Changes between Version 65 and Version 66 of HetProcedures/HighSpeedBib

Oct 30, 2019 5:34:47 PM (5 years ago)



  • HetProcedures/HighSpeedBib

    v65 v66  
    133133   [[Image(image001.jpg, 600px)]]
    135 You should check that the peak level in the star image is not above appoximately 200 adu (255 is the max, but the peak can vary from frame to frame). A tool that can be use for this is bibtool, which is set up to run on the (default) bmp format images from the vimbviewr gui. Here is an example of how we might view the image named 20191029_0910_9.bmp:
     135You should check that the peak level in the star image is not above appoximately 200 adu (255 is the max, but the peak can vary from frame to frame). A tool that can be use for this is bibtool, which is set up to run on the (default) bmp format images from the vimbaviewr gui. Here is an example of how we might view and measure the image named 20191029_0910_9.bmp:
    138138  [astronomer@mcs Bib]$  biblook 20191029_0910_9 bmp N
    140 The user places a circle marker around the star and enters a return . At that point the user is shown a 1-line table of values. The header indicates that the second number from the end of the line is the peak value. Here is an example:
     140Note that the image basename (20191029_0910_9) and file format (bmp) are specified as two distinct command line arguments. This was done in case the user wished to record other image formats (like tiff). The user places a circle marker around the star and enters a return . At that point the user is shown a 1-line table of values. The header indicates that the second number from the end of the line is the peak value. Here is an example:
    142142# Contents of:  midodata.2