iq_fit – image quality fitting

Image quality fit.

Fits the point-like continuum detections with the 2D Moffat distribution integrated over the fibers of the reconstructed IFU image.


The module does run, but it is not tested. Should not be used before proper tests are implemented

Reconstruct the IFU head and fit the 2D Moffat, ifucen_file, stars=None, fe_prefix='', fextract=None, wmin=None, wmax=None, Sampler=<class ''>, n_points=10000)[source]

Fit the image quality on the reconstructed IFU defined by the dither and IFU center files.


dither_file : string

name of the file defining the relative dither position, illumination and image quality

ifucen_file : string

name of the file with the position and throughput of the fibers on the IFU head

stars : None or list of 2-tuples, optional

If none, auto-detect stars on the reconstructed IFU (not implemented). Otherwise must be a list of (x, y) positions of stars on the IFU head to use for the fit

fextract : None or list of fits files, optional

if the name of the files to use for the reconstruction is not the same as the basenames in the dither file

fe_prefix : string, optional

when getting the names from the dither file, prepend fe_prefix to the basename

wmin, wmax : float, optional

min and max wavelength to use when doing the reconstruction. If None: use the min and/or max from the file

Sampler : _BaseSampler child instance, optional

type of sampler to use

n_points : int, optional

number of points to created in the sampler


best_fits : list of numpy arrays

best fit parameters from the moffat, plus FWHM. One list entry of each of the fitted stars in the IFU head [np.array(amplitude, x_0, y_0, gamma, alpha, FWHM),]



if stars is None

The fitter


Bases: astropy.modeling.functional_models.Moffat2D

The model is the 2D Moffat distribution integrated in circles.

The integration is done in a Montecarlo like approach using the points provided by the sampler instance.


sampler : instance child of _BaseSampler

sampling of a unit circle centered in (0, 0)

radius : float

fiber radius

amplitude : float

Amplitude of the model

x_0 : float

x position of the maximum of the Beta model

y_0 : float

y position of the maximum of the Beta model

gamma : float

Core width of the Beta model

alpha : float

Power index of the beta model


area (float) area of the fiber
__call__(x, y, model_set_axis=None)

Evaluate this model using the given input(s) and the parameter values that were specified when the model was instantiated.

evaluate(x, y, amplitude, x_0, y_0, gamma, alpha)[source]

Evaluate the model in x and y given the parameters. Integrates the Moffat with a Montecarlo like approach using the points from the sampler. Assumes that the sampler samples the correct radius


x, y : array-like or numeric value

input coordinate values

amplitude : float

Amplitude of the model

x_0 : float

x position of the maximum of the Beta model

y_0 : float

y position of the maximum of the Beta model

gamma : float

Core width of the Beta model

alpha : float

Power index of the beta model


z : array-like or numeric value

same type of the input x and y containing the integral of the Moffat distribution, x, y, area, *args, **kwargs)[source]

Compute the 2 dimensional integral of function func using a simple montecarlo-like integration.


func : callable

2-dimensional function to evaluate : f(x, y, *params)

x, y : nd-arrays

x and y coordinates of the points to use to compute the integral

area : float

area sampled by (x, y)

args : list

parameters to pass to the function

kwargs : dictionary

keyword parameter to pass to the function


I : float


sI : float

error on the integral

The sampler


Bases: object

Sample a circle and returns the samples of a circle centered in (x, y) and with radius r.

This is the base class and doesn’t do the sampling. It provides a get_samples() that returns the list of points for a given circle center and radius.


n_points : int

number of points to sample


Private attributes _xs and _ys should be appropriately defined in the derived classes

get_samples(x, y, r=1.0)[source]

Get the sample point for the circle centered in (x, y) with radius r


x, y : floats

center of the circle

r : float

radius of the circle


xs, ys : ndarray

points sampling the circle



Randomly sample the circle

Creates about n_points random (x, y) coordinates that sample the circle (x=0, y=0, r=1). It first creates a square with side=2*r and then removes the points outside the circle.


n_points : int

approximate number of points



Regular grid sample the circle

Creates about n_points (x, y) coordinates in a regular grid that samples the unit circle (x=0, y=0, r=1). It first creates a unit square (a=2) and then removes the points outside the circle. The actual number of points is going to be almost: round(sqrt(n_points * 4/pi)) ** 2


n_points : int

approximate number of points

Utilities, alpha)[source]

Compute the fwhm given gamma and alpha


gamma, alpha : floats or nd arrays



float or nd array

full width half max