positional argument:

>>> href('timeline', {'from': '02/24/05', 'daysback': 30})
>>> href('timeline', {})
>>> href('timeline', [('from', '02/24/05')])
>>> href('timeline', ()) == href('timeline', []) == href('timeline', {})

The usual way of quoting arguments that would otherwise be interpreted as Python keywords is supported too:

>>> href('timeline', from_='02/24/05', daysback=30)

If the order of query string parameters should be preserved, you may also pass a sequence of (name, value) tuples as last positional argument:

>>> href('query', (('group', 'component'), ('groupdesc', 1)))
>>> params = []
>>> params.append(('group', 'component'))
>>> params.append(('groupdesc', 1))
>>> href('query', params)

By specifying an absolute base, the function returned will also generate absolute URLs:

>>> href = Href('')
>>> href('ticket', 540)
>>> href = Href('')
>>> href('ticket', 540)

In common usage, it may improve readability to use the function-calling ability for the first component of the URL as mentioned earlier:

>>> href = Href('/trac')
>>> href.ticket(540)
>>> href.browser('/trunk/README.txt', format='txt')

The path_safe argument specifies the characters that don’t need to be quoted in the path arguments. Likewise, the query_safe argument specifies the characters that don’t need to be quoted in the query string:

>>> href = Href('')
>>> href.milestone('<look,here>', param='<here,too>')
>>> href = Href('', path_safe='/<,', query_safe=',>')
>>> href.milestone('<look,here>', param='<here,too>')