RA OPS for night of -- UT OPS: -- / -- Summary: -- --* Started HPF PartA+C cals at -- PartA[44m] finishes at -- PartC[43m] finishes at -- (sunset is --) --* verify that "atq" has no jobs currently scheduled --* Queue notes for tonight --* other problems/notes VHC. -- my preferred order: getUptime --lrs2 --virus (get temperatures/pressures, adjust as needed) ipvg off -V cal lrs2 -B -b 1 -pb -o 9900 -O 9900 run ACQ mirror insertion test (while TO does walkaround) cal lrs2 -conf /opt/het/hetdex/etc/configfiles/vl_cals_ops.json -l qth fear -L 1 -B -b 1 -d 1 -de 300 -o 9901 cal virus -conf /opt/het/hetdex/etc/configfiles/vl_cals_ops.json -l ldls_long cd-a hg -L 1 -B -b 1 -o 9901 ========================================================================================= MCS health: --check /var partition with: "df -h | grep var" --checked if sounds are working normally with: play -q /opt/het/hetdex/etc/sounds/alert-1.ogg --ran ssh -q lrs2 "ps ax|egrep 'lrs2_server|proxy|dt_local_nfs'|egrep -v 'tail|grep'" and verified that there are 3 tasks: tcs_proxy, dt_local_nfs, lrs2_server --ran ssh -q vdas "ps ax|egrep 'virus_server|proxy|dt_local_nfs|dt_tacc'|egrep -v 'tail|grep'" and verified that there are 4 tasks: tcs_proxy, dt_local_nfs, dt_tacc, virus_server ========================================================================================= Queue health: --Checked for new target submissions and allocations: --new targets/programs --ran Tools-->Daily Calcs in HTOPX at --:-- --MS priority code (priscript.sh) says: --P0 notes --Any queue holes? ========================================================================================= HPF --[hpf@hpfserver CalScripts]$ tims detect pyhxrg:GetObsnum --[hpf@hpfserver CalScripts]$ tims het shutdown --[hpf@hpfserver HPFics]$ timshet (when safe from cals/PFIP opening) ./hpf_takeLFCHRCalExposure.sh 1 --HPF exposure has header keywords (RTFX, STRTAZ, etc) as expected. --HPF PartA+C cals started at -- PartA[44m] finishes at -- PartC[43m] finishes at -- (sunset is --) /home/hpf/Scripts/InstConfig/CalScripts/hpf_evening_cals_PartAC.sh --VERIFIED that PartA cals have started: all slider/shutter/etc moves completed successfully and the first exposure is underway. --LISTENED for the fiber scrambler sounds, and all sounds normal. --Sunset is -- tonight, so PartA must start by -- at the latest (A+C by --) ========================================================================================= LRS2 --uptime --temperatures/pressures --IP/VG off at --:-- --LRS2 cals look OK. --RAMDISK df -h: --LRS2 exposures have header keywords (tracker coords, x_strt, etc) as expected. ========================================================================================= VIRUS --uptime --temperatures/pressures --(Units pumped today: ) --Adjusted: --V309 IP turned off at --:-- --VIRUS cals look ok. VHC. -- --RAMDISK df -h: --VIRUS exposures have header keywords (tracker coords, x_strt, etc) as expected. ========================================================================================= PFIP --Probe status on arrival, from "shoprobes": (all green) --After "home5": (all yellow while moving, green when stopped) --Also did a "home1" (worked fine) and "home5" (worked fine). --:-- ran ACQ camera biases with Steve's code: (takes ~1 min) cd ~astronomer/acm_bias acm_bias_run 5 --:-- ran ACQ camera mirror insertion test (~10min) acq_camera_mirror_test --.-