specconf.h File Reference


Define Documentation

#define __minw__   3500.0

Minimum and maximum extents in x, y, f, wavelength of a VIRUS frame. Used to limit validity range of the polynomials that are used to fit various quantities as a function of CCD or wavelength-fiber coordinates.

Referenced by SourceSimulator::AddContSource(), SourceSimulator::AddSersicContSource(), main(), operator<<(), and operator>>().

#define __maxw__   5500.0
#define __minf__   0.0

Referenced by operator<<(), and operator>>().

#define __maxf__   2031.0

Referenced by operator<<(), and operator>>().

#define __minx__   0.0
#define __maxx__   1031.0
#define __miny__   0.0
#define __maxy__   2063.0
#define NFIBERS   448

Referenced by add_options(), and main().

#define NFIBX   20
#define NFIBY   23
#define SEARCHBORDER   1

Referenced by Measure::search().

#define _scalx_ ( _x   )     (((_x)-(__minx__))/((__maxx__)-(__minx__)))
#define _scaly_ ( _y   )     (((_y)-(__miny__))/((__maxy__)-(__miny__)))
#define _scalw_ ( _w   )     (((_w)-(__minw__))/((__maxw__)-(__minw__)))
#define _scalf_ ( _f   )     (((_f)-(__minf__))/((__maxf__)-(__minf__)))
#define __xsize__   (int(__maxx__-__minx__+1))
#define __ysize__   (int(__maxy__-__miny__+1))
#define H2_PARAM   0.12

Initial values / default values for the Gauss-Hermite coefficients of the fiber model.

Referenced by FiberModel::FiberModel().

#define FIX_H2   false
#define H3_PARAM   0.0001

Referenced by FiberModel::FiberModel().

#define FIX_H3   false
#define SIGMA_PARAM   1.8

Referenced by fit_initial_dist().

#define FIDUCIAL_FIBER   110

The fiducial fiber for fiber throughput variations: all fibers are normalized to the throughput of this fiber.

Referenced by FiberModel::FiberModel(), Measure::fit_fiberthroughput(), FiberModel::get_fiducial_amplitude(), and Measure::scale_fiberthroughput().

#define MAX_FIBER_DIST   7

Initial guess at the separation of the fibers on the CCD

Referenced by ProfExtractor::extract_profile_fit(), FiberModel::get_single_fiberflux(), and FiberModel::get_single_fiberprofile().

Generated on 4 Nov 2015 for CURE by  doxygen 1.6.1