HET End-Trimester Report
First Period of 2003
December 1 - March 31

This report is composed of five sections:
Instrument Status

In this section we will discuss the status of each instrument and any limitation to configurations that occurred during the period.

Observing Statistics

The following image quality statistics were taken from the statistics recorded for science operations in the night report.

For comparison here is the image quality for the same period of 2002

Here are the DIMM values reported in the night report. NOTE: There are a large number of nights when the DIMM was not operated; there is also times when the DIMM failed due to wind shake or extremely bad seeing.

Month by Month Summary

The following table gives the observing statistics for each month. The second column gives the fraction of the month that was spent attempting science (as opposed to engineering or instrument commissioning). Science time is defined to begin at 18 degree twilight or the first science target. Science time is defined to end at 18 degree twilight or the last science target. The fourth column gives the fraction of the possible science time (A) lost due to weather. The fifth through seventh columns give the amount of remaining science time (after removing weather losses) not spent attempting science targets. Please note that the first stack of the night often occurs before 18 degree twilight.

Month A:Fraction of the Time that was Possible Science B:Average Night Length C:Fraction of Total Science Time Lost due to Weather D:Fraction of Actual Science Time Lost due to Alignment E:Fraction of Actual Science Time Lost due to Calibrations F:Fraction of Actual Science Time Lost due to Problems
December 0.625 10.94 0.43 0.06 0.06 0.06
January 0.920 10.77 0.27 0.12 0.06 0.07
February 0.777 10.19 0.47 0.14 0.08 0.04
March 0.877 9.33 0.40 0.08 0.07 0.11

Details on Nightly cloud cover based on the TO's observations of the sky reported 3 times a night in the night report.:

Month Fraction of the Nights that were Clear Fraction of the Nights that were Mostly Clear Fraction of the Nights that were Partly Cloudy Fraction of the Nights that were Mostly Cloudy Fraction of the Nights that were Cloudy
December 0.23 0.19 0.26 0.10 0.19
January 0.64 0.10 0.03 0.13 0.10
February 0.29 0.11 0.11 0.18 0.32
March 0.32 0.16 0.19 0.10 0.23

Please note that the HET could be closed due to humidity, smoke or high dust count and still have a "Clear" statistic in the night report.

The total number of 1421 acceptable shutter open science exposures during this period for a total of 168.0 hours. There were a number of rejected spectra obtained during this period as well the following table give the total number of rejected spectra and the category that each falls into.

Number of TimesTime Lost (Hours)Type
174.0 E - Rejected by RA for Equipment Failure
121.3 H - Rejected by RA for Human failure
6912.8 W - Rejected by RA for Weather
60.9 P - Rejected by PI and confirmed by RA
10.2 Q - Rejected due to error in the queue
10.2 C - Acceptable by RA but PI rejects
142.8 N - Acceptable but NOT charged due to weather or hole in queue
6611.8 B - Acceptable but Border line conditions

So this is a total of 19.4 hours of rejected spectra with an additional possible 11.8 hours of spectra that may be rejected.

The following overhead statistics include slew, setup, readout and refocus between exposures (if there are multiple exposures per visit). In the summary page for each program the average setup time is calculated. The table below gives the average setup time for each instrument PER VISIT and the average and maximum COMPLETED science exposures and visits.

The "Exposure" is defined by when the CCD opens and closes. A "Visit" is the requested total CCD shutter open time during a track and might be made up of several "Exposures". "Visit" as defined here contains no overhead. To calculate one type of observing efficiency metric one might divide the "Visit" by the sum of "Visit" + "Overhead".

Instrument Avg Overhead (min) Median Overhead (min) Avg Exposure (sec)Median Exposure (sec)Max Exposure (sec)Avg Visit (sec)Median Visit (sec)Max Visit (sec)
LRS 16.98 16.0 709.2 600 1500 1261.69004100
HRS 12.7812.93 949.4 980 1800 1259.812004320

The overhead statistics can be shortened by multiple setups (each one counted as a separate visit) while on the same target as is the case for planet search programs. The overhead statistics can be lengthened by having multiple tracks that add up to a single htopx visit as can happen for very long tracks where each attempt might only yield a half visit.

Observing Programs Status

The following links give the summary for each institution and its programs. The resulting table will give (for each program) the total number of targets in the queue and the number completed, the CCD shutter open hours, average overhead for that program, and the TAC allocated time. This usually will be the best metric for judging completeness but there are times when a PI will tell us that a target is "done" before the total number of visits is complete.

Institution Status

The following is a summary of the Acceptable CCD shutter time for each institution based on our htopx data base. It does not include any overhead.

Time Usage by Institution (hours)
-TOTAL- Used % of All
PSU 39.977 20.4
UT 125.057 63.8
Stanford 16.833 8.6
Munich 6.729 3.4
Goetting 7.500 3.8
NOAO 36.830 --
SALT 0.000 --
DDT 0.000 --

This is how each institution has allocated its time by priority.

Time Allocation by Institution (hours)
Institution Priority 0 Priority 1 Priority 2Priority 3 Priority 4
PSU 11.500 (10%) 25.200 (23%) 37.700 (34%) 36.500 (33%) 0.000
UT 15.500 (6%) 52.900 (21%) 61.400 (25%) 59.600 (24%) 60.000 (24%)
Stanford 0.000 5.000 (26%) 4.500 (23%) 5.000 (26%) 5.000(26%)
Munich 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
Goetting 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
NOAO 10.000 (6%) 83.700 (52%) 62.600 (37%) 6.000(4%) 0.000
SALT 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
DDT 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000

TAC Response