
Source code for astropy.modeling.projections

# Licensed under a 3-clause BSD style license - see LICENSE.rst
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

Implements projections--particularly sky projections defined in WCS Paper II

All angles are set and and displayed in degrees but internally computations are
performed in radians.

.. [1] Calabretta, M.R., Greisen, E.W., 2002, A&A, 395, 1077 (Paper II)

from __future__ import (absolute_import, unicode_literals, division,

import abc

import numpy as np

from .core import Model
from .parameters import Parameter, InputParameterError

from ..utils.compat import ignored

projcodes = ['TAN', 'AZP', 'SZP', 'STG', 'SIN', 'ARC', 'ZPN', 'ZEA', 'AIR',
             'CYP', 'CEA', 'MER']

__all__ = ['Projection', 'Pix2SkyProjection', 'Sky2PixProjection',
           'Zenithal', 'Cylindrical',
           'Pix2Sky_AZP', 'Sky2Pix_AZP', 'Pix2Sky_CAR', 'Sky2Pix_CAR',
           'Pix2Sky_CEA', 'Sky2Pix_CEA', 'Pix2Sky_CYP', 'Sky2Pix_CYP',
           'Pix2Sky_MER', 'Sky2Pix_MER',
           'Pix2Sky_SIN', 'Sky2Pix_SIN', 'Pix2Sky_STG', 'Sky2Pix_STG',
           'Pix2Sky_TAN', 'Sky2Pix_TAN',

[docs]class Projection(Model): """Base class for all sky projections.""" # the radius of the projection sphere, by which x,y are scaled r0 = 180 / np.pi @abc.abstractproperty def inverse(self): """ Inverse projection--all projection models must provide an inverse. """
[docs]class Pix2SkyProjection(Projection): """Base class for all Pix2Sky projections.""" inputs = ('x', 'y') outputs = ('phi', 'theta')
[docs]class Sky2PixProjection(Projection): """Base class for all Sky2Pix projections.""" inputs = ('phi', 'theta') outputs = ('x', 'y')
[docs]class Zenithal(Projection): r"""Base class for all Zenithal projections. Zenithal (or azimuthal) projections map the sphere directly onto a plane. All zenithal projections are specified by defining the radius as a function of native latitude, :math:`R_\theta`. The pixel-to-sky transformation is defined as: .. math:: \phi &= \arg(-y, x) \\ R_\theta &= \sqrt{x^2 + y^2} and the inverse (sky-to-pixel) is defined as: .. math:: x &= R_\theta \sin \phi \\ y &= R_\theta \cos \phi """
[docs]class Pix2Sky_AZP(Pix2SkyProjection, Zenithal): r""" AZP : Zenithal perspective projection - pixel to sky. .. math:: \phi &= \arg(-y \cos \gamma, x) \\ \theta &= \left\{\genfrac{}{}{0pt}{}{\psi - \omega}{\psi + \omega + 180^{\circ}}\right. where: .. math:: \psi &= \arg(\rho, 1) \\ \omega &= \sin^{-1}\left(\frac{\rho \mu}{\sqrt{\rho^2 + 1}}\right) \\ \rho &= \frac{R}{\frac{180^{\circ}}{\pi}(\mu + 1) + y \sin \gamma} \\ R &= \sqrt{x^2 + y^2 \cos^2 \gamma} Parameters -------------- mu : float distance from point of projection to center of sphere in spherical radii, default is 0. gamma : float look angle in deg, default is 0. """ def _validate_mu(mu): if np.asarray(mu == -1).any(): raise ValueError("AZP projection is not defined for mu=-1") return mu mu = Parameter(default=0.0, setter=_validate_mu) gamma = Parameter(default=0.0, getter=np.rad2deg, setter=np.deg2rad) def __init__(self, mu=mu.default, gamma=gamma.default, **kwargs): self.check_mu(mu) # units : mu - in spherical radii, gamma - in deg # TODO: Support quantity objects here and in similar contexts super(Pix2Sky_AZP, self).__init__(mu, gamma, **kwargs)
[docs] def check_mu(self, val): if np.asarray(val == -1).any(): raise ValueError("AZP projection is not defined for mu=-1")
@property def inverse(self): return Sky2Pix_AZP(, self.gamma.value) @classmethod
[docs] def evaluate(cls, x, y, mu, gamma): phi = np.arctan2(x / np.cos(gamma), -y) r = cls._compute_r_theta(x, y, gamma) pho = r / (cls.r0 * (mu + 1) + y * np.sin(gamma)) psi = np.arctan2(1, pho) omega = np.arcsin((pho * mu) / np.sqrt(pho ** 2 + 1)) theta1 = np.rad2deg(psi - omega) theta2 = np.rad2deg(psi + omega) + 180 if np.abs(mu) < 1: if theta1 < 90 and theta1 > -90: theta = theta1 else: theta = theta2 else: # theta1dif = 90 - theta1 # theta2dif = 90 - theta2 if theta1 < theta2: theta = theta1 else: theta = theta2 phi = np.rad2deg(phi) return phi, theta
@staticmethod def _compute_r_theta(x, y, gamma): return np.sqrt(x ** 2 + y ** 2 * (np.cos(gamma)) ** 2)
[docs]class Sky2Pix_AZP(Sky2PixProjection, Zenithal): r""" AZP : Zenithal perspective projection - sky to pixel. .. math:: x &= R \sin \phi \\ y &= -R \sec \gamma \cos \theta where: .. math:: R = \frac{180^{\circ}}{\pi} \frac{(\mu + 1) \cos \theta}{(\mu + \sin \theta) + \cos \theta \cos \phi \tan \gamma} Parameters ---------- mu : float distance from point of projection to center of sphere in spherical radii, default is 0. gamma : float look angle in deg, default is 0. """ def _validate_mu(mu): if np.asarray(mu == -1).any(): raise ValueError("AZP projection is not defined for mu=-1") return mu mu = Parameter(default=0.0, setter=_validate_mu) gamma = Parameter(default=0.0, getter=np.rad2deg, setter=np.deg2rad)
[docs] def check_mu(self, val): if np.asarray(val == -1).any(): raise ValueError("AZP projection is not defined for mu=-1")
@property def inverse(self): return Pix2Sky_AZP(, self.gamma.value) @classmethod
[docs] def evaluate(cls, phi, theta, mu, gamma): phi = np.deg2rad(phi) theta = np.deg2rad(theta) r = cls._compute_r_theta(phi, theta, mu, gamma) x = r * np.sin(phi) y = (-r * np.cos(phi)) / np.cos(gamma) return x, y
@classmethod def _compute_r_theta(cls, phi, theta, mu, gamma): return ((cls.r0 * (mu + 1) * np.cos(theta)) / (mu + np.sin(theta) + np.cos(theta) * np.cos(phi) * np.tan(gamma)))
[docs]class Pix2Sky_TAN(Pix2SkyProjection, Zenithal): r""" TAN : Gnomonic projection - pixel to sky. See `Zenithal` for a definition of the full transformation. .. math:: \theta = \tan^{-1}\left(\frac{180^{\circ}}{\pi R_\theta}\right) """ @property def inverse(self): return Sky2Pix_TAN() @classmethod
[docs] def evaluate(cls, x, y): phi = np.rad2deg(np.arctan2(x, -y)) r_theta = cls._compute_r_theta(x, y) theta = np.rad2deg(np.arctan2(cls.r0, r_theta)) return phi, theta
@staticmethod def _compute_r_theta(x, y): return np.sqrt(x ** 2 + y ** 2)
[docs]class Sky2Pix_TAN(Sky2PixProjection, Zenithal): r""" TAN : Gnomonic Projection - sky to pixel. See `Zenithal` for a definition of the full transformation. .. math:: R_\theta = \frac{180^{\circ}}{\pi}\cot \theta """ @property def inverse(self): return Pix2Sky_TAN() @classmethod
[docs] def evaluate(cls, phi, theta): phi = np.deg2rad(phi) theta = np.deg2rad(theta) r_theta = cls._compute_r_theta(theta) x = np.rad2deg(r_theta * np.sin(phi)) y = -np.rad2deg(r_theta * np.cos(phi)) return x, y
@staticmethod def _compute_r_theta(theta): return 1 / np.tan(theta)
[docs]class Pix2Sky_STG(Pix2SkyProjection, Zenithal): r""" STG : Stereographic Projection - pixel to sky. See `Zenithal` for a definition of the full transformation. .. math:: \theta = 90^{\circ} - 2 \tan^{-1}\left(\frac{\pi R_\theta}{360^{\circ}}\right) """ @property def inverse(self): return Sky2Pix_STG() @classmethod
[docs] def evaluate(cls, x, y): phi = np.rad2deg(np.arctan2(x, -y)) rtheta = cls._compute_r_theta(x, y) theta = 90 - np.rad2deg(2 * np.arctan(rtheta / (2 * cls.r0))) return phi, theta
@staticmethod def _compute_r_theta(x, y): return np.sqrt(x ** 2 + y ** 2)
[docs]class Sky2Pix_STG(Sky2PixProjection, Zenithal): r""" STG : Stereographic Projection - sky to pixel. See `Zenithal` for a definition of the full transformation. .. math:: R_\theta = \frac{180^{\circ}}{\pi}\frac{2 \cos \theta}{1 + \sin \theta} """ @property def inverse(self): return Pix2Sky_STG() @classmethod
[docs] def evaluate(cls, phi, theta): phi = np.deg2rad(phi) theta = np.deg2rad(theta) r_theta = cls._compute_r_theta(theta) x = r_theta * np.sin(phi) y = -r_theta * np.cos(phi) return x, y
@classmethod def _compute_r_theta(cls, theta): return (cls.r0 * 2 * np.cos(theta)) / (1 + np.sin(theta))
[docs]class Pix2Sky_SIN(Pix2SkyProjection, Zenithal): r""" SIN : Slant orthographic projection - pixel to sky. See `Zenithal` for a definition of the full transformation. .. math:: \theta = \cos^{-1}\left(\frac{\pi}{180^{\circ}}R_\theta\right) """ @property def inverse(self): return Sky2Pix_SIN() @classmethod
[docs] def evaluate(cls, x, y): r_theta = cls._compute_r_theta(x, y) phi = np.rad2deg(np.arctan2(x, -y)) theta = np.rad2deg(np.arccos(r_theta / cls.r0)) return phi, theta
@staticmethod def _compute_r_theta(x, y): return np.sqrt(x ** 2 + y ** 2)
[docs]class Sky2Pix_SIN(Sky2PixProjection, Zenithal): r""" SIN : Slant orthographic projection - sky to pixel. See `Zenithal` for a definition of the full transformation. .. math:: R_\theta = \frac{180^{\circ}}{\pi}\cos \theta """ @property def inverse(self): return Pix2Sky_SIN() @classmethod
[docs] def evaluate(cls, phi, theta): phi = np.deg2rad(phi) theta = np.deg2rad(theta) r_theta = cls._compute_r_theta(theta) x = r_theta * np.sin(phi) y = -r_theta * np.cos(phi) return x, y
@classmethod def _compute_r_theta(cls, theta): return cls.r0 * np.cos(theta)
[docs]class Cylindrical(Projection): r"""Base class for Cylindrical projections. Cylindrical projections are so-named because the surface of projection is a cylinder. """
[docs]class Pix2Sky_CYP(Pix2SkyProjection, Cylindrical): r""" CYP : Cylindrical perspective - pixel to sky. .. math:: \phi &= \frac{x}{\lambda} \\ \theta &= \arg(1, \eta) + \sin{-1}\left(\frac{\eta \mu}{\sqrt{\eta^2 + 1}}\right) where: .. math:: \eta = \frac{\pi}{180^{\circ}}\frac{y}{\mu + \lambda} Parameters ---------- mu : float distance from center of sphere in the direction opposite the projected surface, in spherical radii, default is 0. lam : float radius of the cylinder in spherical radii, default is 0. """ def _validate_mu(mu, model): with ignored(AttributeError): # An attribute error can occur if model.lam has not been set yet if np.asarray(mu == -model.lam).any(): raise ValueError( "CYP projection is not defined for mu=-lambda") return mu def _validate_lam(lam, model): with ignored(AttributeError): # An attribute error can occur if model.lam has not been set yet if np.asarray(lam == raise ValueError( "CYP projection is not defined for mu=-lambda") return lam mu = Parameter(default=0, setter=_validate_mu) lam = Parameter(default=0, setter=_validate_lam) @property def inverse(self): return Sky2Pix_CYP(, self.lam.value) @classmethod
[docs] def evaluate(cls, x, y, mu, lam): phi = x / lam eta = y / (cls.r0 * (mu + lam)) theta = (np.arctan2(eta, 1) + np.arcsin(eta * mu / np.sqrt(eta ** 2 + 1))) return phi, np.rad2deg(theta)
[docs]class Sky2Pix_CYP(Sky2PixProjection, Cylindrical): r""" CYP : Cylindrical Perspective - sky to pixel. .. math:: x &= \lambda \phi \\ y &= \frac{180^{\circ}}{\pi}\left(\frac{\mu + \lambda}{\mu + \cos \theta}\right)\sin \theta Parameters ---------- mu : float distance from center of sphere in the direction opposite the projected surface, in spherical radii, default is 0. lam : float radius of the cylinder in spherical radii, default is 0. """ # TODO: Eliminate duplication on these def _validate_mu(mu, model): with ignored(AttributeError): if np.asarray(mu == -model.lam).any(): raise ValueError( "CYP projection is not defined for mu=-lambda") return mu def _validate_lam(lam, model): with ignored(AttributeError): if np.asarray(lam == raise ValueError( "CYP projection is not defined for mu=-lambda") return lam mu = Parameter(default=0, setter=_validate_mu) lam = Parameter(default=0, setter=_validate_lam) @property def inverse(self): return Pix2Sky_CYP(, self.lam) @classmethod
[docs] def evaluate(cls, phi, theta, mu, lam): theta = np.deg2rad(theta) x = lam * phi y = (cls.r0 * (mu + lam) / (mu + np.cos(theta))) * np.sin(theta) return x, y
[docs]class Pix2Sky_CEA(Pix2SkyProjection, Cylindrical): r""" CEA : Cylindrical equal area projection - pixel to sky. .. math:: \phi &= x \\ \theta &= \sin^{-1}\left(\frac{\pi}{180^{\circ}}\lambda y\right) Parameters ---------- lam : float radius of the cylinder in spherical radii, default is 0. """ lam = Parameter(default=1) @property def inverse(self): return Sky2Pix_CEA(self.lam) @classmethod
[docs] def evaluate(cls, x, y, lam): phi = x.copy() theta = np.rad2deg(np.arcsin(1 / cls.r0 * lam * y)) return phi, theta
[docs]class Sky2Pix_CEA(Sky2PixProjection, Cylindrical): r""" CEA: Cylindrical equal area projection - sky to pixel. .. math:: x &= \phi \\ y &= \frac{180^{\circ}}{\pi}\frac{\sin \theta}{\lambda} Parameters ---------- lam : float radius of the cylinder in spherical radii, default is 0. """ lam = Parameter(default=1) @property def inverse(self): return Pix2Sky_CEA(self.lam) @classmethod
[docs] def evaluate(cls, phi, theta, lam): x = phi.copy() theta = np.deg2rad(theta) y = cls.r0 * np.sin(theta) / lam return x, y
[docs]class Pix2Sky_CAR(Pix2SkyProjection, Cylindrical): r""" CAR: Plate carrée projection - pixel to sky. .. math:: \phi &= x \\ \theta &= y """ @property def inverse(self): return Sky2Pix_CAR() @staticmethod
[docs] def evaluate(x, y): # The intermediate variables are only used here for clarity phi = x.copy() theta = y.copy() return phi, theta
[docs]class Sky2Pix_CAR(Sky2PixProjection, Cylindrical): r""" CAR: Plate carrée projection - sky to pixel. .. math:: x &= \phi \\ y &= \theta """ @property def inverse(self): return Pix2Sky_CAR() @staticmethod
[docs] def evaluate(phi, theta): # The intermediate variables are only used here for clarity x = phi.copy() y = theta.copy() return x, y
[docs]class Pix2Sky_MER(Pix2SkyProjection, Cylindrical): r""" MER: Mercator - pixel to sky. .. math:: \phi &= x \\ \theta &= 2 \tan^{-1}\left(e^{y \pi / 180^{\circ}}\right)-90^{\circ} """ @property def inverse(self): return Sky2Pix_MER() @classmethod
[docs] def evaluate(cls, x, y): phi = x.copy() theta = np.rad2deg(2 * np.arctan(np.exp(y / cls.r0))) - 90 return phi, theta
[docs]class Sky2Pix_MER(Sky2PixProjection, Cylindrical): r""" MER: Mercator - sky to pixel. .. math:: x &= \phi \\ y &= \frac{180^{\circ}}{\pi}\ln \tan \left(\frac{90^{\circ} + \theta}{2}\right) """ @property def inverse(self): return Pix2Sky_MER() @classmethod
[docs] def evaluate(cls, phi, theta): x = phi.copy() theta = np.deg2rad(theta) y = cls.r0 * np.log(np.tan((np.pi / 2 + theta) / 2)) return x, y
[docs]class AffineTransformation2D(Model): """ Perform an affine transformation in 2 dimensions. Parameters ---------- matrix : array A 2x2 matrix specifying the linear transformation to apply to the inputs translation : array A 2D vector (given as either a 2x1 or 1x2 array) specifying a translation to apply to the inputs """ inputs = ('x', 'y') outputs = ('x', 'y') standard_broadcasting = False matrix = Parameter( setter=lambda m: AffineTransformation2D._validate_matrix(m), default=[[1.0, 0.0], [0.0, 1.0]]) translation = Parameter( setter=lambda t: AffineTransformation2D._validate_vector(t), default=[0.0, 0.0]) @property def inverse(self): """ Inverse transformation. Raises `~astropy.modeling.InputParameterError` if the transformation cannot be inverted. """ det = np.linalg.det(self.matrix.value) if det == 0: raise InputParameterError( "Transformation matrix is singular; {0} model does not " "have an inverse".format(self.__class__.__name__)) matrix = np.linalg.inv(self.matrix.value) translation =, self.translation.value) return self.__class__(matrix=matrix, translation=translation) @classmethod
[docs] def evaluate(cls, x, y, matrix, translation): """ Apply the transformation to a set of 2D Cartesian coordinates given as two lists--one for the x coordinates and one for a y coordinates--or a single coordinate pair. Parameters ---------- x, y : array, float x and y coordinates """ if x.shape != y.shape: raise ValueError("Expected input arrays to have the same shape") shape = x.shape or (1,) inarr = np.vstack([x.flatten(), y.flatten(), np.ones(x.size)]) if inarr.shape[0] != 3 or inarr.ndim != 2: raise ValueError("Incompatible input shapes") augmented_matrix = cls._create_augmented_matrix(matrix, translation) result =, inarr) x, y = result[0], result[1] x.shape = y.shape = shape return x, y
@staticmethod def _validate_matrix(matrix): """Validates that the input matrix is a 2x2 2D array.""" matrix = np.array(matrix) if matrix.shape != (2, 2): raise ValueError( "Expected transformation matrix to be a 2x2 array") return matrix @staticmethod def _validate_vector(vector): """ Validates that the translation vector is a 2D vector. This allows either a "row" vector or a "column" vector where in the latter case the resultant Numpy array has ``ndim=2`` but the shape is ``(1, 2)``. """ vector = np.array(vector) if vector.ndim == 1: vector = vector[:, np.newaxis] if vector.shape != (2, 1): raise ValueError( "Expected translation vector to be a 2 element row or column " "vector array") return vector @staticmethod def _create_augmented_matrix(matrix, translation): augmented_matrix = np.empty((3, 3), dtype=np.float) augmented_matrix[0:2, 0:2] = matrix augmented_matrix[0:2, 2:].flat = translation augmented_matrix[2] = [0, 0, 1] return augmented_matrix

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