Source code for vdat.libvdat.callback

"""Enqueue commands coming from users pushing buttons on the gui"""

from __future__ import (absolute_import, division, print_function,

from logging import getLogger

from PyQt4.QtCore import QObject

import vdat.libvdat

# TODO: move it to vdat/gui
[docs]class Worker(QObject): """Generic worker that runs the given function""" def __init__(self, parent=None): super(Worker, self).__init__(parent)
[docs] def run(func): """Run the given function: it doesn't have any argument""" func()
[docs]class Callback(object): """Class to deal with the user pushing buttons in the GUI. Causes the buttons to add commands to a queue, specified by the set_queue command. Attributes ---------- queue : :class:`vdat.gui.queue.Queue` object the queue the callback interacts with """ queue = None @classmethod
[docs] def set_queue(cls, queue): """Set the queue that the callbacks post jobs too. Parameters ---------- queue : vdat.gui.queue Queue object the queue the callback interacts with """ cls.queue = queue
[docs] def make_callback_function(name, alias): """Factory function, used to generate functions to attach to objects. Parameters ---------- name : String name of function to run on button click. Has to be in libvdat. Syntax is:: package_name:function_name alias : String a label for the job on the queue GUI. immediate : bool (optional) bypass the usual queue and run immediately """ log = getLogger('logger') def _notImplemented(): """Deal with a button click from the GUI """ log.error("<b> %s </b> not yet implemented!", name) try: split_name = name.split(':') log.debug(split_name) package = getattr(vdat.libvdat, split_name[0]) cmd = getattr(package, split_name[1]) def func(): Callback.queue.queue_command(cmd, alias) except AttributeError: func = _notImplemented return func